Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 448 Famous Scene

Luther was ready to attack, but he stopped when he saw that Captain America's fangs could reach Raditz.

It was interesting to come out to save the world in the spotlight and show his prowess in front of everyone.

However, it seemed interesting to see Raditz being knocked down. Moreover, since Raditz was not really desperate, Luther's appearance seemed to lack the sense of decisiveness.

Luther's idea was to save the broken ball with one hand.

At worst, he could wait until Vegeta and Napa came.

Captain America was shocked when he heard Raditz's words.

So he mustered up his courage again, waved the shield in his hand, and launched a more fierce attack on Raditz.

Every time the shield was waved, there was a strong sound of wind, which made the surrounding air tremble. Raditz faced Captain America's attack with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

He originally thought that Captain America was already very strong, but his current performance made him look at him with new eyes.

"What's going on? Why is the combat effectiveness of this earthling increasing?"

Raditz frowned.

However, Raditz did not retreat, but rushed towards Captain America's attack.

His figure was like a flash of lightning, quickly shuttling through Captain America's attacks, sometimes appearing on Captain America's left, sometimes on his right.

His speed and strength made Captain America feel pressured.

But Captain America did not give up. With his superpower "courage", he constantly adjusted his state and tried to find Raditz's flaws. His eyes were firm and his heart was fearless. Every attack was full of strength and determination.

The air was filled with dust and tension. Every time fists and feet collided, a cloud of dust was stirred up, and every collision made the ground tremble.

Raditz's strength was amazing, his attacks were fierce and powerful, and every attack seemed to completely defeat the opponent.

Captain America, Wonder Woman and Superman fought hard, but still felt powerless.

At this moment, Captain America's shield was hit by Raditz's punch, and the shield was instantly shattered, and fragments flew everywhere.

This scene was extremely shocking and amazing.

A trace of loss and sadness flashed in Captain America's eyes.

His shield has always been his spiritual symbol, his courage and determination.

He looked at the fragments of the shield scattered on the ground, and a complex emotion surged in his heart.

That was his comrade, his companion, and his shield.

Its shattering seemed to foreshadow his end.

But at this seemingly desperate moment, Captain America straightened his back and shouted at Raditz.

"Your power is strong, but my will is stronger! I will show you that the shield can be destroyed, but the power of justice cannot be destroyed!"

He took a deep breath, straightened his back, and prepared to launch a counterattack. His eyes flashed with firm belief and fearless courage, and his power seemed to become stronger.

Raditz sneered.

"Do you think you can block my attack?"

Captain America answered firmly.

"No, I can't stop it. But justice will prevail, and I will fight to the end!"

"Your shield is strong, but your body is weaker than it."

Ratiz punched Captain America in the abdomen, causing him to bend over in pain.

However, Captain America did not fall down.

He endured the pain and looked at Raditz with a firm look.

"My body may be fragile, but my will and faith are indestructible."

He shouted and attacked Raditz with all his strength.

Raditz said, who knows what you said, shouting about justice, invincible will and then rushing up.

The key is that it is really getting stronger and stronger, and Raditz is confused.

"What's the matter with this earthling?"

Raditz looked at Superboy and Wonder Woman, they all fell down, but Captain America was still holding on.

Raditz sneered and punched Captain America in the face.

"Do you think your body can withstand my attack?"

He sneered.

Captain America had no time to respond, and a side kick suddenly attacked him. He tried to dodge, but was still kicked in the side, and bent over in pain.

"You are strong, but not enough to compete with me."

Raditz said coldly, and hit Captain America's back with another heavy punch, sending him flying several meters away.

Captain America fell heavily to the ground, his whole body in pain, almost unable to move.

But he knew that he couldn't give up. He gritted his teeth and struggled to stand up.

"You can't beat me, Raditz."

He roared, waving his fists and rushed towards Raditz.

Raditz jumped up and kicked Captain America away with a heavy kick. Captain America rolled several times in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

"Do you think you can beat me like this?"

Captain America struggled to stand up and glared at Raditz.

Raditz smiled disdainfully.

"I am surprised by your vitality, but you still can't beat me."

Captain America did not respond, he took a deep breath, and prepared to launch the final attack. He rushed towards Raditz quickly and punched him in the chest.

Raditz easily blocked the attack and hit him with a knee strike.

Captain America bent over in pain, but he did not give up and hit Raditz's abdomen with another uppercut.

Raditz grabbed his hand, and then threw Captain America into the sky with a strong swing.


Superman quickly stood up and was about to fly over to save him, after all, Captain America couldn't fly.

But his biological force field had just recovered, and he couldn't fly fast, so Raditz naturally couldn't catch him.

"Annoying bugs, one or two of them are like this, can't they just die obediently?"

Raditz was very impatient.

So he planned to destroy them completely so that they couldn't continue to bother him.

Raditz sneered, pushed out with one palm, and a powerful Qigong wave instantly condensed into shape, with the power of destroying the world, rushing straight towards Superman and Captain America.

The Qigong wave was like a bright beam of light, instantly illuminating the dim sky.

The surrounding air was instantly evaporated by the high temperature, leaving only the deafening explosion and the whistling sound of the air wave.

As the Qigong wave approached, the surrounding air seemed to be twisted by an invisible force, forming a huge energy vortex. Trees, buildings, and even the earth were shaking, as if screaming in fear.

When the Qigong wave hit Superboy and Captain America, the force instantly exploded, forming a huge shock wave. The power of this shock wave was unparalleled, as if even the sky was torn into a huge hole.

The surrounding buildings were reduced to dust under this force, and huge stones and steel bars were thrown into the air by the air wave and then smashed down fiercely.

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