Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 48 The Importance of the Dark Plane

Then there are gods.

This is a special point of the super-god universe.

For atheists, religious gods such as Jesus, Allah, and Buddha are all metaphysics, but spiritual sustenance and self-comfort created by humans when facing cruel reality, and they are usually disdained.

And Director Sa provides another perspective on God - God is "caused by the evolution of the times" and is the product of technological evolution.

This is the most talked about word in it, but it can be equivalent to super gene life. This is to be clear when watching this drama. The ability of these gods to surpass ordinary people can be understood as a kind of technology.

A technology built on some set physical laws, rather than illusory and elusive. This drama is a science fiction type, based on scientific fantasy.

And these super genes have built-in some different basic abilities, such as driving dark energy for their own use. Rena's various abilities to drive stars are similar, but Taotie does not have this gene.

Armored armor will also have built-in some computing clouds to assist in some slightly complex calculations, usually used to solve its own weapons. Advanced armor computing clouds will also have higher computing speeds.

But they are definitely not as good as warships like Sky Blade 7 and Demon No. 1. The strongest computing cloud is the Great Clock located in the Styx Galaxy, followed by Kesha's sacred knowledge treasure house.

There is no difference between super soldiers and divine bodies. Different civilizations call them differently. It is more appropriate to call the higher level divine bodies. The genetic emphasis of each level of super soldiers or divine bodies is different. They may be downgraded after facing different damage attacks (mainly the void engine or the God-killing Void Weapon targeting super genes).

That is, the super gene engine is destroyed, swallowed or decomposed. It may have been very hard against the Lieyan-level weapons before, and it will be inserted into the ground or pierced through the body after being downgraded.

Invincible body is a standard configuration of many third-generation super soldiers, but not all third-generation ones are invincible bodies. The sub-biological engine is a technical realization of invincible body. There is no invincible body in the strict sense. Invincible body depends on the level of attack.

Ge Xiaolun also said that he is not immortal. It depends on your definition of death. Kesha with a sacred body will also be blown to pieces in front of a supernova.

Also in Xiong 1, Taotie's Howl King described: The so-called invincible body is nothing more than based on the infinite physical light energy, relying on the super gene system of the dark plane to control the light energy reshaping, which belongs to Shenhe Technology.

The divine body is indestructible, with various antibodies and immune to radiation, and can get rid of the limit of physical death and rely on energy to maintain life.

The strength of gods and super soldiers is nothing more than super genes + super weapons + super computing power.

Then there is a simple understanding.

The super god universe is a computer, the main biological world is the visible space inside this computer, the so-called dark plane is the path space where the data inside this computer runs, and the void and anti-void are the application programs that can modify and create the background data and paths of this computer, but they are all incomplete void programs, or imperfect.

Angels or Karl Void can only modify the data and running paths of the universe computer, and cannot create new data and paths. If they follow the original path, they will be corrected by the universe computer, so they can only modify the rules for a short time.

At the beginning, Xiaolun's anti-void was to close all kinds of data running paths, anti-biology, anti-void, anti-dark energy, all of which closed all kinds of data running paths. The 0 on the computer is interpreted as off, and 1 is interpreted as on, so Ge ​​Xiaolun has the ability to suppress dark energy and biological energy.

Zhixin and Ge Xiaolun built a relatively complete void program for the computer of the universe, allowing Ge Xiaolun to create new data and running paths, so that the computer of the universe cannot be closed. This is Xiongxin.

As for how they got their weapons, the human body is a computer, and the weapon is data. It is decomposed and compressed and filled in the background and saved. When it is used, it is back to your hands after a solution and reorganization.

According to Zhixin, the real world under the eye of insight actually has a dark matter world.

The understanding here is like a picture in a computer, after being unlocked by a program, it is actually a bunch of codes, arranged in a certain order and rules.

For example, a car in real life is essentially dark matter arranged in a certain order and order.

What does a fully equipped third-generation god represent? Individuals travel the universe, with a lifespan close to eternity, dark plane computers that surpass most space civilizations, weapons with the power of star destroyers, and armor that can resist attacks from most space warships to avoid technological detection.

What is the situation with the fully equipped fourth-generation god? Celestial computers, knowledge accumulation of thousands of years of civilization, various high-tech weapons, almost impossible to be destroyed by conventional physics, and only fear the super celestial body of black holes in the universe.

The most terrifying thing about the super god system is that a qualified god can rebuild civilization in a very short time, because most of the knowledge and resources of civilization are in the hands of gods, and gods have the highest military force and survival ability of civilization. Conventional science fiction world battles are aimed at destroying planets and civilizations. How do gods in the super god system target them?

It is a double insurance for individuals and civilizations. Only when the main body of civilization and the main god of civilization are destroyed at the same time in a short period of time can the civilization be considered destroyed. Like Shenhe, the main body is destroyed, but the big clock is there, and space can be reborn at any time.

Angel civilization, Kaisha is offline, but the knowledge treasure house is there, the main body of civilization is there, and a new divine Yan is created immediately. So don’t look at the collapse of the plot and combat power of the super god in the later period, but the adaptability of this civilization system is really strong.

Put it in the Three-Body Universe, that is, encountering the restart of the universe, ordinary means cannot completely solve the super god civilization. On the contrary, if the main god is more stable, there is a chance to reach the strongest sequence in the universe.

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