Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 50 Necessary Things

"When I make a deal with the angels in the future, I can trade you to He Xi."

Luther smiled and looked at the large piece of dark silver in front of him.

With so much dark silver, it should be no problem if you want the technology of the angel civilization. Holy Kesha wants to collect all the dark silver into her own treasure house of sacred knowledge.

However, he also knew that it was impossible to obtain too advanced technology and knowledge, and it was not necessarily how much the angel civilization valued this thing. There was a dark silver mine in Fraser's place.

The only reason to trade with angels is because angels are easy to talk to. Holy Kesha will not rob someone just for such a piece of hidden silver. She herself has to maintain justice and order.

If it were the Lieyang Civilization and the Demonic Civilization, they might just grab it first.

Of course Luther's strength can make them obedient, but Luther is too lazy to do that.

"Angel, the way to contact Angel is if Angel Yan comes to Angel International Group."

Luther found a suitable destination and planned to go there to guard Angel Yan.

Angel Nebula, planet Urling.

This is the planet after Tianji King Hexi retired.

"Sumali's dark energy reaction disappeared?"

When Tianji Wang Hexi was researching new things, her own space-based computing group (belonging to the celestial computer) reminded her of something.

Sumali's dark energy reaction that she had been monitoring disappeared!

This made He Xi frown. She didn't think Sumali had the guts to leave the earth, because she had said that she would send people to hunt Sumali down if Sumali took one step out of the earth.

With Sumali's current strength, any third-generation high-level angel guard can deal with him.

Then Hexi retrieved Sumali's dark plane information.

He Xi turned a blind eye to the unsightly images in the dark plane information, and then she saw that Sumali seemed to be attacked by something.

"What is this?"

Hexi frowned. She couldn't even read the dark plane information even with her space-based computing group?

She then became interested and increased the allocation of computing power to the space-based computing group. In the entire known universe, there was no way that she could read information from the dark plane. Not even the man-in-law could do it, nor could the god of death, Karl. It can only be done with a big clock.

But Karl, the God of Death, would not do this for a mere Sumali.

Because once the clues are read, it will give the man a chance to burn him.

Do you dare to interfere in the affairs of Angel Civilization and Tianzha? What do you want to do?

[The space-based system has allocated 10% of the computing power...reading...]

The super gene engine and space-based system in the body, as well as the space-based computing group in the dark plane, add up to 10% of the computing power, which is already terrifying.

Stars that are energy sources have experienced fluctuations, and solar flares have become more active.

He Xi found that even with such a huge computing power, it was still impossible to read!

[Reading failed...repeat...reading failed...]

[Reading failed...repeat...reading failed...]

[Re-read the dark plane information...Reading...Failed to read...Repeat...Failed to read...]

He Xi temporarily stopped reading.

Her other projects are still running and there is no way to allocate more computing power.

Ten percent of the computing power cannot be read. What on earth is this?

Is there such a powerful god in the known universe? Or is it Carl, the God of Death?

"Interesting,'s better not to tell her about this."

Hexi became interested, or her curiosity and thirst for knowledge as a scientific researcher had been ignited, boiling, and exploded!

If the man-in-law is informed, the man-in-law may immediately send his men to Blue Star.

But Hexi thought it would be better to go with his own clone.

In this way, even if there is a loss, it is only a clone, and you can still analyze and fight based on the intelligence that the clone has detected.

"I've decided, let the clone go. It won't take long."

He Xi asked one of his clones to go to Blue Star.

If we could go to Sumali's location, we might be able to read something.

Dark plane information cannot be sealed so perfectly, there will definitely be omissions.

Luther is not yet sure which version of the Super Seminary or Heroic Company he is in. After all, each version is different, and it can even be said to have changed a lot. For this reason, he also went to the police station in Juxia City to see Arrived policewoman Qilin.

Very good, not the policewoman Qilin who initially held a pistol and wished she could shoot people.

This Qilin can be said to be Luther's favorite Qilin. She is responsible and has a sense of responsibility. She doesn't have as many problems as Ge Xiaolun.

Even though he has a little bit of a super gene, he is still the hardest working person.

"If it's this Qilin, there aren't many versions, but you still have to look at Di Leina."

Luther thought for a moment. Di Leina had modified the model countless times just by going back and forth. The more she changed, the more ugly it became. It was not as good-looking as the model at the beginning.

Of course, the same goes for Angel Yan.

"Officer, thank you for your hard work. Let's have a cup of milk tea."

Luther entered the police station with a large pile of milk tea.

"Qilin, your handsome Lu is here again."

Then the policewoman teased Qilin who was pretending to be working seriously.

"What are you calling me? I have nothing to do with him!"

Qilin retorted, "How can you call me even if you don't even have a single horoscope?"

However, seeing Luther coming every day, Qilin didn't know what to say.

She had reached the right age, and her family wanted her to go on a blind date, and Luther was her blind date.

Qilin had a good impression of Luther at first impression. He was tall and handsome, not effeminate, strong and powerful, full of security and masculinity. According to the information given by her parents, his family was not bad, and he ran a beverage store and opened five chain stores.

Given Qilin's father's position, it can be said that Luther's family background is considered to be marrying up, although Qilin and her father didn't think so.

Luther naturally had nothing to say. He came to the Super Seminary, and he must be unbanned. He looked down on people in the Marvel world and the Dragon Ball world, but in the Super Seminary world, he must not let go of Qilin, and Dilena, who should be a super charger for him.

So he made some arrangements and got to know the policewoman Qilin.

"Qilin, it's about three o'clock, have some tea and rest."

Luther said to Qilin.

"Luther... don't come here all the time."

Qilin felt a little embarrassed. She hadn't made up her mind yet. Luther was so enthusiastic that she couldn't resist.

"I saw that everyone came here during their break so as not to interfere with official business."

Luther said with a smile.

"Are you free tonight? Let's go out for dinner together?"

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