Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 539 Since ancient times, the Galaxy has been orthodox!

Luther had no intention of taking away the hungry wolf.

It is more appropriate for such people to stay in this world.

Esdeath has also gained an understanding of her own strength, and the battle with the cosmic wolf is much more troublesome and dangerous than she imagined.

Fortunately, she won in the end.

The ultimate battle that broke out here in the Monster Association has long since attracted the attention of the Heroes Association.

Hero Association Headquarters!

"Alert! Alert!! Ultra-high energy reaction found! The energy level is being confirmed...the target location is being corrected..."

"Alert! Alert!! Ultra-high energy reaction found! The energy level is being confirmed...the target location is being corrected..."

The piercing siren suddenly sounded, breaking the tranquility of the headquarters.

In the hall, rows of huge screens flashed red danger words, as if announcing to people the impending crisis.

Staff members in black suits stopped what they were doing and looked nervously at the red warning on the screen. They operated the instruments quickly, trying to find the source of this powerful energy.

"What exactly is going on and why is there such a strong energy response?"

A man who was probably at the level of a senior officer hurriedly walked to the operating table, took over the staff's position, and began to operate the instrument quickly.

His forehead was covered with sweat, and he was obviously a little confused by the sudden alarm.

"We are still exploring the specific situation, and we can only confirm that the energy area is in Z city!"

a staff member replied.

"Z City?!"

The officer's expression became more solemn.

"Damn, where are the images of the energy reaction area? Where are our satellites, and why haven't we pulled up the images yet?"

After hearing the chief's words, the staff operated the instruments more nervously. However, the worst thing happened - they were unable to form an effective image.

"We were unable to form an effective image. The magnetic field interference at the location of the energy reaction point was so strong that the satellite could not see anything."

A staff member wearing a headset called up the image on the screen, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Seeing this scene, the officer became even more excited.

"I don't want to hear these words. Immediately, immediately, even if I run to the reaction point, I have to create the image!"

He knew that if they could not understand the situation of the energy reaction point in time, they would not be able to take effective countermeasures.

However, even the fastest speed may not be enough to prevent the impending crisis. The staff knew this, but they still tried their best to operate the instruments, hoping to find a clue.

"For Metal Knight to take action, we need his technological power."

The commander had an idea and thought of a possible solution. Metal Knight is one of the most technologically capable heroes in their association. He possesses advanced technological equipment and powerful combat capabilities. If you can get his help, you may be able to find the truth about the energy reaction point faster.

"Yes, I'll do it right away!"

A staff member replied immediately, and then quickly left the console.

At the same time, the commander continued to issue orders: "Continue to monitor the energy reaction points, and let our satellites keep a close eye on them. If any suspicious objects come in or out, lock them on me immediately. Also, let all the S-class heroes in the headquarters rush over. …”

He knew that this crisis was no small matter and all forces must be mobilized to deal with it.

As orders were issued one after another, the working atmosphere in the headquarters became more tense and orderly.

Everyone knows that they have a heavy responsibility, and they must find the truth about the energy reaction point as soon as possible.

The chief prayed that this was not the behavior of a weirdo. Otherwise, how strong would a weirdo with such a powerful energy response be?

Dragon level! Or god level?

Luther and Esdeath naturally left the scene.

Sykes and King Orochi hid far away. They had already run away, but they were watching the battle from a distance, and then they were almost killed by the aftermath of the battle between Hungry Wolf and Esdeath.

"I didn't expect that the hungry wolf could reach this level, and that woman."

Sikes frowned. Where did that woman come from to be so powerful?

"Damn it, the Weird Association is gone. I need to gather the weirdos again."

Sykes is very helpless. This time, she wants to gather more powerful weirdos.

After seeing the power of the Space Wolf and the power of Esdeath, Sykes realized how ridiculous his weirdo association was.

Their strength is simply vulnerable.

King, the strongest man in mankind, has not yet taken action.

Sikes left with determination.

On the other side, Luther had finished basking in the sun.

He felt that his strength had become much stronger, compared to Zhan! In the world of Crimson Eyes and the world of One Punch Man, the sun is undoubtedly more energetic. Of course, in other words, this universe is more powerful.

This suddenly made Luther a true single-universe-level existence, possessing the terrifying power to destroy a single universe with one blow.

He felt himself growing, feeling his strength increasing.

Luther stood at the end of the universe, overlooking this vast universe. He felt his presence and his power.

“What an easy way to upgrade.”

Luther lamented that it was a pity that he could not find out earlier.

The value of the One Punch Man world has disappeared. Luther feels that it is time for him to return and go to other new worlds and universes.

Then he returned to the Marvel Universe with Esdeath and No. 18.



The speed of time on the One Punch Man side is proportional to this side, and the Empire has now developed.

The Saitama version of the Golden Human copied by Luther now has new offspring.

Monsters like Black Sperm were sent here by Luther in advance, and Garou only ate the body tissues of these monsters.

Of course, the Ugly President and Wandering Emperor are not.

Luther feels that the sun in the Marvel world is more powerful, but it takes much longer to absorb it than in the One Punch Man world.

Boros returned to his old job and became a space pirate with the Empire's army.

"No, no, no, we are not space pirates, we are regular troops, the Galactic Empire that has conquered the lost land of the Milky Way!"

Luther said that Boros really doesn't know how to give a name.

What space pirates? The Milky Way has been the territory of the Galactic Empire since ancient times, but they didn't have time to manage it before. Now that they have time, they naturally want to recover the lost territory!

Even if there are other civilizations in the Milky Way, facing the iron fist of the Galactic Empire, can they still resist?

Not to mention that Boros brought so many one-eyed aliens with him.

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