Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 47: Traveling to a New World

After Luther promoted the development of the Emperor Company, he didn't pay any more attention to it.

Galvatron will run the Emperor Company according to his operation method. In this way, even if he is away for a long time, he doesn't have to worry about any accidents.

Next, it's time to go to the new world!

That's right.

Luther plans to travel to the new world.

There is no progress in the Marvel world and the Dragon Ball world for Luther for the time being, and he doesn't want to waste time. If he basks in the sun, his cells are already full of energy, and he needs to bask in the sun imperceptibly to become stronger a little bit.

This speed of strengthening is not as good as practicing with Broly and Cucumber.

"It would be great if I could travel to a world that can solve the problem that I can't merge genes with Broly."

Luther thought so.

After all, a new world means new hope. Dragon Ball probably needs Super Dragon Ball to have hope, and Super Dragon Ball needs to be found across the universe, and he doesn't have that ability now.

"Then, travel!"

Luther activated his superpowers.

In an instant, he disappeared from the spot.

This time, the passage was much wider than the worlds of Dragon Ball and Marvel, and Luther had not become stronger during this period, so it verified Luther's idea that the size of the passage was related to the strength of the world he traveled through.

Then Luther came to the new world!

This world seemed to be no different from the earth, and the familiar Chinese signs on the streets made Luther very familiar.

"Back to my own world?"

Luther had completed monitoring the information of the whole world, and had not obtained any useful information for the time being.

However, when he asked passers-by where this place was and heard the three words "Juxia City", Luther knew what world this was.

"Super Seminary? Or the Hero Company? Or the version where a big chrysanthemum appeared in the sky at the beginning?"

Luther did not expect that he would come to the world of Super Seminary.

How to say this world, science seems to be very developed, but in fact it feels like folk science, and even feels that folk science is better than it.

However, it may be that the cosmic parameters of this world are different from those of the real world, which is why those situations occur.

"Super Seminary World... I wonder if the super gene technology can help my genes and Broly's genes?"

Luther immediately thought of this, especially the highest technological creation in the Super Seminary World - the Big Clock.

This celestial-level supercomputer is the highest technology known so far. Even the sacred knowledge treasure house of the angel civilization is not its opponent, and it is far behind.

So Luther felt that his hope might be on the Big Clock.

The problem is that Luther does not have the ability to navigate the universe now. Whether it is crossing or teleportation, he needs to have been to that place before.

Even if he wants to take action against the god of death Carl and directly snatch the Big Clock back to the Marvel Universe for Galvatron to study, he can't do it now.

"Super gene technology, this thing can be tried, the problem is who to try it?"

Luther has a super brain and an incredible memory ability, comparable to the celestial-level supercomputer in the Super Seminary. The problem is that his major is not suitable, and it is difficult for him to invade and get the knowledge he wants.


Luther thought of the idea of ​​​​taking advantage of the angel. As long as he finds a rich angel woman, he can get super gene technology and knowledge by studying her.

Now, it is probably impossible, because Holy Kesha is still there, and the angels have not fallen into trouble, so it is not good for him to get close to them.

"By the way, I have to hide my dark plane information. Fortunately, I appeared suddenly, and there should be no dark plane information left in the Super Seminary World."

Luther remembered this setting.

In the dark matter plane, there is a medium that will quietly record everyone's behavior and thinking.

Advanced civilizations will know how to collect and use this information, or intentionally erase it, and use it to place weapons or databases. For example, the Holy Knowledge Treasury is placed in the dark plane, or the super gene engine is placed. The sub-biological dark plane is similar, but it is located in the dark plane of the void.

Angels can read the past history of a person or a world, and many of them are read from the dark plane. Of course, it is more convenient to directly invade the existing database to read.

Moreover, the dark plane can store things. For example, the Holy Kesha's knowledge treasure is placed in the dark plane, and those who can access the dark plane can encrypt the private dark plane, which can prevent the information from being easily read and can also be used as a storage space.

There are many applications of the dark plane in Super God, such as dark communication, which is built on the dark plane.

Because the basic line structure is different, dark communication is higher than the general science fiction such as laser communication, quantum communication, neutrino communication and the like in terms of security and smoothness.

Super soldiers are people with super god genes, with combat capabilities and super powers beyond ordinary people. You can refer to what Morgana said, "The reason why they are called super soldiers is that they are designed to be steel bodies, even divine bodies (Leina) and invincible bodies (Sun Wukong)."

The computers used by the high-end civilizations in the Super God Academy are basically dark matter computers. They implant dark matter computers into genes. This is the so-called "divine power", that is, the gene system.

The highest-level computer in the known universe is the celestial-level computer. At present, no god should have implanted the celestial-level computer into his own genes and turned it into a gene system.

In terms of effect, dark energy is widely used. It can be said that it is the most important thing for god-level civilization and powerful aerospace civilization to traverse the interstellar space. Super soldiers can only look down on the universe by combining the power of dark energy, otherwise they will be beaten by mechas. It can be said that dark energy has forced a cheat for organic bodies, otherwise they will only be beaten by mechanical technology.

Then let's take a look at the specific application of dark energy. It can store data. If the opponent has dark data, the dark energy analyzer can be used to directly spy on the opponent's data to judge the strength standard.

The play explains that dark energy can carry out attacks such as natural elements such as fire, discharge, etc. If it is stronger, it can also do things like erosion and darkness.

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