Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 449 Raditz: The Earthling is Cheating!

The trees were uprooted, and the leaves were evaporated into ashes in mid-air by the high temperature.

Superman was terrified. He wanted to escape, but he couldn't. He could only watch the Qigong wave rushing towards him.

The Qigong wave was like a violent beast, exuding a sharp momentum, and was about to swallow Superman.

Just when the Qigong wave was about to hit Superman, Captain America's figure suddenly blocked in front of him.

The shield was broken, and without any protective measures, he faced the danger without hesitation.

Without the ability to fly, he could only hug Superman and use his body as a shield to protect him.

"No! Steve!!!"

Superman screamed heartbreakingly, and the blood in his body seemed to solidify. He couldn't believe that Captain America would sacrifice himself like this.

Captain America's eyes were firm and resolute, and he knew what his choice meant. He used his life as a shield to protect Superman. At the last moment of his life, there was no fear in his heart, only firmness and determination.

The Qigong wave hit Captain America's body hard, evaporating him instantly.

However, Captain America's sacrifice was not meaningless.

Although the Qigong wave was powerful, at the moment it hit Captain America, part of the energy was absorbed by his body, allowing Superman to survive.

Superman was blown to pieces by the Qigong wave, his flesh and blood flew everywhere, his bones were visible, and he was covered with scars.

His body rolled in the air, and every impact made him almost faint with pain.

His clothes were stained with blood and torn.

Raditz sneered at Superman's painful struggle and mocked him.

"You are so lucky that you can't die like this. But what if you are alive? Aren't you going to die now?"

Superman ignored Raditz's mockery, he endured the severe pain and struggled to stand up.

His eyes became firm and sharp, like two sharp blades.

He rushed towards Raditz and punched with all his strength.

This punch carried Superman's anger and sadness, as well as Captain America's faith and courage.

Raditz sneered and punched him.

The two fists collided, the air waves surged, and powerful energy burst out instantly.

Superman's fist was smashed to pieces, bloody and blurred.

But he did not retreat, he firmly believed that Captain America's spirit continued in him.

"Not really."

Luther said silently after seeing Superman's inner monologue.

It's sunlight!

Under the light of the yellow sun, Superman's cells continuously absorbed energy, and then released energy to repair his severely injured body.

Raditz and Superman's fists collided, as if two meteorites collided, and a deafening roar broke out.

Superman only felt that his fist was hit hard by a hammer, and severe pain spread throughout his body. His arm seemed to be pulled by a powerful force, and he swung back involuntarily.

"Humph, kid, your strength is still far from it."

Raditz sneered and mocked.

Raditz's power seemed endless, and every attack was like a violent storm, sweeping over.

Superman was suppressed by Raditz's power and could only passively bear his attacks.

"Hahaha, is this your strength? How disappointing!"

Raditz laughed and taunted.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom————

Seeing Superman struggling helplessly in mid-air, a cruel smile flashed in Raditz's eyes.

He suddenly retracted his fist and kicked Superman out like a football.

Superman was kicked straight out, like a flash of lightning across the sky. His body rolled in the air, and every turn was accompanied by severe pain.

His chest, back, and head were hit one after another, and each time it was like being hit hard by a hammer.

Raditz's figure flashed around Superman, and every jump was accompanied by a fierce kick. Superman was kicked dizzy, and all the bones in his body seemed to be broken.

It was like kicking him back and forth like a football.

"Damn it, how could I be so weak!" Superman roared in his heart.

Superman felt desperate. Raditz's power was too strong for him to resist.

He tried to struggle, but his body was immobile as if locked by an iron chain.

He could only watch Raditz's figure flashing in the air, and each time was accompanied by a fierce blow.

Superman's body rolled in the air, and his consciousness gradually blurred.

Pain and despair made him unable to breathe, and he felt like he was thrown into endless darkness.

Suddenly, a blazing red light flashed in Superman's eyes.

The red light was like a blazing flame, splitting the sky in two.

Raditz's attack was blocked by the red light, and his figure paused in the air.

Superman took this opportunity to twist his body and face Raditz.

His fists were clenched, and all the strength of his body was concentrated on one point.

He roared, and all the cells in his body were trembling. Under the powerful enemy of Raditz and Superman's own will, his cells changed.

The tearing cells become stronger, absorb more energy, and release more energy!

The two fists collided, and the air seemed to tremble.

Raditz and Superman's figures intertwined in mid-air, and the power collided and surged between them.

He swung a punch and directly knocked Superman out and hit a building.

Superman lay on the ground, gasping in pain. His body had reached its limit, but he knew that if he gave up, then everything would be over.

He closed his eyes, concentrated his mind, and began to draw strength from the sun.

A powerful energy surged from his body, and every cell was vibrating at a high frequency.

This power not only repaired his injuries, but also stimulated his unprecedented potential.

Suddenly, Superman felt a change in his body.

His muscles became stronger and his body became more agile.

His strength and speed were greatly improved.

He opened his eyes and saw Raditz walking towards him.

"It seems that you still have something to look at."

Raditz sneered.

Superman did not answer, he took a deep breath and jumped up from the ground.

His whole body radiated a fiery red light, and a powerful energy burst out of his body.

"What is this power?!"

Raditz looked at Superman in astonishment.

"How can you have such a powerful energy in your body!"

Raditz saw that his combat power detector soared to a number quickly!

A fiery red glow ignited in Superman's chest.

His whole body seemed to be bathed in golden sunlight, emitting a fiery glow.

Every cell in his body was releasing powerful energy, and the golden-red energy was full of light and passion, so powerful that it was awe-inspiring.

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