Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 451: Death of Raditz

However, Superboy's power was too strong, and with one blow, Raditz's body was instantly knocked away. His body drew a long parabola in the air and finally hit a mountain peak.

The mountain peak was instantly knocked out of a huge depression, causing rocks and dust to fly.

Raditz's body was deeply embedded in it, as if it had become an eternal statue.

Superboy didn't give up, he quickly rushed towards Raditz, preparing to give him the final blow. His whole body shone with dazzling light, as if connected with the sun in the sky.

He raised his fists high and slammed them to the ground. A powerful energy wave spread instantly, making the surrounding air tremble.

Wherever this energy wave went, everything was destroyed. The mountain peaks were flattened, and the sand in the desert was blown away, as if swept by an invisible storm.

Raditz struggled under the impact of this energy wave, knowing that he could no longer resist it. He was filled with unwillingness and anger, but there was nothing he could do.

"Damn it, I am Raditz..."

Raditz's combat power detector had been shattered, but even if he couldn't see it, he knew that Superboy's combat power had surpassed his own at this time.

If there is a chance to create the moon, there is still the possibility of a comeback.

It's a pity that he was careless and now he has no strength at all.

Superboy gathered all his strength and prepared to unleash a decisive attack.

His eyes shone with a fiery light, as if he was about to set the whole world on fire.

He took a deep breath, and an invisible energy began to gather around his body, as if time was about to stand still. This energy gradually increased, forming a powerful storm with Superboy as the center.

Superboy exhaled sharply and concentrated all his strength into one punch.

This punch carried the power to destroy everything, as if it was going to tear the entire world apart.

His attack sliced ​​through the air with a deafening roar.

The surrounding air was instantly squeezed into an invisible wall, pushing Superboy's attack to its peak.

Raditz felt the terror of this power and knew that he could not resist it.

He struggled to dodge, but Superboy was so fast that his attacks were nearly impossible to dodge.

Both fist and Superboy turned into a beam of light.

This beam of light was as dazzling as the sun, piercing towards Raditz with unparalleled power and speed.

The beam instantly penetrated Raditz's body, shrouding his entire body in a dazzling light.

A powerful energy was released instantly, shattering everything around it.

The sand in the desert was blown away, and the mountains in the distance were trembling slightly.

The air was filled with sparks and arcs produced by intense energy collisions, as if a devastating thunder and lightning storm was raging.

Raditz screamed in pain under the impact of this energy, and his body completely collapsed under the force.

His body instantly disappeared in the aftermath of the explosion, disappeared into the light, and turned into a puff of smoke that dissipated in the air.

Superboy slowly landed on the ground.

The war between the two sides can be said to have shocked the whole world, destroying countless cities in America and even reaching the Mojave Desert.

Wherever it passed, the sky collapsed and the earth cracked, and the mountains and rivers were broken.

Luther said that Raditz died miserably and did not even leave any last words.

"Declaration of continued Saiyan invasion is gone."

Luther shook his head.

"However, when Vegeta and the others invade directly, there will be no need to worry that no one will know what a Saiyan is. Raditz will use himself to advertise!"

Luther was satisfied.

This battle undoubtedly brought huge losses to America.

Many cities were destroyed and countless lives disappeared in an instant.

President America sat in her office, holding a report in her hands.

His face was pale, and his eyes revealed endless anxiety.

There is no way, if such a big thing happens during his tenure, even if it is a disaster from heaven, he, the president, can't even think about continuing to be president.

"We must act now or the consequences will be disastrous."

He said to the consultant standing nearby.

"Yes, President."

the advisor replied.

"We are assessing damage and developing plans to rebuild, but we need more resources to respond to this crisis."

President America sighed and rubbed her temples tiredly.

"I know, I know. I'm going to do whatever I can to get as much support as I can. At the same time, we need to strengthen our defenses to prevent this from happening again."

"We have increased the alert level and started patrols across the country."

said the consultant.

"At the same time, we have recovered the Saiyan spacecraft and studied their technology, hoping to find a way to win."

President America nodded.

"Great, keep working hard. At the same time, tell people to stay calm and we will get through this."

Meanwhile, governments and media around the world are watching the battle closely.

"This battle reminds us once again that the alien threat is real."

the UN Secretary-General said at a press conference.

"We must come together to face this challenge."

Major media outlets are also reporting on the course and impact of this battle. People are panicking, worried that they will be targeted by aliens.

Scientists and researchers from all over the world have also begun to step up their research on the technology and combat power of aliens, hoping to find a way to defeat them.

However, despite the fear and uneasiness of people, some people have begun to think about deeper issues.

"This battle has shown us the huge gap between humans and aliens."

"We need to rethink our values ​​and ways of survival in order to better meet this challenge."

Superman looked at the ruins and smoke on the battlefield, and felt a little melancholy in his heart.

He knew that his power could destroy any enemy, but he had to pay a huge price.

He felt that he was becoming more and more cold and cruel in the process, but he also knew that it was necessary. In the face of the threat of aliens, he must do everything possible to protect the future of mankind.

"Good job, Clark."

A voice suddenly appeared from behind him.


Clark only remembered at this time that he had a brother, and his brother was much stronger than himself. In this case, why didn't he take action just now?

If he took action, Steve would not die!

However, it seemed impossible for him to ask his brother to fight. What if his brother died? Raditz was so powerful and so terrifying.

Then he felt weak and fell to the ground.

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