Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 550 Scared Away

Malekith was breathing heavily, each confrontation with Odin seemed to drain away his life force.

He underestimated the power of Asgard and the tenacity and determination of the god-king.

He looked at Odin in front of him, and he couldn't help but feel a deep worry in his heart.

If he continued to fight like this, he was worried that he might die here before he could realize his wish.

No, he couldn't just give up.

Malekith felt a strong obsession in his heart. He could not let his hard-working plan go to waste.

He took a deep breath and prepared to attack Odin again.

Odin was in no better physical shape than he was.

Although God King Odin seemed to be dying, the tall and handsome single eye still stared at him indifferently.

Malekith could clearly feel the power and majesty contained in that eye. It was an unquestionable majesty that made people feel awe.

Even though the eye sockets of God King Odin have been sunken, the edges are covered with deep wrinkles, and his long gray hair is shawl, looking old.

However, Malekith could clearly feel the divine power churning fiercely in God King Odin's body. That divine power was like a powder keg, which could destroy the world once it exploded.

He took a deep breath and prepared to attack Odin again.

However, at this moment, a powerful force suddenly erupted, making the entire planet tremble.

Suddenly, there was a loud rumbling sound, and the spilled energy exploded on the surface of the planet, like a violent hurricane approaching suddenly, with rocks flying and dust rolling into the sky.

The violent energy was overwhelming and repulsive, rushing away in all directions, making it impossible to resist.

The clouds in the sky retreated in all directions like a tide of energy, as if a single eye opened, staring at the deep space and the universe with a boundless sense of oppression.

Damn it!

Malekith discovered that the power of God King Odin had soared to an intensity that he could not understand.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand, just know how to run away!

He knew that he could no longer compete with it.

So, he decisively chose to escape. Malekith directly used the power of ether particles to escape, not forgetting to take his men with him.

God King Odin watched Malekith's leaving figure, a trace of disappointment flashing in his eyes.

He knew that this battle did not result in the expected victory.

Queen Frigga rushed to his side immediately and supported his weak body.

"God King!"

Frigga called worriedly.

Odin panted and leaned on her shoulder, looking into the distance.

He hated himself for being weak and for not being able to move forward like he did when he was young.

Now, he couldn't even exert half of his strength, and his body couldn't bear it anymore.

"Where's Thor?"

Odin asked.

"I have asked Sif to find him."

Frigga replied.

Odin nodded, knowing that he could not hold on much longer.

He can only rely on Thor to save Asgard's defeat.

He closed his eyes and silently prayed for Thor's return.

At this moment, Thor is flying through the distant universe.

After he learned about the dark elves' invasion of Asgard, he immediately rushed back home without hesitation.

His heart was filled with anger and worry, and he could not let Asgard be destroyed in the hands of the dark elves.

The silver hammer in his hand drew silver tracks in the space, and the red cloak rustled in the wind.

His speed was extremely fast, like a meteor streaking across the night sky.


Thor called loudly, his voice echoing throughout Asgard.

When he rushed back to Asgard, what he saw was a messy scene.

The battlefield was littered with the corpses of soldiers and broken weapons, and the air was filled with smoke and the smell of blood.

Indescribable grief and anger surged in his heart.

He immediately began to look for Odin, and when he saw Odin lying on the big bed, weakly leaning on Frigga's shoulder, his heart tightened even more.


Thor rushed forward and knelt beside Odin.

Odin opened his eyes and saw Thor's return, a glimmer of relief flashed in his eyes.

He knew that his son had lived up to his expectations.


Odin called softly.

"Father, I'm back."

Thor held Odin's hand tightly.


Odin smiled and nodded.

"Now, the future of Asgard is in your hands."

Hearing this, Thor felt a strong sense of responsibility and mission in his heart.

He knew that he could not live up to his father's expectations, and he must protect Asgard and all living creatures.

"I will, Father."

Thor said firmly.

Frigga also came to Thor's side and gently put her hand on Thor's shoulder.

"Thor, you are the hope of Asgard and the hope of all of us. Don't let the dark elves succeed."

Thor stood up, determination shining in his eyes.

He looked into the distance, where the dark elves were fleeing.

He took a deep breath, clenched the hammer in his hand, and prepared for the next battle.

"Dark Elf, I will make you pay the price!"

Thor shouted.

His voice echoed over Asgard, reaching every corner.

When the soldiers heard his voice, they felt a surge of strong confidence and courage in their hearts. They knew that their King had returned and they would no longer be alone.

Under the leadership of Thor, Asgard's warriors began to clean up the battlefield and repair damaged buildings.

Although they lost many compatriots, their faith and determination became stronger.

They know that as long as they work together, nothing can stop them from moving forward.

Thor stood high up, looking at the starry sky in the distance.

At this moment, Malekith has escaped Asgard, but he has not given up his plan.

His eyes shone with determination. Although the shadow of failure hung over his heart, he knew that this was only a temporary setback and he would look for opportunities again to make a comeback.

"Algorim, how are you feeling?"

Malekith looked at his general with concern. Although Algorim was lucky enough to escape death in the previous battle, his injuries were still serious and he needed time to recover.

Algorim smiled reluctantly and replied.

"I'm fine, Master. As long as you still need me, I will always stand by your side."

Malekith nodded, pleased with Algorim's loyalty.

He knows that in this dark moment, he needs the unwavering support of his men.

"Our losses are great, Algorim."

Malekith said in a deep voice.

"The dark elf warriors made great sacrifices for my plan, and I feel very sad."

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