Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 521: The Monster Association

Eating monsters and feeding on them not only satisfies his hunger, but also increases his deterrence and strength.

The monsters began to realize that they were facing not only a powerful enemy, but also a monster who had completely become a beast.

They tried to unite and fight against Garou together.

However, their numbers seemed to have no effect in front of Garou. He easily tore their bodies apart, as if he was playing with a group of powerless toys.

"Damn it, I'm also a monster, and I'm helping humans?"

A monster shouted angrily.

But Garou just smiled coldly, he had no idea of ​​helping humans.

He just simply longed for power and longed to become the most powerful existence. And in this process, anyone or monster who blocked his way would become his food.

"Come together, there's only one of them, and it can't beat us!"

A monster tried to boost morale, but Garou just smiled disdainfully.

He instantly attacked and tore apart the few monsters who rushed to the front. Their bodies collapsed instantly under the attack of Garou, and they didn't even have time to scream.

"That's right!"

The other monsters were also inspired to fight, and they rushed towards Garou again.

However, this time they did not attack without any rules like before. They began to work together, some were responsible for attracting Garou's attention, and some were responsible for attacking from the side.

However, these tactics did not seem to have any effect in front of Garou. He easily dodged the attacks of the monsters, and then instantly attacked and tore them apart one by one. His speed and strength were far beyond ordinary people, as if he was an invincible existence.

"Sorry, the number of people is invalid." Garou stretched his muscles after eating and drinking.

His body seemed to become stronger and more flexible.

He felt that his strength was growing, which made him more eager to fight stronger enemies.

Finally, he came to the location of the Monster Association.

At this time, the Phoenix Man who had been monitoring him was stunned. He did not expect Garou's growth to be so terrible and abnormal.

It returned to the Monster Association first to report to the big eye that Garou had come to kill.

"Really? It seems that his talent is beyond my expectation."

Da Yanyan was also surprised at Garou's growth rate. You know, even the big snake she found didn't grow so terribly.

"It's really troublesome. I didn't expect him to come to my door, but it doesn't matter."

Da Yanyan is still very confident in the power of the Monster Association, especially those sent out to cause damage are just ordinary ghost-level and tiger-level minions, used to cover the actions of dragon-level monsters such as Elder Centipede and Haojie.

This also includes Fukiri, a member of the Sword Saint Society.

Haojie Meow Meow Harakiri and several single-person recruits should all be dragon-level.

The base of the Monster Association is under the uninhabited street in Z City.

After Garou came here, he went in without hesitation.

At the same time, Da Yanyan also felt Garou's invasion.

"Haha, Garou, you are too confident."

"Route is D-9..."

There are a total of nine entrances and exits in the underground base of the Monster Association. However, the passages connecting the nine entrances and exits are intricate and complex, like a maze. The monsters named each passage a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, and i, and supplemented them with numbers, just like the names of city streets, such as Dabei East Road and Yihuan South Road.

Of course, there are also some small entrances and exits similar to manhole covers.

"Did you actually run into Pochi? Your luck is really bad..."

Da Yanyan said.

After entering the underground, Garou soon came to a tunnel.

In this dark and long tunnel, the walls around were neatly built, smooth and hard, as if they were artificially carved.

There was a dead silence inside the tunnel, with only the ticking sound from a distance, like the sound of water dripping on some hard object, echoing in this empty space, which was chilling.

Hungry Wolf looked around vigilantly. His eyes were as sharp as a knife, and he could clearly capture every subtle movement in this dim environment.

Suddenly, several objects like car lights lit up in the darkness, emitting strange fluorescence, illuminating an area. Hungry Wolf curiously leaned over to see what it was.

At this moment, a violent roar sounded, shaking the air in the tunnel as if it was trembling.

A tall ancient beast slowly walked out of the darkness. It was huge and muscular, like a moving hill.

It was pitch black, and there were two rows of eyes like car lights on its head, flashing fiercely, staring at Hungry Wolf, as if it wanted to eat him alive.


Hungry Wolf was stunned. He looked at the beast in front of him, and an indescribable fear surged in his heart.

Although this beast looked a bit like a dog, it was much larger and more ferocious than a dog.

It exuded a suffocating pressure, making Hungry Wolf feel difficult to breathe.

Garou knew that he had met a powerful opponent.

He did not dare to be careless and quickly adjusted his state to prepare for the upcoming battle.

He took a deep breath, his body tensed as a string, ready to attack at the first opportunity.

This dog is not an ordinary dog, but a dragon-level monster, Pochi!

It has extremely strong defense and a laser cannon ejected from its mouth, which is extremely powerful.

Ryushang's strength is not possessed by all dragon-level monsters, and is even stronger than Haojie.

However, Poch did not give him this opportunity.

It opened its mouth wide, and an energy bomb took shape instantly.

The speed was so fast that the pupils of the hungry wolf's illuminated face shrank.

He clearly felt the powerful energy fluctuations, and his heart sank.

"Buzz buzz!"

Pochi's roar was deafening, as if he was provoking a hungry wolf.

The energy bomb continued to condense in Boqi's mouth, and finally turned into a dazzling light.

Hungry Wolf didn't dare to neglect, he quickly raised his hand and used his Flowing Rock Shattering Fist.

This punch condensed all his strength, and he hoped to use it to knock Pochi's energy bomb away.


At the moment when the energy bomb was about to hit the hungry wolf, his fist hit the energy bomb hard.

In an instant, the dazzling energy was blown away and landed on the wall.

With a deafening explosion, the entire passage shook. In an instant, a large area of ​​the passage collapsed, revealing a large crater around it.

The hungry wolf took the opportunity to jump away to avoid being affected.

He looked at Pochi in front of him and couldn't help but feel a sense of fear in his heart.

If I hadn't reacted in time, I might have been dead or disabled just now.

"Hmph, it is indeed a weirdo association, a watchdog is so strong."

The hungry wolf sneered.

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