Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 491 Get ready for the shock of knowledge!

Luther and Esdeath were both talented and bold, so they walked in without hesitation.

There are only metal pillars like pillars in the empty room, and there are no other decorations.

If I had to say that the only decoration in the room was a high platform located at the back of the room.

There is a layer of seats on top, with various luminous transistors and crystals behind the seats.

Then a dark figure sat on the seat.

Esdeath was a little surprised. This guy's body shape is different from that of the door. After all, this is a living room, not a palace, so why is the door so big?

Is it to facilitate challengers?

No size limit?

She looked at Boros, who looked similar to a human. Of course, it was just the structure, maybe everything inside was different.

Then there is an afro that makes the bald devil jealous and jealous. It is very fluffy and has a hard feeling.

Other than that, it's a very scary face.

There was only one eye on that face, and the horizontal one-eye occupied the upper half of the face, replacing the human eyes and even the position between the eyebrows and forehead. There were black lines spreading around the one-eye.

Esdeath felt a strange and weird feeling, the kind of uncanny valley effect.

You can't see much of it in the comics and animations, but it's quite scary to see Boros in real life.

Then there is a suit of armor that is very exaggerated and flashy. At least Esdeath can't see any practicality.

He wears a suit of armor with spikes on the shoulders and forearms, and a pair of matching curved boots.

In the comics, his skin under his armor is purple, with dark purple streaks on his face.

He also has a red orb on his chest and purple stripes on his belly and arms. He wore a pair of white bloomers and a magenta belt around his waist, with a purple blade inlaid with silver hanging from the belt.

Esdeath doesn't know that this is Boros' armor that seals his power, and at the same time creates a heavy gravity field to restrain the strength of his attacks. Every move and every move is weighed by tens of thousands of tons, allowing Boros to "handle it with care". Part of something.

After all, for him, 99% of materials are too fragile.

While Esdeath was observing Boros, Boros was also observing the two of them.

He has a unique, race-born powerful spiritual power and energy storage, and is very sensitive to energy induction.

The Boros race can be said to be energy-like life forms. Their race competes and survives in the harsh environment of their home planet, which gives them the best natural healing ability in the universe.

Boros is outstanding in natural healing, body functions and potential energy. As long as he concentrates his energy to greatly improve his healing ability, he can recover from fatal injuries to humans in a few seconds.

According to Boros, it can be inferred that Boros's race has strong combat power.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Boros is a mutant similar to King Frieza in the Frozen Demon.

As long as the energy is immortal, Boros will not die, which is why he and his race are energy-like life forms.

Luther planned to train aliens like Poros as his subordinates in the Empire of Mars and the Empire of Venus.

Kryptonians are not good, they are too unnatural and prone to accidents. Saiyans and one-eyed aliens can be cultivated.

Boros is very sensitive to energy and can judge the opponent's strength by directly feeling the amount of energy in his opponent's body.

In the world of Dragon Ball, it is estimated to be much more accurate than a combat power detector.

I just don’t know whether this perception is at the cellular level or more subtle.

Now, in the eyes of Boros, Esdeath is filled with three kinds of energy, red and blue, intertwined and intertwined. It is a very huge energy, but it is nothing more than this. It may be able to solve Meluza Garudo and Gloribas. But it is impossible to be Goryu Ganshupu's opponent.

The other one is Luther who looks very calm and holds his hands.

Boros couldn't feel the energy in his body.

This alone made Poros realize that Luther was definitely an opponent beyond imagination, and Goryuganshope probably died at the hands of the opponent.

"Welcome to my ship, I didn't expect you to be here so soon."

Poros stood up and walked down the steps, each step making a clanging sound.

Luther knew that he was bearing tens of thousands of tons of pressure, and that his limbs and torso were bearing it separately. In this case, he was still able to control himself from crushing the ground with one foot, which was already very impressive.

"Before the battle, let me tell you my name. I am the leader of the Dark Matter Pirates and the overlord of the universe, Boros."

Boros looked at Luther and said.


Luther nodded.

"It seems that the prophecy is somewhat true."

Boros couldn't figure out Luther's strength, which made him feel very excited and looking forward to it.

"I burned, killed and destroyed in the universe, but no one dared to stand up and resist me. I was very bored at that time."

Poros told the reason why he came here.

It can also be considered as giving your opponent time and respect to prepare.

"The fortune teller I met at that time said that there is a place called Earth far away, and there are people there who can let me enjoy peer-to-peer battles. That was 20 years ago, and it took us a long time to get here. For such a long time..."

Boros had already arrived in front of Luther. He looked at Luther condescendingly, completely ignoring Esdeath beside him.

"My subordinates all thought that prophecy was a lie just to get us out of there, but I just believed it a little bit!"

Boros said excitedly, unable to see through Luther's energy. This alone can make Boros ecstatic. At the very least, this is much more interesting than meeting a guy with unimaginable energy.

“Come and give me a little excitement in my life, I’m here for it!”

Boros finally said.

"Wait, I have a question."

Luther suddenly interrupted the impassioned Poros.

"you say?"

Poros was startled, but still said.

"It took you twenty years to come to Earth. So how many living planets have you conquered and conquered? Have you ever left the Milky Way, Overlord of the Universe?"

Luther asked with a smile.

"I have conquered more than a thousand living planets!"

Poros then said.

"Overlord of the universe, do you know how big the universe is?"

Luther shook his head.

"What's the meaning?"

Poros was puzzled.

"I guess you have never even ventured out of the Milky Way. More than a thousand living planets are nothing in the Milky Way. There are hundreds of millions of stars in the Milky Way alone. There are too many star systems that can give birth to life."

Luther snapped his fingers, and a map of the Milky Way appeared in front of the three of them.

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