Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 549 The Powerful Asgardians

But he doesn't care, he just wants to defeat Asgard. He looked up at Odin, his eyes flashing with madness.

"God King Odin, your Destroyer Armor has been turned into a sheep by me. What other means can you use to resist me?"

Malekith shouted.

Odin looked at Malekith in front of him, his eyes shining with calmness.

He knew that although Malekith had gained the power of ether particles, his life force was rapidly depleting. This was an opportunity, and he had to seize it to defeat Malekith.

"Malekis, do you really think you won?"

Odin said coldly.

"Isn't it?"

Malekith laughed, his body already shaking, but he kept his maniacal grin on his face.

"No, you didn't win."

Odin shook his head.

"Although you have obtained the power of ether particles, you don't know how to use it correctly. You only know how to use it to attack, but you don't know how to use it to defend. Your power is rapidly depleting, but I still maintain The state of prosperity.”

God King Odin said.

"Your body is very old, Odin."

Malekith said nonchalantly.

It means you are no better.

Odin looked at him and said nothing.

He knew that Malekith was telling the truth.

His body is indeed not as good as before, but he still has rich combat experience and unfathomable wisdom. He believed that as long as he could find Malekith's weakness, he would be able to defeat him.

God King Odin looked at the Destroyer Armor. For some reason, he seemed to have the illusion that this was not the first time he had lost the Destroyer Armor.

At this moment, as soon as Malekith finished speaking, a powerful energy suddenly burst out from his body.

He launched a fierce attack on Odin, and those energy waves raged on the battlefield, as if they were going to destroy everything.

Queen Frigga looked at the battlefield nervously, her heart filled with worry and uneasiness.

She knew that although Odin was powerful, he could not easily resist Malekith's crazy attack.

"Even if Odin can defeat Malekith, he can't remain intact. Sif, go and notify Thor!"

Queen Frigga found Sif and said.

The order Sif received may mean that she does not want to leave the Queen Frigga. If she leaves, who will protect the Queen?

But she also knew that the situation was very urgent and she had to find Thor as soon as possible to get him back to help.

"Queen of Heaven..."

Sif hesitated but decided to obey.

"Go, I'm fine, I can protect myself."

Queen Frigga said with a smile.

"The most important thing is to get Thor back. He is now..."

After Sif left.

The battle between Malekith and the god-king Odin seemed like a cosmic-level disaster, its power enough to make the entire universe tremble.

Every confrontation between these two giants seems to challenge the limits of the universe, and seems to tear the entire universe apart.

Odin looked at the battlefield in front of him, his heart filled with worry.

He knew that if this continued, all of Asgard might be destroyed in this battle.

He couldn't let this happen, he had to find a solution as soon as possible.

So, he made a decision to release all his strength and use the Eternal Spear to end this battle.

The Eternal Spear in his hand shines brightly and seems to contain infinite power.

He aimed at Malekith and threw the Spear of Eternity.

The eternal spear that is sure to hit is the power of fate and the law of cause and effect.

The speed of the Eternal Spear was unimaginable, and it arrived in front of Malekith in almost an instant.

Malekith looked at the Eternal Spear in front of him, a trace of fear flashing in his eyes. He knew that if this shot hit him, he would probably be wiped out immediately.

However, Malekith did not sit still and waited for death. He immediately used the power of ether particles to try to resist the blow.

The power of ether particles is extremely powerful and can distort reality and change destiny.

Under Malekith's control, the power of ether particles formed a defensive barrier in front of him.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!!!"

When the Eternal Spear hit the defensive barrier of ether particles, the impact almost made the entire Asgard tremble.

That force was so powerful that it seemed to tear the entire universe apart.

However, while Odin's divine power is immense, Malekith's etheric particle power cannot be underestimated either.

The two forces intertwined in the air, producing dazzling rays of light that seemed to light up the entire universe.

But Odin's divine power is too powerful. After Thor forged the Storm Axe, he was able to split the combined power of six Infinity Stones with one axe, and then split Thanos' body unstoppably.

The power of this ax is simply unparalleled, and whoever catches it will die.

What's more, Odin is getting better and better as he gets older?

The impact of this battle extends far beyond the borders of Asgard.

Countless planets are trembling in the aftermath of this battle, as if they may be destroyed at any time.

And those creatures living on these planets feel extremely fearful and desperate. They couldn't imagine that such a battle would happen in their world.

However, this battle was only a part of the contest between Odin and Malekith.

The energy they exploded was as violent as an atomic bomb explosion.

The ground of Asgard cracked under the impact of this energy, and the sky was dyed red.

Wherever the tip of the Eternal Spear went, the space was distorted, revealing the horror of divine power.

However, the Eternal Spear was weak and was offset by the power of the ether particles.

But Malekith has also aged a lot, and it is not so easy to fight against the power of fate and causality.

The ether particles are definitely no problem, but Malekith is not necessarily.

"The Asgardian race is really interesting."

Luther watched this battle. Not to mention the comics, the Asgardians set in the movie are really awesome.

He is not just awesome. From the fact that Thor split the combined power of the Infinity Stones with one axe, and after being consumed by the power of the Infinity Stones, he can still split Thanos' body, you can see how awesome he is.

You know, Thanos' body is almost indestructible.

Not to mention the Infinity Stones. It was this axe that made Luther in the past feel astonished.

At the same time, he also knew that the Infinity Stones were not so invincible. Even if they were all collected, they could still be broken by others. This was when the user was Thanos. If it was someone else, they would probably be killed in seconds.

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