Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 49 Got something

Luther's method of hiding his dark plane information is very simple, that is, the Kryptonian's omnipotent biological force field!

Of course, he felt that it was not safe enough, so he also implemented a magic information blockade.

After all, he has never been in contact with the dark plane, and Luther doesn't know how the dark plane works.

"It's still the same, let's see how the yellow sunlight in this world affects me first."

Luther mused.

There are too many mutated versions of Superman. Some mutate into a pure energy body, and some mutate into a magical Superman, all due to the influence of different sunlight, not to mention that he has now traveled through other universes!

This is very exaggerated. Who knows what impact the cross-universe sunlight will have?

Anyway, he is probably the Kryptonian who has experienced the most sunshine version, so it is normal to worry that he will lose control.

Thanks to his super brain, Luther instantly found a suitable target for his own action.

The scum hidden on earth - the ancient slayer god Sumali!

"Although Tianzha's technology has lagged behind, for me it is a breakthrough from 0 to 1. What I need is basic knowledge in this area."

Luther thought, then burst out with super speed and flying to reach Sumali's location.

Kryptonians' ability to collect information is unparalleled, but most Kryptonians will not use their super brains to analyze the huge amount of information collected by super hearing and super vision. They will only let their super brains directly filter out unnecessary information.

For a long time, the super brain only has the "wisdom" of how to fight, go up to fight, and solve all problems with fists.

Luther has been inspired by Bulma, Bulma's father and Dr. Gero in his scientific research thinking, and fully understands that a super brain needs to use or cultivate the thinking and computing power of his own brain.

Although this is boring, Luther has a lot of time, so he is happy to develop his super brain.

Now is the time to pay back. Galvatron may not have been able to search so fast, but Luther has already found the incognito Sumali.

Sumali is different from Hua Ye who only likes to play with angels. He is also open to women from the earth and has established several empires to play with.

"Mr. Su, you were great last night."

Sumali stood up, and the five young models on the bed were all awakened. Then one of the young models said coquettishly to Sumali.

Rich, generous, and good-looking, they wanted to develop a long-term relationship with Sumali.

But Sumali just smiled, gave them a sum of money and sent them away.

There are so many beauties and he is not short of money, so why should he turn around?

"You're doing well."

Suddenly a voice made Sumali's pupils shrink.

He turned around instantly, and the next moment, a hand grabbed his neck and pinned him against the wall.


The wall that was supposed to be broken became as hard as iron under the action of the biological force field. Sumali, who was pressed heavily on it, groaned and felt that her internal organs were knocked out of place.

"Is this the constitution of Tianzha?"

Luther looked at Sumali. He had just handled her gently, but Sumali, a second-generation scumbag, was almost seriously injured.

Too fragile, super warriors compared to Kryptonians and Saiyans.

I just don’t know how strong the thick-skinned Galaxy Force and Nuoxing God of War are.

"You...who...are you..."

Sumali's eyes widened and she said with difficulty.

"I'm a Kryptonian. I came to you for the angel's super genetic knowledge and technology. If you just give it to me... huh?"

Luther suddenly felt something breaking into his biological force field.

A silver dagger flew toward Luther with ripples in the air.

Wormhole transport technology? An Su silver dagger?

Luther reacted, yes, Sumali's appearance does not mean that he cannot use wormhole transport technology to counterattack.

It's just that he didn't expect Sumali to have such computing power.

The An Su silver dagger hit Luther's palm, but the biological force field completely held up the An Su silver dagger, causing Luther to hold on to the short knife.

"How is that possible!"

Sumali looked at the Ansu silver dagger caught by Luther in disbelief.

He was invincible with this short sword. He hacked to death more than a thousand female angels led by He Xi like he was chopping melons and vegetables. Even the flaming sword could be cut in half. How could anyone catch this thing with his bare hands? ? ?

"I used Qi to strengthen the biological force field to catch it. This thing is quite sharp."

Luther looked at the Ansu silver dagger in his hand with some surprise. It had a gaudy shape. If Ansu silver wasn't powerful enough, this design wouldn't be able to kill anyone at all.

"Interesting, it turns out it is this kind of atomic structure..."

However, falling into Luther's hands meant that Luther got a lot of opportunities to secretly make money.

Combining Dark Silver with Thunderbolt Steel, I wonder if this super metal can compete with the original Adamantium alloy.

"This knife looks very sharp, but it's a pity that it's of no use to me."

Luther gently inserted the Ansu silver dagger into Sumali's shoulder.


Sumali hadn't been injured for many years, and the battle was wasted, which made him cry out in pain.

But this was not over yet, because Luther gently lowered the Ansu silver dagger down, as easily as a hot knife cutting butter. Sumali's arm was cut off in front of the blade.

After Sumali was prepared, she just gritted her teeth and did not continue to scream in pain.

"Can your brain keep a secret?"

Luther began violent brainwashing. Magic was a completely untouched field for Sumali. Angels might not be able to resist it, not to mention someone like Sumali who was so many years behind in technology.

Luther didn't care what happened to Sumali, so he got a part of what he wanted from Sumali.

"It's a pity that this guy is not a civil servant among Tianzha... That's right, the smart Tianzha has been killed by the angels. If Sumali has this ability, it is impossible to be exiled even if she is in love with He Xi. "

Luther got some things, but not much, even pitifully little, because Sumali was responsible for fighting, not research, and even the super gene engine of the angel civilization at that time did not need to learn so much knowledge.

This resulted in Sumali having at most a little conceptual theory.

"What the heck, theoretical science is the most difficult to turn into practical science!"

Luther was very unhappy.

"Become An Suyin!"

So he used transformation magic to turn Sumali into a large piece of dark silver.

Of course not humanoid.

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