Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 46 The Emperor's Super Bodyguard

Luther naturally refused these appointments.

However, he also took the opportunity to promote the special forces hiring service of Emperor Company.

Emperor Company had already developed this business before, but everyone thought that this kind of hiring was unnecessary.

Now, Emperor Company pushed such a service to him, and they felt it was necessary.

The most acute security issue in the world today.

Emperor Company said that it is professional in this area. They are actually a security and strategic consulting company.

Don't think that it seems to be a fuss just because two mutants made such a big fuss.

These big men are more sensitive and radical than ordinary people to this kind of extraordinary injury problem!

The reason is very simple. Even if ordinary people are worried and afraid, they don't have the capital to protect their own safety. The most they can think of is to run away if they can. If they can't run, they will be a hero again in eighteen years.

But the big men are different. They have huge capital and enjoyment that ordinary people dare not even think of, so they are also very cautious about their lives.

Mutant attacks, and the constantly awakening superpowers counted by SHIELD data!

These questions were like a sledgehammer, hitting the fragile nerves of the bigwigs.

"How can ordinary bodyguards deal with the attacks of superpowers? This is the most concerned security issue at the moment, but the Emperor Company has given us the answer, super bodyguards!"

The bigwigs were all interested in watching the demonstration video. The super bodyguards were ridiculously fast and powerful. Most importantly, they were not afraid of bullets!

They could be meat shields at critical moments and could also run away with their employers.

They could see that the strength of these super bodyguards was much stronger than human enhancement technology and superhuman drugs.

So they immediately understood the ideas of the Emperor Company and what Luther meant.

That is, don't covet my technology, but I can make concessions and let these advanced technology-modified people of the Emperor Company be bodyguards to protect your safety.

Many times, words don't need to be so clear and explicit, just through behavior or other things. The bigwigs are best at this tacit way of communicating information.

The old men who were originally troubled by private ownership and their own safety suddenly felt that this was not bad, at least it solved the core conflict.

Although the price of super bodyguards is a bit expensive, for example, a C-level super bodyguard costs 10 million US dollars a year, and a B-level bodyguard costs 100 million US dollars a year!

These super bodyguards are all mass-produced transformation technologies, so naturally they have similar abilities. Luther chose the ability of the transformation people in the Korean movie "Witch".

Fast speed, strong strength, strong regeneration ability, and will only die if hit on the head, but there is no ability to control objects with telekinesis. Luther thinks that this ability can be used as a separate series of products.

Such a unique superpower will become the symbol of the Emperor Company in the future. The classification is also to stimulate consumption for those masters. They are not short of money, so they must want the best.

With such a comparison, they will not think it is too expensive.

It is not ruled out that there are also ideas to attack super bodyguards and want to study their technology to crack the Emperor Company, but that will activate the self-destruction program of the super bodyguard, which is a kind of anti-theft technology applied by Luther at the genetic level.

Although the masters are still a little unwilling to Luther's concession, the number of orders to hire super bodyguards is very large.

All the super bodyguards Luther prepared were sold out at once. Almost no one was interested in the C-level super bodyguards, and the B-level and A-level ones were out of stock.

"It seems that these people are much richer and more afraid of death than I thought."

The technology will not be obtained by outsiders and spread out, and when the time comes, these super bodyguards will return to the Imperial Company, which is equivalent to the Imperial Company using this money to help itself train cyborgs.

Even the playboy Tony Stark hired two A-level super bodyguards for Pepper Pepper and his uncle Obadiah.

Of course, after knowing the existence of superpowers, Tony Stark also began to look for ways to target them.

However, he has not yet completely entered the state of being cursed by knowledge, so it is not yet to the extent that Tony Stark can get whatever he wants.

And his thinking mode has not yet jumped out, and he is still thinking about how to study weapons with high power, high mobility, high penetration, and can be used in cities.

After all, from the perspective of superpowers, weapons with high mobility and high penetration are the most effective for them.

The matter of the super bodyguard naturally triggered another round of heated discussions, and now the hot topic has become why America doesn't hire Monarch to do routine security work?

It's just playing with public opinion, Luther can do it too.

More importantly, Galvatron and Megatron have joined forces, and the entire network is discussing this matter, which has led to the public's herd mentality being stimulated, and they have also begun to be misled and guided to think that it is a very good thing to let Monarch be responsible for routine security affairs.

Of course, America can't compromise like this. Just kidding, manipulating public opinion is just a means for them, which does not mean that they will be influenced by public opinion. The masters of this country are still those big tycoons and masters.

If they really agree to do this, then won't they have to pay a large sum of money to Monarch every year?

Routine security affairs include many aspects, and how to judge them specifically is still an unknown, especially since the national conditions in America are still very complicated.

The rule of law in each state is different, and there are also systems such as the police, the National Guard, the military, etc., not to mention the FBI.

How to measure the law enforcement power of the Monarch Company, what to do if their scope of authority overlaps with other departments, and whether to give the Monarch Company privileges, etc., there are a lot of questions.

Some people say that this is not very simple, wouldn’t it be better to just let them be responsible for super-powered terrorist attacks?

Haha, if it was really that easy, SHIELD would not have argued with the military and the National Guard so many times on this point.

Especially when this first thing was opened, it was no joke. The Monarch Company had the power of law enforcement, and many things had a name and privilege, which was equivalent to having an umbrella. What the masters care most about is of course whether their own interests will be affected.

"Public opinion is only one aspect. If it happens a few more times, it will probably be about the same."

Luther laughed. He naturally knew why America had not responded to the wishes of the people.

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