Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 533: Luther Town God!

It is not surprising that Garou is targeted by the gods.

His obsession has supported him to this point.

In terms of strength, Garou is now Boros after the armor burst, and even stronger.

But Esdeath is no longer the same Esdeath. She has also become much stronger, and the difference is still at the dimensional level.

Esdeath with 10% output can already reach the level of the monster king Orochi.

God can be said to be the most mysterious guy in the world of One-Hit Man.

If Boros and Garou are defined as god-level monsters, there are still doubts and arguments, for example, there are no god-level monsters when there is the bald devil.

But God can be said to be a stable god-level monster!

"Shut up, I will confiscate it. Your power, your life, all confiscated."

This is what God says most often.

He is a mysterious character, suspected to come from a higher dimension, and will give some people powerful power, such as the remake of Garou and Wandering Emperor, who are called "God" by many characters.

It seems to hate humans, which can be seen from the fact that he gave Wandering Emperor the power of the light ball to let him do "what he should do" (destroy humans) and the cosmic rays that come with the "cosmic fear mode" of the remake of Garou.

The voice can only be heard by those who should hear it, that is, those who are chosen by the "God" to give power.

At the same time, it will also control the consciousness of the person who gives power to a certain extent, see the remake of Garou for details.

The disaster level is unknown, at least above the dragon level, after all, the disaster level of those who are given power by it is all at the dragon level.

Wang Dashe once found a temple deep underground, because only a small part of the mural at the altar of the temple was exposed at that time, and Wang Dashe mistakenly believed that he was the god who would be resurrected on Earth (the original words on the mural: We gods will cross the long river of time and be resurrected on the earth, and then we need to offer the most suitable living sacrifice on this altar).

After being defeated by Saitama, the murals were fully revealed because the stone walls around the temple collapsed. Orochi realized that he was the sacrifice, the sacrifice for the resurrection of the "God".

In the remake, "God" disguised as Blast appeared in front of the unconscious Tornado, trying to make Tornado accept his power, but Tornado always remembered what Blast said to her, so she refused, and God disappeared.

In the remake, he appeared in the spiritual world of Garou disguised as Bang, and stretched out his hand to make Garou, who couldn't beat Saitama, accept his power. Garou slapped the hand of Bang transformed by "God" and directly refused, but because he had already touched it, Garou still gained the power of "God".

Luther is still quite interested in God, and God can't hide from Luther's eyes.

After all, in terms of strength, Luther has become super-dimensional after his rebirth, and can cross dimensions and even the world and the universe at will, and has the power of "transcendence".

God is just the overlord of this world, and may not even be the overlord, because ONE will not let any creature or existence be stronger than Saitama.

Judging from what the gods often say and what is written on the murals, they are likely to be guys like Yhwach who have the power of sharing and then take away the capital and interest.

Esdeath also noticed something, and the air sensed that some powerful existence had descended!

"What is it?"

Esdeath frowned, what an evil air!

Garou is now trapped in the spiritual maze carefully woven by the gods.

Everything around him became blurry and blurred, as if he was in a fantasy world that was completely different from the real world. He saw a familiar figure-Bang, the kind teacher, who was reaching out to him, trying to pull him back from the abyss of darkness.

However, Garou refused.

The obsession and anger in his heart were like a blazing flame, making him unable to break free from his shackles and unable to accept anyone's salvation. He firmly believed that his path was correct, even if it was full of thorns and bumps.

Just as Garou struggled, a powerful force surged into his body. That was the power of the gods, which surged like a torrent, making Garou feel unprecedented power.

His body seemed to be reshaped by this power, becoming tougher and stronger.

However, the source of this power is a mystery.

In the original version, whether Garou has obtained the power of God has always been an unknown.

When he said "Thank you so much", it is unclear whether he was expressing gratitude to God or Saitama.

After all, Garou's personality is complex and contradictory. He has a strong sense of justice and a bottomless dark side.

As the power of God flows in Garou's body, his appearance has also changed dramatically.

The shell that was once a demon began to shatter, revealing the well-proportioned and strong body inside. His face became extremely empty, his facial features disappeared, and only a brilliant galaxy could be seen.

This galaxy seemed to be a miniature universe, full of mystery and depth.

Garou's body also changed under the influence of this power.

His body is no longer a simple flesh and blood body, but has turned into a universe with countless stars.

Each star shines with a unique light, as if telling its own story. These stars are closely connected to Garou's consciousness, allowing him to feel the pulse and breath of all things in the universe.

As Garou's body gradually merges with the universe, his strength and speed also reach unprecedented heights.

He can easily travel through time and space, and can even manipulate the stars in the universe for his own use.

This power makes him a true god, who can overlook all living beings and decide the fate of all things.

Esdeath's pupils shrank, and for the first time she felt what danger was from the hungry wolf.

At the same time, Luther's hand reached out to the "god" standing in the endless light with an extremely firm attitude. The god, originally immersed in his own glory, seemed to be above all living beings, omniscient and omnipotent.

However, under Luther's deep eyes and decisive actions, it suddenly felt unprecedented fear.

After the god noticed Luther's actions, an indescribable panic emerged in its heart. It wanted to break free from the dimension and time and space that bound it, and escape from this man who seemed to threaten its existence.

It began to vibrate its own energy, trying to tear apart the surrounding shackles, like a frightened bird, eager to escape from this dangerous sky.

However, Luther's hand was like the Buddha's kingdom in the palm of his hand. No matter how the gods struggled or resisted, they could never escape the suppression of the Five Finger Mountain.

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