Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 538 Defeat

When Esdeath was swallowed by the black hole, the space and time around her seemed to be distorted. Her body was pulled by a huge gravitational force and continued to fall towards the center of the black hole at an accelerated speed.

The surrounding light was swallowed by the black hole, and everything became dark, with only the faint light in the center of the black hole flickering.

In the process of entering the black hole, Esdeath felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Her body seemed to be squeezed by endless gravity, and every cell was under tremendous pressure.

At the same time, she also felt that her time was accelerating, as if every moment was experiencing several years.

However, Esdeath did not give up.

She mobilized the Qi in her body to try to resist the gravity of the black hole.

As she continued to mobilize the Qi, the space around her began to change subtly.

The originally distorted space gradually became stable, as if there was an invisible force resisting the gravity of the black hole.

At the same time, Esdeath also felt that her time was gradually returning to normal, and the feeling of accelerated passage gradually disappeared.

As Esdeath's body was gradually swallowed by the black hole, her body began to have a violent energy reaction.

Her Qi, the mysterious power taught to her by Luther, began to fight fiercely with the gravity of the black hole.

This confrontation was not a simple power contest, but a collision between two completely different laws of the universe.

When Esdeath approached the center of the black hole, she felt an unprecedented energy reaction.

The center of the black hole seemed to be an endless source of energy, constantly devouring the surrounding matter and energy.

However, in her perception, these energies did not disappear, but were gathered by a singularity in the center of the black hole.

She understood that this was a contest between Qi and the laws of the universe. She must connect her Qi to this singularity and use its power to break free from the gravity of the black hole.

So, Esdeath injected her Qi into the singularity and connected with it.

At this moment, she felt that her Qi merged with the energy of the universe, as if she had become a part of the universe.

She felt her power growing, until finally, she felt that she had the power to break free from the gravity of the black hole.

Suddenly, a dazzling light burst out from the center of the black hole, illuminating the entire universe.

This is the energy reaction caused by the power of Esdeath to break free from the black hole.

Her body was pushed forward by this force, until finally, she finally broke free from the gravity of the black hole and returned to the material world.

In the process of breaking free from the black hole, a series of changes also occurred in the universe.

The matter and energy that were originally swallowed by the black hole returned to the universe, forming a huge energy vortex.

This vortex rotated in the air above the earth, releasing huge energy and light.

At the same time, Esdeath's body also underwent tremendous changes.

Her breath became stronger and purer, as if it had completely merged with the energy of the universe.

Her body also became lighter and more flexible, as if it had surpassed the constraints of matter.

When she stood on the land of the material world again, she felt as if she had merged with the universe.

She understood that she was no longer an ordinary warrior, but had become a part of the universe, with the power to compete with the universe.

Luther folded his hands. Akafiel could come back from the other side of the black hole. There was no reason why Esdeath, who was stronger than it and whose Qi was more advanced than Akafiel's adjustment technology, could not return to reality from the black hole.

Cosmic Wolf originally thought that he had dealt with Esdeath.

He himself did not understand the power of the black hole collapse fist. It was just the power brought by the universe mode.

The reason why the original plot only had gamma-ray bursts and nuclear fission fists was nothing more than Murata could not imagine how exaggerated the setting he boasted about was. Theoretically, Cosmic Wolf could even do quantum interference and quantum influence of God in the quantum field like Dr. Manhattan!

After Esdeath reappeared, Cosmic Wolf was confused, and his expression was probably similar to that of Boros when he saw Saitama jumping back to the earth from the moon.

He never thought that Esdeath could return from the black hole.

That was a black hole!

"Sorry for the wait."

Esdeath felt that he had completed a transformation.

Not everyone can experience a black hole journey. Fortunately, it was not a real black hole celestial body, but a simulated black hole. It evaporated before absorbing enough mass and energy.

Obviously, Cosmic Wolf was also very aware of the danger of this move. If it continued, it would only take a moment to destroy the entire earth and even the solar system.

So after dealing with Esdeath, it let the black hole evaporate.

But I didn't expect Esdeath to be alive.

"I can't continue to play with you when you have such a dangerous move."

Esdeath said so, and appeared next to Cosmic Wolf the next moment.

Cosmic Wolf's pupils shrank. He didn't even see Esdeath's speed?

The next moment, he was punched through the body by Esdeath.

The outer shell of the universe was broken, and Cosmic Wolf fell to the ground. He wanted to struggle to get up, but was trampled on the ground by Esdeath.

Cosmic Wolf was furious, but no matter how he struggled, he couldn't shake Esdeath's high-heeled boots.

Esdeath condensed a Qigong wave and released it instantly.

"Boom boom boom——"

The ground was blown through, and Space Wolf felt the pain of dying.

This is because Esdeath controlled the output, otherwise it would not be a problem to penetrate the earth.

Space Wolf fell to the ground, he struggled, Esdeath felt that he was really a tenacious life.

But Space Wolf still lost.

Luther originally thought that he would still do such a bad job as borrowing strength.

The ultimate bad job of destroying three people's personalities in one episode.

From the beginning to the end, what Garou wanted was just to become a hero called "Weird". He does not kill people, nor will he be ruthless to those heroes who try their best to stop him.

He keeps saying that he wants to kill people and be an absolute villain, but in fact, he just wants to be the "catfish" who can activate the potential of all mankind.

However, Murata does not seem to intend to give Garou this opportunity. The Garou in his writing is the representative of absolute evil, the kind of ruthless and uncompromising evil.

He does not care about Garou's real motives, nor does he care whether he really wants to activate the potential of mankind. In Murata's painting, Garou is just an enemy that needs to be defeated, an existence that needs to be erased.

"It's over."

Esdeath looked at the unconscious Garou. Because the god had been sealed up by Luther and used as a toy, his supernatural powers were naturally not confiscated.

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