Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 452: Quarrel

Clark lost all his superpowers and fell into weakness.

However, Luther could see that Clark's cells were growing. He brought a solar instrument that could simulate and produce more powerful yellow sun rays through the yellow sun spectrum.

This would allow Clark to recover quickly.

Other superheroes were also urgently sent to rescue by Superman Company.

Captain America Steve sacrificed, and Luther did not intervene, so naturally there was no miracle.

It was already amazing to be able to fight Raditz for so long.

The TV screen switched again, this time it was President America standing on the steps of the Capitol, with dense troops and leaders of various countries behind him.

President America raised his hand, was silent for a moment, and then began to speak.

"Today, we lost a true hero, Captain America Steve Rogers. His sacrifice bought us precious time and allowed our country to defeat the Saiyan invasion. But his spirit will always live in our hearts."

The president paused, glanced at the crowd, and then continued.

"At the same time, we must remember that without the help of Superboy and other superheroes, we might not be able to withstand the Saiyan attack. They stepped up and protected us all with their strength and courage."

The crowd burst into applause and cheers. Superboy stood in front of the Capitol and felt the support and respect of the people. He knew that he and other superheroes had lived up to people's expectations.

Then the president announced a series of measures, including strengthening the registration and management of superheroes, and increasing investment in scientific research and military power to ensure the safety of the earth. She called on the people of the country to unite and face the challenges of the future together.

When the funeral began, a light drizzle fell from the sky. Captain America's coffin was slowly carried out and placed next to the grave. People stood silently to mourn this brave and fearless hero.

President America walked slowly to the coffin, bowed his head for a moment of silence, and then gave a speech.

"Captain America Steve Rogers was a true hero who sacrificed his life to defend his country and the planet. His departure is deeply regretted by us, but his spirit will always inspire us to move forward."

As soon as the president finished speaking, thunderous applause rang out from the crowd. People walked to the grave and laid flowers and wreaths to mourn this brave hero.

Captain America's coffin was slowly placed in the grave. People watched silently, their hearts full of respect and gratitude.

Then, a group of superheroes walked to the grave and paid their last respects to Captain America. They placed a hand on the coffin and silently mourned this former teammate.

Superman also walked up and placed his hand on the coffin, with a lot of emotion in his heart.

Superman stood by the grave, tears blurring his vision. He tried to suppress his sadness, but the tears still flowed uncontrollably. He whispered, "Steve, how could you leave us like this?"

Soldier Boy frowned as he watched Superman crying.

Soldier Boy was silent for a moment, then said.

"Steve is indeed a true hero, but I don't understand why he is so selfless. He should be selfish and live for himself."

When Superboy heard this, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Soldier Boy: "Selfish? That's not Steve. He used his life to exchange precious time and opportunities for us to continue fighting. This is a true hero."

Soldier Boy sighed: "You are right. I just... it's hard to accept his departure."

The two stared at the grave silently.

Soldier Boy kept saying "Fuck! Fuck!" in his heart.

It was hard for him to accept the death of Captain America.

Everyone present felt Superboy's determination and belief. They stared at Superboy silently, their hearts full of gratitude and respect.

Soon after the funeral, a wave of superheroes swept the world. People began to worship and pursue superheroes because they saw the power and courage of superheroes. Superboy became one of the most popular and respected superheroes in the world.

However, Superboy did not become proud and complacent. He knew that the Saiyans might invade the Earth again, and he had to be prepared. He began to train harder and improve his strength and skills.

President America also highly praised and supported Superman and other superheroes.

She announced that a global superhero registration and management agency would be established to ensure that the powers of superheroes could be effectively used and regulated. She also announced a series of policies and plans to support the work of superheroes and protect their rights.

America's plan not only received support from the public, but also attracted the attention of governments around the world.

Many countries have cooperated with the United States to jointly promote the establishment of superhero registration and management agencies.

Under the leadership of President America, governments around the world began to work together to promote the development of superheroes.

President America discusses superhero plans with governments

In the meeting room of the Black Palace, President America is discussing plans to establish a global superhero league (GSL) with government representatives from all over the world.

The atmosphere was tense and heated, and the representatives expressed their opinions and had a heated discussion.

President America spoke first.

"Ladies and gentlemen, in the face of the possible invasion of Saiyans again, we must take decisive action. The Global Super Hero League is an important means for us to gather global forces and jointly deal with threats."

Prime Minister James of Great Britain responded immediately.

"President America, I fully understand your concerns. However, we must act with caution. The power of superheroes is enormous, but how to manage and control this power and prevent it from being abused is an issue we must seriously consider."

"We can't sit back and do nothing, Great Britain!"

President America roared.

"The Global Super Hero League is our only choice to fight the Saiyan threat. We must take action immediately!"

Prime Minister James of Great Britain responded without showing any weakness.

"America, you are simply crazy! The power of superheroes is uncontrollable. Do you want us to fall into a greater disaster?"

"Great Britain, you are just making trouble!"

President America roared.

"You only know how to oppose, but you don't have any constructive suggestions! The Global Super Hero League is our only choice to fight the Saiyan threat. Do you understand this!"

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