Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 501 The 500th chapter, please give me a reward

"This crisis has been resolved, but the next crisis will come soon!"

"This crisis was caused by a single god-level weirdo. What about the next crisis? Will more god-level weirdos appear? Or will more powerful god-level weirdos appear?"

Everyone shuddered.

Xiqi's words silenced everyone.

They had to admit that Xiqi was right.

This crisis has nearly wiped out their entire army, so what about the next crisis?

Are we going to let them die?

"Xiqi, what do you mean?"

"That's right, I plan to set up a position for SS-level heroes, and then ask the savior to join us. He is the only one who can defeat god-level monsters. If the Hero Association doesn't win over him, why not wait for other organizations to win over him?"

What Xiqi said is fair.

"So I think we should find this savior as soon as possible and let him join our Heroes Association."

Xiqi looked at everyone and said.

"Yes, it's time for the Hero Association to change. Instead of putting profits first, it should put the future of mankind first."

Capitalists are all human beings, and they quickly thought of the benefits of wooing the savior.

"I believe he must be a very powerful hero. With him in charge, there will be hope for the next crisis!"

If there is still a god-level weirdo in the next crisis, then the S-class heroes of their Hero Association will have no chance of winning.

In front of god-level monsters, S-class heroes are no different from ordinary people and will still die.

This is something that has been proven by facts, but no one expected that a god-level weirdo would appear.

They had always avoided talking about the possibility of god-level weirdos, not to mention that they had been safe for so many years, but they didn't expect that a god-level weirdo actually appeared!

But if this savior can join their side, then the situation will be completely different.

This is a very perfect plan.

If this savior is really as powerful as they imagined, then he will become the Heroes Association's most powerful weapon and may even change the structure of the entire world.

But how do you convince him to join the Heroes Association?

This is a big problem.

They all know that this savior is no ordinary person. His strength is very high. It is probably not a problem to say that he is the strongest human being and the strongest hero in the world.

Therefore, there must be a very perfect plan.

"That's what we need to talk about."

Xiqi replied.

"We need to conduct a comprehensive investigation on him, understand his background, and his purpose. Then, we can extend an invitation to him and let him become part of our hero association."

"But what if he refuses?"

A rich man asked.

"There's no way we can force him to join."

"Of course not."

Xiqi shook his head and said, just kidding, with that kind of strength, how can you force him to join?

"But we can use other methods. For example, we can provide him with the most comprehensive information and resources to help him better complete his tasks. We can share our knowledge and experience and let him know that here is where he can A place to rely on.”

Discussions about the savior also began to appear on the Hero Association's website and forums.

People speculate about his identity, his abilities, and his purpose.

At the same time, some people expressed their admiration for him and their desire for him to become a member of the Heroes Association.

But Luther was naturally too lazy to pay attention.

Saitama looked at the three people who suddenly appeared in front of him.

Oh, one of them seems to be a weirdo.

Saitama is the only one who went back in time and survived, so he knows what happened.


Esdeath looked at Saitama in confusion. With his deceptive appearance and passive "mediocre" abilities, Esdeath couldn't tell what was special about Saitama.

Boros saw powerful energy from Saitama.

In the original plot, except for Ashura and Boros, no one could see what was special about Saitama, not even Hungry Wolf and Monster King Orochi.

It's just that Asura Unicorn has danger perception, and Boros can tell that Saitama is not simple purely from the energy.

"Yes, after me, he is the strongest person on earth."

Luther nodded.

Poros became interested as soon as he heard this.

"Who are you?"

Saitama said impatiently. These three people were talking to themselves and looking at themselves with curious and surprised eyes, which made Saitama feel very uncomfortable.

"Come on, Poros."

Luther makes a cameo appearance as a trainer.

Poros punched instantly without any politeness or hesitation.

His spaceship is gone, but the huge energy reserve and Luther have restored him to the original state, so Boros is now in full condition!

Saitama did not react, or was too lazy to hide, so he was punched in the face by Boros, and then flew out, rubbing a line of fire with the ground.

"It flew away with one punch."

Boros felt something strange in his hand.

"You guys, suddenly start beating people?"

Saitama stood up angrily, seemingly unscathed except for the dust.

"Oh, I didn't expect that even a single blow from me was not hurt."

Boros got excited. If he can't defeat Luther, can he defeat you?

He attacked again without saying a word, and Saitama followed with a punch.

The punch just now had already let Saitama know the strength of Boros.


There was a thunderclap in the air, and the air exploded, forming a regional vacuum. Boros and Saitama stood separately, and Saitama's red boxing gloves were still smoking. Boros' eyes widened, and his arm fell to the ground at this time.

Saitama broke his arm with one punch!

Esdeath was even more surprised, she felt that she couldn't see Saitama clearly.

An ordinary guy actually broke Boros' arm with one punch?

"It's really surprising."

Boros looked at his broken arm, without hesitation, and directly regenerated a complete arm.

Saitama showed a surprised expression.

"Don't be surprised, this is just my racial talent, excellent regeneration ability."

Boros grinned, able to break his arm with one punch, this Saitama has surpassed all the strong men Boros has seen-except Luther.

He charged again, punching with both fists quickly, each punch was as fast as lightning. Saitama did not choose to take it head-on this time, but to dodge. Wherever Boros's fist passed, the mountains collapsed and the ground cracked. No one could stop his attack.

"Stop it, you bastard!"

Saitama clenched his fist.

"Ordinary punch!"

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