Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 476: Tatsumi Trio

Esdeath took away the three biological Teigu and began to recruit troops.

The empire will definitely have to recruit troops again. The difference is that Luther said that she will produce her "Imperial Gear" next. In fact, it is an improved version of the armor-type Imperial Gear. Luther used his super brain to carry out the task. Improvement.

The empire recruits soldiers and improves the treatment of the army. After all, Esdeath is from the army and knows the needs of soldiers very well, so there is no need for Luther to say anything in this regard. Anyway, it is impossible for her to recruit soldiers according to the modern military system.

It was Luther who asked her to change her position in the army in a bad way.

For example, there is no military rank of marshal, and the highest military rank is "three generals."

Directly responsible to Esdeath.

"Three generals, is that too much?"

Esdeath didn't know what the three generals were, she could only understand them from her own perspective and knowledge.

"Definitely not many. These three generals are what you use to control the army. They check and balance each other and stand as three pillars. This way you don't have to worry about someone becoming a dominant force. Then there is the general, the highest position under the general. Just set up seven. Yes, Your Majesty, Seventh General."

Esdeath feels weird. There are three generals and seven admirals. Why do we have to limit the number?

"This is to allow them to compete for power and prevent them from joining together. Otherwise, the balance of power will easily become unbalanced."

Luther was talking serious nonsense.

"Don't worry about that kind of thing, I'll take care of them."

Esdeath said confidently.

"But an empire that is always in chaos and an empire that has many internal conflicts are not good things. How many people can you kill? Are you going to kill everyone in the empire?"

Luther fooled Esdeath.


Esdeath has now discovered that being a queen is really troublesome. Ernest is relaxed, but he doesn't care about things, which leads to the empire being in a mess.

Esdeath naturally didn't want to be like that guy Ernest, so this made her feel very troublesome.

Fortunately, Esdeath still has her own master.

Her master was not interested in becoming an emperor, but he was interested in cultivating a queen.

"Master, do you want to experience the pleasure and taste of being the queen of a great empire?"

Esdeath clamped her legs around Luther's waist and asked.

"What is an empress? I have experienced all the empresses. An empress is in charge of an entire galaxy. There are countless worlds in a galaxy, and there are countless countries in countless worlds that are greater and more powerful than your empire. To me, These are not worth mentioning.”

Luther said disdainfully.


Esdeath is very sensitive. I wonder if it is because Luther has entered her heart many times that Esdeath's character has begun to change, such as "possessiveness" and "desire to conquer".

Even if she is stronger than Luther now, it is impossible for her to kill Luther. She will only want to possess Luther and conquer him!

Now when she hears Luther talking about countless worlds and kingdoms, Esdeath doesn't know why she feels that Luther seems to be ethereal and might leave her at any time.

"Countless worlds, countless countries, master, will you leave me? I'm just your plaything?"

Esdeath did not doubt Luther's words. She had already seen clearly that Luther was a very arrogant person. It was impossible for such a person to lie.

"It depends on your performance. There are many kinds of playthings. Some treat them as treasures, while others discard them as if they were nothing. Which one do you think you are?"

Luther asked, lifting her chin.

"Don't worry, my master, I will become your most precious plaything."

Esdeath said with a smile.

"Then I'll wait and see."

Luther nodded slightly.

The recruitment went smoothly, and the empire was now in dire straits. Esdeath seemed to be a queen who valued military affairs over civility. In addition, Esdeath had people send recruitment flyers to the whole country in advance. So, a month later , the recruitment craze broke out.

An endless stream of people became soldiers of the empire, including the trio of Tazmi, Iyeas, and Sayu who came to the city from the countryside.

The young swordsmen who came to the imperial capital to save their villages successfully joined the army this time.

"Her Majesty the Queen is about to conquer the foreign nations in the north. We can take this opportunity to make meritorious deeds!"

Sayu said with admiration, she is a girl, of course she admires Esdeath who became the queen, which also led to many more female soldiers in the army.

Esdeath is very charming in the empire, otherwise she would not have had much civil opposition after becoming queen.

"Don't worry, Tazmi and I are very strong and we will definitely get the reward and save the village!"

Iyeas followed.

"That's right!"

Tazmi was also excited.

The three of them showed their ambitions, but they didn't expect that they would be directly selected as "Imperial Arms Envoys". Of course, they were not called that to the public, but "Royal Knights"!

"What is this Royal Knight?"

The three of them were all confused, and the officer responsible for informing them explained to them with an envious look.

"This royal knight is the first technology developed by the empire. It is said that it cracked the empire... The new equipment created by the former empire's Teigu technology, once obtained, can compete with the Teigu user, or even surpass it. You guys The three of them didn’t know what luck they had, but they were able to directly become royal knights.”

"Is that so? What is an Imperial Equipment User?"

The three of them were still confused. They came from the countryside and had never seen any Imperial Equipment Users or Minister Equipment Users. Their veteran instructor looked very powerful. He could make Tatsumi kill the first-level dangerous species in seconds.

You should know that the first-level dangerous species is the strongest dangerous species below the special dangerous species and the super dangerous species. It can be seen that the veteran is not simple.

"You don't even know the Imperial Equipment User? You must be from the countryside."

The officer was speechless and threw a booklet to them.

"Take it and read it. This is the information on various Imperial Equipment Users, Minister Equipment Users and Dangerous Species compiled by the Empire. Only officers have this information."

The officer also planned to make friends with these three future Royal Knights.

Otherwise, such information can be said to be priceless and enough to be passed down as a family heirloom. Only officers have it because it is difficult to popularize it. At present, Esdeath has established a military academy to train soldiers and officers with complete civil and military skills according to Luther's instructions.

What if there is a lack of talents and you want to break the monopoly of the nobles?

Set up a school!

"Um, sorry, we can't read."

Iyeas said with an awkward smile.

Officer: "..."

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