Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 540 New book is on the shelves today

Boros galloped across the star sea, his power was boundless, and he felt uncomfortable.

However, in this vast universe, he has not encountered a real opponent.

The aliens he encountered and the classic predators in the Marvel universe all seemed so vulnerable to his power, as if they were just a small episode in his journey.

This invincible loneliness filled Poros's heart with longing.

He hopes to meet an opponent who can truly match him so that he can go all out and show his true strength.

Boros' strength is so powerful that he can be at home anywhere.

Even facing powerful men like the Five Obsidian Generals, he could easily deal with them, as if the strength gap between them was an insurmountable chasm.

Not to mention, Boros is accompanied by his fellow One-Eyed Stars. These mutant warriors are also powerful and are Boros' right-hand assistants.

However, Boros was not complacent about his power.

He knows that there are still many unknown areas and powerful beings in the universe. Therefore, he always remains humble and alert, always ready to face new challenges.

Just as Boros was immersed in his own thoughts, the voice of a technician interrupted his contemplation.

"Warmaster Boros, we have left the empire's territory a long way away. Is it time to return?"

the technician asked cautiously.

Poros came back to his senses. He was sitting on his throne, his eyes burning.

He looked up at the technician, with a sinister smile on his lips.


he asked rhetorically.

"Why should I return?"

The technician was frightened by Boros's gaze, and he stammered.

"However, we have left the empire for a long time. If we continue to move forward, we may encounter unknown dangers."

Poros burst into laughter upon hearing this.

He stood up, walked to the technician, patted him on the shoulder and said.

"Danger? I'm just looking for danger! Only by constantly challenging the unknown can I become stronger!"

Hearing this, the One-Eyed Stars' eyes lit up.

"Yes, you are worthy of being the Warmaster!"

"The Warmaster is invincible!"

One-eyed star people said with admiration.

After saying that, Boros turned and returned to the throne. He looked down at the new element reactor in his hand, his eyes shining with excitement.

This new element reactor was provided to him by Luther, and its energy output was so powerful that even Boros was shocked.

The reaction of a ton of new elements can produce a terrifying energy output, which is enough to allow Boros to run rampant in the universe.

The power of the second-generation new element reactor invented by Iron Man has reached the level of outputting 10 billion joules per second. This energy output is so powerful that even Boros was amazed.

He imagined what effects this energy would have if used in battle.

Boros looked up at the starry sky, his eyes filled with anticipation and desire.

Poros had a ferocious smile on his face at the moment.

"I have heard that there is a dark cult in this universe, and their boss is called the Mad Titan Thanos."

Poros's voice echoed in the empty palace.

"Many people say that he is the overlord of this universe. I, Boros, would like to meet this so-called overlord of the universe!"

His voice was full of confidence and arrogance, as if in his eyes, the overlord of the universe was just an opponent worthy of his challenge.

Poros is a man with his own thoughts and actions, and he does not exactly follow Luther's orders.

Although Luther gave him considerable freedom, he also had his own goals and pursuits.

"Since I myself have been deprived of the addiction and idea of ​​becoming the overlord of the universe by Luther, then I must also let others get rid of this addiction!"

Poros's eyes flashed with determination.

Boros didn't know much about the so-called Mad Titan Thanos, but he knew that this man must be a challenge in his pursuit of greater power.

He is eager to fight such an opponent to prove his strength.

Meanwhile, Luther is talking to the vaccine people.

As the current strongest player in the Galactic Empire after Boros, Vaccine Man also feels helpless about Boros' behavior.

"Your Majesty, Lord Poros..."

The vaccine man spoke hesitantly.

"What happened to him?"

Luther asked.

"He was AWOL."

The vaccine man lowered his head and answered carefully.


"Why did he do that?"

"The Warmaster said that he wants to expand his territory and spread the reputation of the Galactic Empire."

Vaccine Man continued.

"He also said that he was unhappy with the three empires in the universe and planned to make the Galactic Empire the only empire."

Luther was silent for a moment, with a complicated light shining in his eyes.

He knows Boros's character. He has his own goals and pursuits and will not be easily restrained by others.

"Vaccine man, what do you think I should do?"

Luther raised his head and looked at the vaccine man and asked.

The vaccine man was silent for a while, then slowly spoke.

"Your Majesty, Lord Boros is very powerful, and his ideas are also based on considerations for the Galactic Empire. However, his behavior may indeed cause some unnecessary trouble. I think we should send someone to communicate with him and let him understand your Majesty's thoughts and intentions."

Luther nodded, he knew that the vaccine man made sense.

"Now the Galactic Empire is just a small scoundrel, and there is no manpower."

Luther complained.

The future of the Galactic Empire must be very brilliant, but not now!

However, although Luther wanted to pull Boros back, he became interested again and wanted to see what would happen when Boros met Thanos.

Wouldn't Thanos be killed by Boros in one encounter?

It is very likely, after all, the movie version of Thanos is really not good enough.

But it is not ruled out that Thanos will be more powerful than the movie.

Movies are movies, and reality is reality.

"Forget it, ignore him for the time being."

Luther shook his head.

This time he came back, but brought back a lot of specialties from the One Punch Man world.

For example, although monsters have been sent here one after another before, the number is still too small for an empire that is determined to rule the Milky Way.

That's why talents are needed.

The monsters that Luther created by copying monster cells in the Empire Dimension can only be said to be Marvel's own monsters.

These local monsters from the One Punch Man world don't have to worry about being copied and influenced.

A diversified galactic empire requires species diversity.

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