Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 453 Controversy

Prime Minister James of Great Britain also refused to back down.

"America, don't be too arrogant! The power of superheroes is powerful, but it is also dangerous. What power do you have to decide the fate of the entire world? GSL's proposal is too hasty, and we need more time to consider it!"

Little France mocked.

"You keep saying that superheroes are our only hope, but you don't even have a decent plan! GSL sounds more like a gimmick than a feasible solution!"

"President America, you are so selfish! You only consider America's safety but do not consider the interests of other countries. GSL's proposal seriously damages our national interests and I cannot accept it!"

"I only think about my own interests, but ignore the safety of the whole world. The power of superheroes is our common wealth, and it is not something you can monopolize! GSL's proposal is for the well-being of all mankind, not to satisfy your selfish desires!"

President Big Vodka also joins the fray.

"President America, don't go too far! GSL's proposal is not only unfair to Big Vodka, but may also trigger a greater crisis. You must reconsider this plan, otherwise we will have to take other measures to protect our country Safety!"

Dahe Crab also expressed his dissatisfaction.

"I agree with President Big Vodka. The GSL proposal is full of uncertainties and risks. We need more research and discussion to ensure that this plan will not have a negative impact on world peace and stability."

The heated debate intensified, with emotions on both sides reaching a fever pitch.

But in the end, with President America's persistence and efforts, government representatives from various countries reluctantly reached a consensus and decided to establish the Global Superhero League (GSL).

However, this is only a temporary compromise. There is still a long way to go, and they must face more challenges and difficulties.

The news quickly spread around the world.

In order to better manage and organize superhero forces around the world, governments of various countries have jointly established a global organization - the Global Superhero League (GSL).

This organization is composed of superheroes from all over the world, aiming to assemble superhero forces around the world to jointly deal with possible Saiyan invasion again.

At the same time, America also proposed a "superhero protection plan."

This plan provides superheroes with comprehensive protection, including but not limited to life safety, property protection, and social status improvement.

She also advocates the establishment of a special social service system for superheroes to provide psychological counseling, health management, educational support and other services to ensure that they can have a healthy and happy life while maintaining peace on earth.

America's plans have sparked a huge response around the world. People began to participate more actively in the superhero craze, hoping to contribute to the peace of the earth.

Superboy, as one of the most popular and respected superheroes in the world, has become the leader of this craze.

After President America proposed the Global Superhero Alliance and the Superhero Guarantee Plan, superheroes around the world responded enthusiastically. Many superheroes have welcomed the plan, saying it provides them with more support and security, allowing them to carry out their missions with greater peace of mind.

Superboy, one of the most popular and respected superheroes in the world, was the first to express his support for this plan.

He believes that with government support and guarantees, they will be able to better maintain peace and tranquility on earth. He also emphasized the importance of unity as the key to mankind's joint response to challenges.

In addition to Superboy, other superheroes also expressed their opinions.

The Fantastic Five, Teen Titans, and Supergirl were almost broken up and reorganized, and Superboy, Wonder Woman, and Supergirl became the new Big Three.

They all support it.

However, there are some superheroes who have reservations about this.

They fear that government interference will limit their freedom and independence.

Batgirl is a typical example. She has always maintained a low-key and independent style of acting and does not want to be too restricted by the government.

In order to address these concerns and doubts, President America and representatives of the Global Superhero League began to communicate and negotiate with these superheroes who had reservations.

They emphasized that government support and guarantees are not to deprive superheroes of their freedom and independence, but to provide them with more resources and support to better maintain peace and tranquility on the earth.

After a series of communication and consultation, most superheroes gradually eliminated their doubts and worries and began to actively participate in the Global Superhero League and Superhero Guarantee Plan.

They understand that only by uniting can we better cope with future challenges and crises.

After President America proposed the Global Superhero League and the Superhero Guarantee Plan, the response was overwhelming. A public forum on the plan was held in the city center square, attracting the attention of many citizens and media.

President America gave a speech explaining the purpose and significance of this plan.

"Superheroes are the guardians of the earth. They have made great efforts for our peace and tranquility. Now, we should provide them with more support and protection so that they can face future challenges more bravely."

Superman also gave a speech on the spot. He thanked the president and the public for their support and said that he would do his best to maintain the peace and tranquility of the earth.

"As superheroes, our responsibility is to protect mankind from evil forces. With the support and protection of the government, we will be able to better fulfill this responsibility."

However, some people have expressed concerns about this.

They expressed concerns that the government would interfere too much in the behavior of superheroes and that the government would use this plan to control superheroes.

The President of America responded to these concerns, emphasizing that the government would not interfere with the independent actions of superheroes and would only provide necessary support and protection.

He said that the government's goal is to maintain the peace and tranquility of the earth together with superheroes, rather than restricting their freedom and independence.

At the end of the speech, citizens began to ask questions.

A young girl asked Superman.

"What do you think of the government's protection plan for superheroes? Do you think it will change your lifestyle?"

Superman replied.

"I think this plan is designed to allow us to do our job better. The government's guarantee and support means we can focus more on protecting the planet and not have to worry about other trivial matters."

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