Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 477 Royal Knights

In the end, Tazmi, Iyeas and Sayu finally understood what a Teigu user and a vassal user are through the officer's patient explanation and the pictures and texts in the booklet.

This booklet is as thick as a Xinhua dictionary, about the same size, and the exquisite portraits are so lifelike that they are basically recognizable.

There are also portraits of a group of wanted criminals in Ernest and their crimes.

But naturally these officers would not say it because there was no need.

"Did the Royal Knight turn out to be such a powerful being? He could kill hundreds of people!"

Iyeas said excitedly.

Although the three of them seem to be very strong, they can kill the first-level dangerous species in an instant, but when faced with an army, they cannot kill a hundred people.

But each Teigu user can match an army of hundreds of people. Even Esdeath, who is obviously a supermodel, can easily deal with an army of 100,000 people by one person, and can kill them all.

So they're looking forward to it.

The next day I arrived at the Royal Knights training ground.

Then they saw there were others here.

There were too many talents in the empire during this period, and the night raid in the original plot was not developed yet. Only Najehitan betrayed, so it was not difficult to find those people in the original plot. It was just a question of whether they were suitable or not.

Fortunately, the Royal Knights are not only complete melee knights, but also have long-range attack types, for which Mayne is very suitable.

"elder sister!"

Black Tong was also here, and was very excited after seeing Red Tong.

"Black Eyes!"

Chitong didn't know what was going to happen when she came to the imperial capital as instructed. After all, she hadn't met Najiexitan yet.

Now after seeing Heitong, Chitong was shaken all of a sudden.

"Sister, we can be together in the future. We will become an assassination force that assists the Royal Knights."

Black Eyes said excitedly.


Chi Tong couldn't believe that such a good thing would happen. The sisters had never seen each other since they were separated by blood. Chi Tong never knew Black Tong's situation, and Black Tong didn't know Chi Tong's situation either.

As for the assassination force that assists the Royal Knights, Chitong doesn't care. As long as he can be with Heitong, he can do anything. And the assassination force, isn't it his specialty?

"My master, do you like those two sisters?"

Esdeath and Luther were in a nearby house. Esdeath hugged Luther from behind, rested her head on Luther's shoulder, and asked cheek to cheek.

No wonder she is so close, the main reason is who her master has found this time, almost half of them are beautiful girls.

There are also various types.

Natural Silk, Ma Yin from a foreign race, and the daughter of a loyal minister who are said to be very strong, they can actually achieve this level by exercising on their own.

The one at the back is the loyal minister's daughter who was skinned by the three beast warriors. This daughter's combat power is very strong. At least she can deal with the thieves who block her way along the way, and can also fight against the three beast warriors, although she was severely injured with just one blow.

But at least it would be awesome if such a big weapon can be wielded freely.

"You're so free."

Luther said lazily that he didn't like tragedy, so he took action to solve Heitong's physical problem. Then Heitong agreed to Luther's "withdrawal reaction challenge" in order to be able to meet Chitong.

Success survived the painful and excruciating withdrawal reaction.

Her dependence on drugs is already worse than that of many poisonous insects, but her desire to reunite with Chi Tong is stronger.

For Luther, reuniting the two sisters was just a matter of words.

"I'm very busy, but even in my busy schedule, I have to take time to see the master's masterpiece."

Esdeath said with a smile.

"Then let's take a good look."

Luther had already asked the royal knights to be given to them.

The assassination troops and the royal knights will train together and then fight together. In terms of combat effectiveness in this world, the royal knights alone can defeat thousands of troops. But if they cooperate with the assassination troops, they can defeat more than thousands of troops and even thousands of horses. It can exert functions and effects that even an army cannot.

Esdeath also pays attention to it because he knows this.

However, it is not ruled out that she is here to declare her sovereignty.

Ma Yin was very surprised that she, a foreigner, could be taken seriously. She was often bullied. When she grew up and understood why the people of the Empire bullied her, Ma Yin was able to have the idea of ​​changing the Empire. I can only speak of her thoughts. Not bad, but it’s a pity that I followed the wrong person.

Now, she was assigned to the Royal Knights, a place full of honor and status. Ma Yin didn't know what to say, but she knew that this was her only chance in this life, so she tried her best and even tried her best to train. Own.

The Royal Knight is a living Teigu, but it is controllable and will not cause erosion reactions. Luther has been castrated. Molecular castration makes it impossible for these cells to undergo new mutations and evolutions.

Then they will create the weapons they want based on each person's inner needs.

For example, Ma'in is a gun like a pumpkin cannon, Sayu is a bow and arrow, Tazmi is a big sword, and the same goes for Iyeas.

Leonai is a specialized claw-like arm gauntlet.

In addition, Akatomi's weapon was also replaced by Luther's one-hit kill Murasame. She originally used a Japanese sword weapon called "Kiriichimonji". Although it did not have the fatal effect of the Teigu Murasame, it was used by this A wound cut by a knife cannot be healed.

In cooperation with Kuroyon's March of the Dead · Eighth House, the fighting power of the two sisters is terrifying.

The training of the Royal Knights is basically resistance training and physical training, but the intensity is naturally not comparable to that of ordinary people. There is also the Queen Esdeath who appears from time to time to show her presence and spar with them by the way, so that they can understand how strong Esdeath is.

The way to control subordinates is to use both kindness and force. Esdeath doesn't understand, but she uses it very well.

"Her Majesty is really powerful. Although we are trained to protect Her Majesty, is it really necessary?"

Tatsumi asked his companions puzzledly.

"Of course it is necessary. If Her Majesty has to do everything, then we, as ministers, are not decorations?"

Main directly scolded Tatsumi and felt that his thinking was incorrect.

I don't know how this half-baked guy was selected. In comparison, his childhood sweetheart Shayou is pretty good, and the people here will not discriminate against him, which makes Main feel that this place is very good.

However, she has been conquered by Esdeath's kindness and force, and has become Esdeath's most loyal fan.

Esdeath did not react to Tatsumi's smile. She was about to turn into Luther's shape, how could she react?

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