Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 520: Proud Wolf

Everyone is dumbfounded by the metal bat, why the hell does it have rebirth?

Don't be too outrageous.

Elder Centipede moved his new body, then looked at the metal bat with a grin.

"What's wrong, boy, is this not going to work?"

Elder Centipede's huge head suddenly swooped down with two sharp horns that were like knives more than ten meters long. Immediately, it lowered its head and cut the top of its head with the sharp knives' horns.

The metal bat hit his hands and rubbed them.

"Don't underestimate me, you guy, I can spend the whole day with you!"

The metal bat clenched its grip and hit the charging Elder Centipede with a stick.

But the power that could smash Elder Centipede just now was knocked away by Elder Centipede again, and the force of the rebound caused the metal bat's hands to split open and blood to flow.

"Aren't you going to take action yet, my master?"

Esdeath asked Luther in surprise what was so good about this. The metal bat had obviously reached its limit and could not be the opponent of Elder Centipede.

"Someone is helping me strengthen my future subordinates for free, why should I take action?"

Luther said with a smile.

The metal bat can increase its attack power with infinite momentum, just like the Green Hulk. Elder Centipede doesn't know how many times it can break out of its shell and be reborn, but the free tempering is still very good.

Just let the two of them grind against each other for a while, and then Esdeath will take action with Elder Centipede.

Esdeath was puzzled.

But at this moment, support from the Heroes Association finally arrived.

Metal Knight!

As one of the cards of the Hero Association, Metal Knight is still very strong, but the ones he sent were only test subjects for testing his own weapons.

At the same time, the Weird Association launched a large-scale attack on human cities.

"Report, I just received a report from the branch staff that the A-level hero King Chong was defeated by a weirdo in the city..."

This news hit Jess hard in the heart like a heavy hammer. His eyes widened, looking at the report in front of him in disbelief.

King Chong, the hero known for his strength, would be defeated by a weirdo?

However, this is just the beginning.

The following reports came like a flood, and news of the heroes' defeats reached Jace's ears one after another.

"The A-class hero Raiguang Genji encountered a weirdo in D City and failed miserably...".

"There is still no news about Metal Knight and Metal Bat. It is expected that they are still fighting with Elder Centipede..."

Every piece of news was like a sharp arrow shot into Jace's heart, making him feel heavier and heavier.

Jace punched the desk, his mood seemed to be enveloped in a haze.

Since an hour or two, monsters have been pouring into major cities around the world, and all heroes under the Hero Association have attacked. However, the news of the hero's defeat came one by one, and his heart fell into darkness step by step. .

He knew that this was an unprecedented crisis and a battle concerning the survival of mankind was quietly going on.


Another staff member spoke.

There was a trace of hesitation and uneasiness on his face.

Jace raised his head and looked at him coldly, waiting for the next bad news.

"Which hero lost again?"

"No, according to the news from the Z City branch, the S-class hero Silver Fang defeated the weirdos who invaded Z City..."

As soon as the staff member finished speaking, Jess felt a warmth rising from the bottom of his heart.

He finally heard the good news that an S-class hero successfully defeated the monster.

"Huh, it turns out that S-class heroes are more reliable."

Jace took a breath, and the haze in his heart dissipated a little. He knew that S-class heroes were their last hope, and only they could resist the attacks of these weirdos.

"Have you contacted any other S-class heroes?"

Jace asked eagerly. He needs to know the situation of other S-class heroes and whether they can withstand the monster's attack.

"Not yet, we are trying to contact them but have not heard back yet."

Jace frowned, knowing the severity of this battle. Judging from the fact that weirdos appeared at the same time, this was a premeditated invasion, but we still don’t know who is behind it?

What's the purpose?

He stood up, walked to the window, and looked at the city outside the window. The city streets were deserted, save for the occasional police car and fire truck speeding past. He knew that the city had been invaded by weirdos and people had fallen into panic and chaos.

Luther looked at the devastated city and had no interest in taking action.

No. 18 casually fired a Qigong wave to kill a running weirdo.

"The hungry wolf is actually defeating those weirdos?"

Esdeath observed the hungry wolf while bored and found that this guy was actually solving the weird people he met along the way.

"It's normal. His psychological distortion is like this."

Luther knew the hungry wolf's idea, which was to rule mankind with absolute fear. Humanity did not need heroes or weirdos. The weirdos only needed him.

So he will deal with these weirdos to test his strength or for some reason.

For a grown man to be so arrogant, I can only say it is disgusting.

"A twisted good guy?"

Esdeath looked at the hungry wolf after listening to Luther's words with interest.

If that's the case, that's pretty interesting.

In a dark and deserted corner of the city, Garou walked alone like a wild beast. His eyes revealed hunger and indifference, and his body seemed ready to pounce on any prey at any time. Suddenly, a group of monsters of various shapes appeared in his sight. Some of them had twisted bodies, some had hideous faces, and some held weapons, looking ferocious.

"Too weak, are you the monsters of the Monster Association?" Garou laughed sarcastically, his words full of disdain and contempt.

The monsters were angered by his attitude, they roared, waved their weapons and rushed towards Garou. However, in Garou's eyes, they were just a delicious meal. He quickly and agilely dodged the monsters' attacks, and then instantly attacked and tore one of them to pieces. He ate the other's meat mercilessly, as if it was a long-lost feast.

The other monsters were terrified by the scene before them. They had never seen such a cruel and powerful enemy. They tried to run away, but Garou was faster than them. He easily caught up with them, tore them apart one by one, and then devoured their flesh.

"You guy, we are all monsters, why do you hurt us!" A monster shouted angrily, but Garou just responded coldly: "Huh? Of course it's because the monsters have me enough!"

For Garou, he is no longer an ordinary human. He craves power and desires to become the most powerful existence. Therefore, he chose to become a monster to gain more power.

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