Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 534: Cosmic Hungry Wolf

Luther's fingers seemed to have turned into five towering mountains, trapping the god firmly in them.

The power of the god seemed so insignificant under the Five Fingers Mountain, as if he was just a Monkey King pressed under the Five Fingers Mountain, unable to resist and could only let fate take its course.

The eyes of the god flashed with unwillingness and despair. It used to be so high above, but now it was struggling to survive in the hands of this mortal.

Luther's palm seemed to have turned into an endless world, imprisoning the god in it, making it feel the bondage and oppression it had never experienced before.

The power of the god dissipated in this palm of the Buddha Kingdom, just like Monkey King was pressed under the Five Fingers Mountain for five hundred years, and his power was lost, leaving only endless despair and pain.

And Luther, he seemed to have become the Buddha who dominated everything. There was no mercy and sympathy in his eyes, only firmness and decisiveness.

The god in his hand was like Monkey King pressed under the Five Fingers Mountain. No matter how he struggled, he could not escape the fate of repression.

The roar of the god echoed in Luther's palm, and its struggle became weaker and weaker, and finally only a weak whine remained.

Luther's palm slowly tightened, as if telling the god that no matter how glorious and powerful it had been, it was now just a plaything in his hand.

At this moment, the entire universe seemed to fall into silence, with only Luther's calm and firm eyes and the god's desperate whine intertwined.

At this moment, Luther seemed to have become Zhen Yuanzi, and there seemed to be a world hidden in his sleeves, trapping the god firmly in it.

At this moment, the entire universe seemed to be shocked, and Luther's power like that of the Tathagata Buddha amazed all living beings.

And Luther, he just stood there quietly, as if everything was under his control.

There was a deep light flashing in his eyes, as if telling all living beings that he was the real master of this universe.

Of course, it was not so exaggerated in reality. The above were all the gods' own imaginations. For Luther, he just suppressed the gods.

What effort does it take to suppress a god?

It's just a god who hasn't stepped out of his own world.

The situation of Esdeath below is worth paying attention to.

After Garou became the Cosmic Garou, when Garou showed the power of the universe for the first time, the mighty force that seemed to collapse the sky and split the earth made Esdeath feel palpitations involuntarily.

It was a feeling she had never had before, like facing an insurmountable gap, which made her deeply doubt her own strength.

However, Esdeath is Esdeath after all, and she will not give up because of a setback.

She instantly released 100% of her Qi, and the powerful force seemed to tear the entire universe apart. Her body seemed to collapse under the impact of this force, but she gritted her teeth and persisted.

At this moment, Esdeath was like a burning fireball, and her breath was as violent as a storm, making it impossible for people to look directly at her. Her strength reached its peak at this moment, as if she could rival any cosmic-level strongman.

It's like King Frieza chose to seal because his energy was too strong and his body couldn't adapt.

Qi is a very powerful energy. Luther is okay, because he is a Kryptonian. His crazy steel body and biological force field make his Qi feel powerful.

Esdeath has a lot of Qi in one step, and the strength is very high, so she also feels that her body can't bear it. Usually, she won't release her Qi with all her strength, because she hasn't practiced the way Luther taught her to strengthen her body to a great extent.

But Esdeath with 100% output is already an extremely powerful existence. It's no problem for her to be comparable to Boros with meteor burst, except that she may not be as fast as Boros.

Even if it is the attack of the Collapsing Star Roaring Cannon, Esdeath may defeat Boros!

Garou caught a punch from Esdeath in this state.

Then he punched Esdeath in return!

Boom boom boom——————

Two powerful forces collided in the air, making a deafening roar.

A white line rushed away, and the flying sand and rocks on both sides were like waves on the sea, splashed by the speeding speedboat.

Not to be outdone, Esdeath used her left hand to punch in time, swinging it with the speed of thunder, and colliding with Garou's fist.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be still.

The powerful shock wave swept down in all directions with the two of them as the center.

Looking down from a high altitude, you can see that the circle of dust is constantly expanding, and finally it has set off an endless hurricane.

This hurricane swept everything, including the surrounding buildings and trees, forming a spectacular scene.

Esdeath and Garou maintained a fist-to-fist posture, their bodies seemed to have become the pillars supporting the universe, and the powerful force seemed to crush the entire universe.

Their physiques became tougher under the powerful force, as if they were indestructible steel bodies.

The terrifying force flowed into the ground through their bodies, tearing the rock deep underground in half, triggering an earth-shattering earthquake.

Esdeath was even quicker and punched Garou in the cheek.

The same is true for Garou. Now Garou understands the flow and operation of power in the universe. He can use various forms of energy in the universe and has developed a terrible boxing technique - "All Life Rooting Fist".

He cannot understand Esdeath's power, but he does not rule out the possibility of learning it.

Esdeath was punched in the cheek by Garou, and both of them flew out.

However, Esdeath quickly stabilized her body. After learning to fly, Esdeath did not need to adjust her center of gravity and balance, and there was no flaw to catch.

Garou flew far away like a skipping stone before stopping.

"What a powerful punch."

The galaxy on Garou's face seemed to be split.

Then he suddenly realized something and put his hands in a spinning posture.

"Then come and see this move!"

"Nuclear fission straight punch!"

Nuclear fission.

Each punch carries a huge explosion and nuclear radiation. The shock wave emitted by the fist will form several huge light balls in the sky and turn into several mushroom clouds.

Esdeath felt that this move was very childish, and there was no need to dodge it.

"Boom boom boom boom boom ---!!!"

Gargo threw hundreds of straight punches. After feeling the flow of various forces in the universe and understanding their principles, each of these punches was as powerful as a nuclear bomb explosion.

However, Esdeath walked over leisurely, which made Gargoyle's pupils shrink.

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