Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 485 Flowing Water Esdeath

Chapter 485 Flowing Water Esdeath

Esdeath only felt severe pain in her arms, the ice shield was directly smashed into pieces, and the terrifying punch force blasted into her body through both arms.

She couldn't help but groan, and stepped back again and again. Every time she took a step back, a layer of ice formed under her feet.

What a terrifying physical skill!

Esdeath was horrified.

She tried to imitate Banggu's Liushuiyan Shattering Fist, trying to understand the essence and principles of this martial art.

"It's interesting."

Esdeath licked her lips, her eyes full of fighting spirit. What she liked most was a strong opponent. Only in this way could she have the motivation to become stronger.

"Then let me see if your Flowing Rock Shattering Fist can take on my move!"

Esdeath took a deep breath and clasped her hands together. The terrifying cold air quickly spread around her.

"General Binglan!"

An ice giant tens of meters tall stood up from behind Esdeath. With a wave of his hand, an ice blade hundreds of meters long condensed and slashed hard at Bangu.

The power of this move is enough to destroy a hill.

Banggu's face was solemn. He could feel the terrifying power of this move and did not dare to be careless at all.

"It's really scary, superpower."

Bang Gu feels that compared to superpowers, the advantages of martial arts are too weak.

After all, martial arts requires repeated training, and only through continuous training can a strong person emerge, but this strong person cannot compare with a person with super powers who is born with special abilities.

They can easily achieve strength that most martial artists will never be able to achieve in their lifetime.

But Banggu can naturally deal with it.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, fist shadows filled the void, and the attacks were so dense that people couldn't react in a straight line.

The two collided, making a deafening noise, and terrifying shock waves spread around.

"So strong!"

A trace of surprise flashed in Esdeath's eyes. She didn't expect Banggu to be able to take her move.

"Your physical skills are indeed very powerful, but if that's all you can do, then you'd better admit defeat."

Esdeath sneered and clasped her hands together again.

"General Binglan, Binglan descends from the sky!"

The ice giant waved his hand again, and huge icicles fell from the sky, completely covering the area where Bangu was.

The diameter of these icicles is several meters. If hit, even Banggu will be turned into pulp.

Moreover, these icicles were extremely numerous and densely packed, blocking all of Bangu's evasive routes.

"What a mess."

Banggu bypassed all the icicles in an instant and did not choose to attack head-on.

His body is not as young as it used to be. It cannot stand the stimulation of cold and is prone to rheumatism.

Bang Gu shook his head, his whole aura changed, and a more powerful aura erupted from him.

Feeling this momentum, Esdeath felt the hairs on her body stand up. She could feel a danger coming over her.

"'s just begun!"

Bangu's aura rose crazily, and his whole body turned into a stream of light and rushed towards Esdeath.

Esdeath had suffered the loss of an ice shield being instantly defeated, so he knew the characteristics of Liu Shui Jin very well.

Her learning ability is naturally very good.

The Liushuiyan Shattering Fist is not as simple as hitting hundreds of punches at once, and that would be too underestimated.

It is a flowing force that accumulates little and makes a big difference, rather than an explosive punch.

Therefore, every blow is not Banggu's full strength, but a lot of power is reserved for emergencies, and it can also store energy for the next blow.

Coupled with the special breathing method, the blood accelerates crazily, like running water, bursting out with continuous strength, allowing Banggu to launch more offensives in one breath.

Banggu was merciful for not using the more lethal tooth protruding finger, because it was a killing move, and even weirdos would be killed by this move.

But at this moment, Esdeath put on a posture and crossed his hands.

"This is?"

Bang Gu's pupils shrank and he couldn't believe it, because this was the starting move of Liushuiyan Shattering Fist!

But how is this possible? Liushuiyan Shattering Fist lacks the most important breathing method, so it is impossible to imitate it?

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The two people's attacks continued to collide, making deafening noises, and they continued to hit like a heavy rain of punches.

Banggu became more and more frightened as he fought. Esdeath was still very immature at the beginning, but later she actually kept up with his movements and speed!

Not only that, Esdeath also fought him back and forth, deflecting the all-pervasive punches he attacked. This was the most difficult part of the Liushuiyan Shattering Fist. The punches were pervasive, like running water, making it difficult to resist and parry.

Now he felt it too.

In terms of deflecting and resolving attacks, Esdeath was not very good, but in terms of all-pervasive attacks, Esdeath was very effective, and even forced Banggu, who didn't want to use his legs, to use his legs. to resist and parry Esdeath's attacks.

Hundred hits! Thousand blows!

In the blink of an eye, thousands of attacks had exchanged, and Esdeath's whole body began to overheat.

Her blood flow is accelerating crazily, in exchange for faster speed and stronger strength, but the accumulated heat will not disappear, and the body's excellent heat dissipation mechanism cannot be satisfied. This is caused by the lack of breathing methods, which limits Liushuiyan's ability to break. fist.

If you can't solve this problem, you will be stuck here for the rest of your life.

This is also the reason why Garou stole the boxing manual.

When Bang saw white gas coming out of Esdeath's body, he wanted to stop, but he found that Esdeath seemed to be completely unaffected by this heat barrier. Instead, she attacked faster and with greater strength.

"Stop it. If you keep going like this, you will burn your blood dry and die!"

Bang said hurriedly.

"Don't worry, I still have a long way to go."

Esdeath naturally noticed this change, but she was a humanoid dangerous species. In an instant, her blood reached the freezing point, but it didn't freeze into ice.

Then the insignificant heat was also lowered in temperature, and Esdeath discovered a new world.

Bang couldn't believe it. Could it be the other party's superpower?

Can superpowers do such convenient things?

After fighting for 5,000 attacks, Bang retreated.

He couldn't hold on. Even with the breathing method, he could gather heat to the attack and produce greater destructive power, but the body was still limited.

Even a body that had been tempered for thousands of times couldn't withstand the current heat.

"You win."

Banggu couldn't beat Esdeath without showing his true strength, and if he did, he wouldn't be able to hold back.

So he just admitted defeat.

Esdeath wanted to continue, but was stopped by Luther.

"Okay, that's enough."

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