Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 486 Whirlwind Iron Fist

Esdeath learned the flowing water rock crushing fist, and Luther also taught her the real flowing water rock crushing fist.

The upper limit of this kind of boxing is quite high, for example, Hungry Wolf is the best proof.

Regardless of whether it is the original version or the remake, the stronger the hungry wolf is, the more powerful his punches will be.

Physical strength is directly proportional to the power of boxing.

With Esdeath's strength, her only shortcoming is her hand-to-hand combat.

Now she has learned the Flowing Rock Shattering Fist, and combined with the breathing method of the Flowing Rock Shattering Fist, she can bring her extremely powerful body functions to another peak.

Although Bang Gu had the idea of ​​​​finding an apprentice to pass on the Flowing Rock Shattering Fist, Esdeath didn't feel good about him. Killing countless people was not so scary.

This made Bang Gu hesitate to teach. Luther didn't seem to have these problems, but he obviously lacked interest.

"Liu Shui Rock Breaking Boxing is a martial art that is based on the long-term observation of natural water flow and is created based on the force of flowing water. The strong men in this world are really interesting. That old man gave me the feeling of facing a bursting dam or impacting a waterfall. Generally, the punches are powerful.”

Esdeath thought about it as if she had found some new toy.

Because she found a way to become stronger!

"That's right, but this is not the true intention of the fist. Why can running water break rocks? It's just because of the long-lasting impact. The term dripping water can penetrate rocks. Endurance and stable explosive power are the key points..."

Luther said.

Then Esdeath felt a familiar aura appear on Luther's body, which was the blood and breathing method that she was still exploring.

"Come, let me teach you."

Luther taught step by step, just like flirting, but in fact he was giving very serious instructions, helping Esdeath push her luck, and teaching her at the same time. Esdeath learned quickly.

There was also a sound of rushing water inside her body. At this moment, she felt as if she was the river and ocean itself. Nothing could stop her, and everything she passed would become a country under the endless impact of the surging water.

Luther saw that Esdeath's biomagnetic field changed even more strangely. It actually gathered on his right hand like water flow. The magnetic field formed by the transmission of bioelectric current between cells could be artificially changed.

But it didn't matter to Luther. He was concerned about Esdeath's physical condition.

But Esdeath was a one-of-a-kind martial arts prodigy, and he successfully mastered the Flowing Rock Shattering Fist, reaching the same level as Bangu.

In terms of actual strength, the current Esdeath can probably defeat Bangu with one blow, and there is no need to resolve Bangu's defense line of Flowing Rock Shattering Fist.

"Okay, I have become stronger again, and this unpredictable way of running strength like water can actually strengthen the qi, blood and body. If the body is kept in this state without overheating or overloading, the body can also be subtly improved. , meticulous training.”

Esdeath said to Luther without reservation.

Meticulous training is very scary. No matter how humans train themselves, there will always be places that they cannot train themselves to.

But Liushuiyan Shattering Fist is different. It allows the blood to imitate water flow, a water flow that penetrates all pervasive!

Capillaries exist everywhere in the human body, which means they are pervasive.

"Let's go visit his brother Bangpu next. Master Bangpu practices Whirlwind Zanteeken. The two fists complement each other and originate from the same body. The most profound part of Whirlwind Zanteeken training is the hand sword slashing. There will be an aura bursting out in the city that can cut through gold and jade.”

Luther said.

Not only that, the combination of Whirlwind Zhante Fist and Flowing Rock Shattering Fist also creates a combo that is far more powerful than all other punches. It is considered the strongest punch in the world of One Punch Man.

"Then what are you waiting for?"

Esdeath couldn't wait.

Bump is an elderly man with a slight bald head and long hair around his head. He has an almost perfect figure with a wasp waist and ape arms, and there is an inexplicable charm in his every move.

Obviously, this is also a martial arts master, an expert who has pushed his physical ability almost to the limit.

At least now when Esdeath sees Bump, he will see that he is not some bad old man, but a very powerful master.

Every time he breathed in, the surrounding air flow moved around him, pulling the air flow for hundreds of meters.

Bump's desire to fight is not as strong as Bangu's, but he still agreed to spar with Esdeath because Esdeath said that he had just come from Bangu's side and learned the Flowing Rock Breaking Fist through fighting.


Bump didn't believe this kind of thing at first. It wasn't until he saw Esdeath's flowing water force that he casually displayed that he was shocked to realize that Esdeath's flowing force was no worse than his younger brother's. All the subtleties have been understood.

"Since you have learned Ou Doudou's skills, I would also like to see if you can learn the Whirlwind Slayer Iron Fist."

Bump became interested and did not mind the spread of martial arts. They were originally open-minded people. At the same time, they had practiced martial arts to this level. What they hoped most was to teach the martial arts concepts to their disciples and witness more dazzling achievements in them. light.

And Esdeath definitely didn't get the true inheritance, but he was so solid in the movement of Qi and blood. He was obviously the kind of genius who could understand the power of the strongest and key details from the subtleties.


Esdeath exhaled and spoke, and the blood hidden under the clothes and muscles also rose with all his strength. He used the flowing rock-breaking fist to control the blood flow and urged it to move vigorously. Undercurrent, flowing water, rapids, and explosive currents... all kinds of flow forces burst out in Esdeath's blood in detail.

After the momentum gathered to a peak, it suddenly jumped high towards Bang. The right fist hit Bang with an indomitable and heroic momentum, and the water splashed!

Bang's eyes lit up, his eyes narrowed slightly, and his expression was solemn. He carefully observed this momentum, which was an amazing blow. How could he not see the power of Esdeath's move.

Bang stroked his beard and pondered for a moment, then flashed to Esdeath's side. His left hand seemed to follow the trajectory of the breeze and came to his side in a misty moment.


Esdeath didn't expect Bang's speed to be so fast, even faster than Bang!

After all, the wind itself is better at speed and flexibility.

But Esdeath's response was even more amazing.

Her whole body flowed like water at this moment, and she actually bypassed Bump's hand.

Bump threw a punch, and the fists crossed, and waves of sharp and cold air continued to hit the surroundings. This was a coolness different from the natural wind, but more like the coldness of a knife blade close to the vital parts of the body.

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