Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 502 Boros: Another monster!

"Ordinary punch!"

Saitama did not use any fancy techniques, nor did he release a powerful energy wave, just a simple punch.

However, this punch made Boros feel unprecedented pressure.

He could feel the power of Saitama's fist, which was indescribably heavy and powerful, as if it had the power to destroy everything.

Boros did not dare to be negligent, and he punched with all his strength.

The moment the two fists collided, there was a deafening sound, as if the whole world was shaking at this moment.

Boros only felt that his fist was hit by a huge mountain, and the huge force made him unable to resist.

There was a sharp pain in his fist, as if his bones were about to be broken.

But Saitama still stood there, as if the punch just now did not consume much of his strength.

Boros was shocked, and he realized that Saitama's power was far beyond his imagination.

He hurriedly wanted to dodge, but found that it was too late.

Saitama's fist had come in front of him, and the irresistible force made it impossible for him to escape.

The air seemed to explode at this moment. Boros only felt a huge impact force coming, and his body was instantly blown away. He struggled in mid-air, trying to stabilize his body, but found that it was too late.

His body began to collapse, and the cells were destroyed in an instant. His body was like a crushed watermelon, with blood and minced meat splashing everywhere.

Saitama's fist flashed with a faint light, and with a punch, the air was squeezed out instantly, forming a vortex of air flow visible to the naked eye.

His punch seemed to have a hole in the whole world.

This vortex seemed to have the power to devour everything, and everything around it was involved.

Boros' body was involved in it in mid-air, and his struggle became weak and futile.

"What... what kind of power is this?"

Boros began to doubt his life.

Luther was fine, but how could this earthling be so powerful?

He was determined to become the overlord of the universe, but he met two such powerful guys at once.

At this moment, Boros had believed what Luther said that the earth was full of monsters.

How else to explain the two monsters Luther and Saitama?

"But, it's impossible to kill me just like that!"

Boros's flesh and blood gathered together again.

Saitama was even more surprised. It was the first time he encountered a monster that could not be killed with two punches.

You should know that Saitama's usual punching power can kill dragon-level monsters. Boros is the only one in history whose armor was only exploded when he took the first punch head-on. The boastful monster King Orochi exploded with one punch and died with two punches.

And the second punch is a dragon-level ultimate punch. Whether it is dragon-level or above, it is a ultimate punch, but Boros still didn't die!

"Saitama, try this move, meteor burst!!!"

Without any hesitation, Boros directly used meteor burst after encountering Luther.

Starting with a sub-light speed punch!

Esdeath has seen the horror of this move and hurriedly walked to Luther's side.

Then, Saitama, who was originally indifferent, showed a surprised expression.

Saitama was really surprised here, probably because it was the first time he saw such a fast guy.

This is a punch of hundreds of thousands of kilometers per second!

Boros's punch was like the hottest and brightest meteor in the universe, carrying a terrifying force of sub-light speed, and slammed towards Saitama.

The destructive power of this punch has surpassed people's conventional understanding of physical attacks. It seems to be able to tear space, penetrate time, and reach the depths of the target's soul.

At the moment when Boros's fist came into contact with the air, the surrounding air seemed to be instantly heated to the extreme, forming a series of air vortices visible to the naked eye.

These vortices twisted and rolled wildly in the air, as if they were going to swallow everything around them.

At the same time, Boros's fist flashed with dazzling light, which was an indescribable light. It was both hot and cold, both destructive and creative.

Wherever the fist passed, the space seemed to be compressed instantly, and then expanded instantly, forming a series of tiny space cracks.

These cracks spread wildly in the air, as if they were going to tear the whole world apart.

And Boros's fist was the source of this disaster, and it seemed to have the power to destroy everything and reshape everything.

At this moment, time seemed to have stopped.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Boros's fist, as if this punch was the key to determining the fate of the world.

Saitama also felt unprecedented pressure. He could feel the indescribable power on Boros's fist, a power that was enough to destroy everything.

The destructive power of this punch has surpassed any attack Saitama has ever faced.

When Boros's fist touched Saitama's face, a strong air flow shock broke out in the air, as if forming an invisible air wave.

This air wave spread at an astonishing speed, instantly tearing the surrounding buildings, trees, and even the ground.

The surrounding air instantly became hot under the power of this punch, as if it was ignited.

The high temperature made the oxygen in the air extremely active, burning a sea of ​​fire.

The flames spread extremely quickly, instantly engulfing everything around, forming a sea of ​​fire.

Under the attack of this punch, Saitama seemed to be instantly blown away by a huge force.

His body drew a long arc in the air, and then slammed heavily on the ground.

The ground collapsed instantly under this blow, forming a huge pit. The ground around the pit was also constantly cracking, as if it was going to swallow everything.

The surrounding buildings collapsed instantly under the aftermath of Boros's punch and turned into ruins.

The mountains in the distance also began to collapse under the power of this punch, and a large amount of rocks and soil rolled down, forming a series of mudslides.

These mudslides rushed towards the city at an alarming speed, leaving a mess wherever they went.

Boros's punch was not only an attack on Saitama, but also a devastating blow to the entire city and the entire environment.

The power of this punch has exceeded human imagination, as if a real meteor fell, destroying everything under its power.


However, just when everyone thought that Saitama could no longer withstand this punch, he suddenly stood up from the ground.

There was no scar on his face, as if Boros's punch had not caused any harm to him.

At most, his clothes were dirty.

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