Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 492: Boros's shock and determination

Boros looked at the star map in front of him.

So huge, so vast.

"The Milky Way observed by humans contains about 300 billion stars, of which about 200 billion are stars, but in fact the Milky Way has nearly 600 billion stars. Even if there is only one planet with life in one million stars, it is an astronomical number, not to mention that it is not that few."

Boros widened his eyes, and the star map in front of him made him feel extremely shocked.

He came from a race with only one planet, and his understanding of the universe was limited to their own planet and some stars around them.

Now, this star map was displayed in front of him, and he seemed to see an endless world.

"Six hundred billion stars?"

He whispered, unable to believe this number.

His race has a total population of only a few thousand, and here, the number of stars in a Milky Way is millions of times that of their entire race.

Luther looked at Boros's reaction and said lightly.

"Yes, this is just a rough estimate. In fact, the number of stars in the universe may be more or less. But in any case, this is an unattainable number for us."

"So, you see, the vastness and breadth of the universe, the more than a thousand life planets you conquered will not even make a splash in the Milky Way, so I am very curious about what you mean by the center of the universe and the universe overlord. Do you really know the concept of the center of the universe?"

Luther continued.

Esdeath looked at the star map with interest.

Boros took a deep breath and tried to digest this huge number.

He felt his vision expanding and his heart trembling. He realized how narrow and limited his previous worldview was.

At this moment, Boros's worldview was completely overturned.

He always thought that he had gone very far and conquered many planets. But now it seems that he is just looking at the sky from the bottom of the well, lacking the understanding of the real universe.

Boros was silent for a while, then answered.

"I used to think that my race was the center of the universe, and I was the strongest being in the universe."

His voice trembled a little, and it was obvious that this idea was under strong attack.

"Your viewpoint needs to be updated. First of all, no race can be considered the center of the universe. The universe is so huge that each race is just a speck of dust in it. Secondly, you think you are the strongest being in the universe, which is even more ridiculous."

Luther smiled slightly and pointed to the star map.

"There are countless galaxies in the universe, and each galaxy has countless planets. An existence like you may be powerful in a certain galaxy, but in the entire universe, you are just an insignificant part."

"The universe is constantly expanding, and the center of the universe is constantly changing. If you mean the center of civilization, then the universe is so big, what basis do you have to say that civilization is the center of the entire universe?"

The star map in Luther's hand changed again, and a galaxy larger than the Milky Way appeared.

"Galaxies larger than the Milky Way are extragalactic galaxies. Extragalactic galaxies refer to systems located outside the Milky Way and composed of billions to hundreds of billions of stars, nebulae and interstellar matter. The diameter of extragalactic galaxies generally ranges from a few thousand light years to 100,000 light years, so their volume is far greater than that of the Milky Way.

According to the appearance characteristics of extragalactic galaxies, they can be divided into three categories: elliptical galaxies, spiral galaxies and irregular galaxies. Each extragalactic galaxy is also in motion, their spatial distribution is also uneven, and galaxies exist in clusters. The Milky Way forms a group with more than 30 galaxies around it, called the Local Group.

Currently, more than billions of extragalactic galaxies have been discovered, and the most famous extragalactic galaxies include the Andromeda Galaxy, the Canes Venatici Galaxy, the Large Magellanic Cloud, the Small Magellanic Cloud and the Virgo Galaxy."

Luther continued.

"In addition to the extragalactic galaxies, there is a type of celestial system that is larger than the Milky Way, called the Laniakea Supercluster. It contains thousands of galaxy clusters and galaxy groups, covering an area of ​​about 520 million light years. The Local Group where the Milky Way is located is part of it.

The Laniakea Supercluster is a huge system composed of many galaxy clusters and galaxy groups interacting with each other through gravity. It is shaped like a long strip, and the central part contains a large number of galaxies and dark matter. Due to its huge mass and density, it is considered to be one of the largest structures in the universe."

Luther's star map became larger, almost covering the entire room.

Boros was speechless.

"In addition, we humans are constantly discovering and understanding more large celestial systems. For example, recent studies have shown that our Milky Way may belong to a larger galaxy cluster called the "Local Supercluster". This galaxy cluster contains thousands of galaxies and spans a distance of about 100 million light years."

"Even if you conquer the entire Milky Way, you are just a small galaxy overlord. The term "universe overlord" is really ridiculous and ignorant. Even if you have the technology to fly faster than the speed of light, it will take an unknown amount of time just to get out of the Milky Way."

"Your life is not infinite. Saying that you are pursuing a defeat is just shouting in your own territory. If you go out, there are countless billions of life forms. How many super life forms do you think can fight with you, and how many ultimate life forms can easily kill you?"

Luther's words were like a huge bell, and Boros could no longer hold on. He staggered and was shocked by the star map that Luther showed, which covered the entire spaceship.

"So, a world is so huge?"

Esdeath seemed to see infinite wars and strong people.

"So that's it, the universe is so huge...hahahahaha!"

Boros laughed wildly. The reason why he staggered was just because he was shocked. This was beyond his imagination. He really looked at the sky from a well and lacked common sense, just like the ancient people would not think about how big the world is, and thought that their place was the center of the world.

The situation of Boros was the same, but now, he was like Qin Shihuang who was presented with a world map by a time traveler.

"What a vast universe, how huge, such a vast universe, there must be countless strong people!"

"Then I will conquer more galaxies and become the real overlord of the universe!"

"I want my name to resound throughout the universe!"

His eyes flashed with ambition, and it was obvious that this new world had ignited the fire in his heart.

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