Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 541 God King

For this purpose, Luther also specially purchased earthlings from the earth and the world of One Punch Man, and through the injection of the improved monster cell injections made by Dr. Genos's research on monster cells, he created monsters with a higher success rate.

After all, judging from the martial arts chapter, the success rate of monsterization is not very high, even martial artists have the possibility of failure.

Not to mention ordinary humans, only by increasing the success rate can more monsters be created.

With the power of these monsters, when the Dark Cult invades, I'm afraid that any passerby can knock them down.

Of course, Luther's channel for purchasing earthlings is those rotten scum, criminals and villains.

They become monsters, and Luther has no sympathy at all, which just happens to be the case.

In the future, the Galactic Empire will be divided into "monsters" and "gods".

Golden humans are "gods", the orthodox of the empire, small in number, and powerful, representing the absolute ruling class of the empire.

Monsters are other strange-looking races.

After Luther's operation, and the massive cloning and injection of monster cell injections, the population of the Galactic Empire finally reached 100 million.

However, a population of 100 million is insignificant when distributed to the solar system, not to mention the entire Milky Way.

These clones originally had a normal lifespan, but the monster cell injections broke their limiters and reshaped their upper limit, and the lifespan problem was also solved.

I just didn't expect that the clones of the same person would end up with all kinds of weird people.

This means that there is no need to assign them any numbers to distinguish them. Their current appearance will not make people think that they are clones made from the same person's DNA.

It's just that the intelligence level is too low, equivalent to a blank, and re-education is needed.

It just so happens that the ideological stamp of the Galactic Empire is implanted at this time, loyalty, or fucking loyalty!

Loyalty to the Emperor, loyalty to the Empire!

The symbol of the Galactic Empire is no longer the double-headed eagle symbol. After all, the Empire has no equal.

The changes in the Galactic Empire cannot be hidden from Heimdall, the Eye of the Nine Realms.

It can't be hidden from God King Odin.

God King Odin is very afraid of Luther, especially Luther's strength is unfathomable.

Before, he felt that Luther had the feeling of Dimensional Demon God, but now, it is pure strength!

Indestructible strength!

He didn't know how Luther did it. Did he abandon the power of Dimensional Demon God after becoming Dimensional Demon God?

But this doesn't seem to explain why Luther has become so powerful.

Esdeath saw the Galactic Empire and knew what infinite war was.

She also wanted to go out to conquer the universe, but Luther disagreed because he was going to other worlds next.

If nothing unexpected happened.

In the warm afternoon sunshine, Luther sat quietly in the courtyard and enjoyed the rare tranquility.

Although this courtyard seems vast and boundless in the eyes of ordinary people, for Luther, it is just a place where he can calm down and think.

It is about the same size as the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, insignificant.

Just as Luther was immersed in his thoughts, suddenly, a strange scene appeared in the sky.

The colorful beams of light fell from the sky like a waterfall, and each beam emitted different colors, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, just like a rainbow descending on the earth.

These beams of light were not dazzling, but gave people a warm and mysterious feeling.

They gently fell on the ground of the courtyard, as if they were communicating with the land in some mysterious way.

As the beams fell, complex magic runes gradually appeared on the ground. These runes flashed with a faint light, as if telling ancient secrets.

As the last rune was formed, three hundred golden warriors suddenly appeared in the courtyard.

They were dressed in gorgeous armor, holding various weapons, standing there quietly, as if waiting for something. Their appearance did not break the tranquility of the courtyard, but added a solemn and sacred atmosphere.

At the forefront of this group of warriors, stood a tall figure.

That was Odin, the father of the gods of Asgard.

He was dressed in armor shining with golden light, holding the legendary eternal spear that could travel through time and space. His eyes were firm and deep, as if he could see through everything.

Odin's eyes swept over every inch of land in the courtyard, and finally stopped on Luther.

He smiled and nodded to Luther, as if greeting him.

"Nice to meet you, Emperor of the Galactic Empire."

Esdeath stepped forward and stood in front of Luther, she was a little eager to try.

Luther didn't expect that Odin would come to him just because he was basking in the sun.

God King Odin glanced at Esdeath, after all, he only had one eye, so it was just one glance.

He couldn't help but sigh at this glance.

There are really many strong people around Luther, not to mention the one-eyed alien whose origin is unknown, and the Imperial War Marshal Boros.

There is no need to say much about the special life form of the vaccine man. Now this woman named Esdeath, who also appeared out of thin air, actually hides terrifying power in her body.

Although the Galactic Empire is not large in number, it is really full of talents.

In comparison, Asgard's only combat power is Thor, the God of Death, Hela, and himself, and no one else can be considered capable of fighting.

"First meeting, God King Odin."

Luther nodded and said.

"I didn't expect that there could be a strong person like you in Midgard, and there are more than one."

God King Odin said with emotion.

"Midgard is not just mine. Isn't the Supreme Mage also a Midgardian?"

Luther said with a smile.

"She's different."

God King Odin shook his head. Although the female version of the Ancient One Mage is not as domineering and powerful as the male version of the Ancient One Mage in the comics, and can defeat a group of dimensional demons without the time gem Eye of Agamotto, she still has her own strengths.

Of course, more importantly, there is someone behind the Supreme Mage.

As for Luther, he grew up from scratch, and his growth rate was astonishingly fast. For an Asgardian of the immortal species, it was probably equivalent to taking a nap, and a person who could actually grow up suddenly appeared. There is more than one strong person who can defeat them!

"I wonder why God King Odin came here?"

Luther asked calmly.

The next moment, the Vaccine Man appeared above them. If it couldn't feel the big movement of the Rainbow Bridge, it could commit suicide.

"His Majesty!"

The Vaccine Man landed on the ground and looked at God King Odin and the Asgardians warily.

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