Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 551 The Destroyer: Don’t look at me as just a sheep!

Algorim was silent for a moment, then said.

"Master, we cannot be discouraged by this failure. We dark elves have an indomitable spirit. As long as we are united, nothing can stop us from moving forward."

Malekith took a deep look at Algorim, and he felt the determination and courage of his men.

He knew that the spirit of the Dark Elves was indestructible and they would not give up because of one failure.

"You're right, Algorim."

Malekith stood up, determination shining in his eyes.

"We cannot give up because of this failure. We need to regroup and look for new opportunities to realize our plans."

He started pacing the room, thinking about his next move.

He knew that they needed to reassess their strength and resources and find new allies to fight Asgard together.

"We can look for alien mercenaries."

Malekith said suddenly.

"There are a lot of predators in the universe. They just need money, and we can hire them to harass and destroy Asgard."

Algorim frowned after hearing this.

"With all due respect, Master, those predators are neither trustworthy nor reliable, and they are beyond control. They may have an impact on our plans."

He said seriously.

"It doesn't matter, Algorim, we just need to be strong enough. If we don't obey, we will all be killed."

Malekith said with a smile.

"There are many powerful races and civilizations in the nine worlds, and they may be dissatisfied with Asgard's rule. We can contact them and work together to overthrow Asgard's tyranny."

Then he continued.

Algorim nodded, agreeing with Malekith's idea.

The dark elves have been fighting alone. If they can find new allies, their power will be even stronger.

"Moreover, we can also use the resistance forces in the nine worlds."

Malekith continued.

"Didn't Odin's son 'Thunder God Thor' put down rebellions in the nine worlds before? This shows that their rule over the nine worlds is not stable. There is resistance to Asgard in the nine worlds. This is us opportunity.”

Algorim's eyes lit up, and he understood what Malekith meant.

If they could harness the resistance within the Nine Worlds, their chances of overthrowing Asgard would be greatly increased.

In Asgard, a land shrouded in divine light, the originally peaceful atmosphere was broken by a sudden commotion.

The Destroyer Armor, the armor that once made countless creatures fearful, now turned into a sheep and was imprisoned in an exquisite cage.

There was a trace of unwillingness and confusion in its eyes, as if asking: "Why did I, the once invincible destroyer, end up like this?"

The people of the Aesir clan, who considered themselves the masters of this land, were not too surprised by the changes in the Destroyer's armor.

They knew that Malekith used ether particles to transform the Destroyer Armor into this sheep in order to eliminate its threat.

However, they apparently underestimated the power of the Destroyer's armor and the price Malekith had to pay to complete this transformation.

Although this sheep looks like an ordinary sheep on the outside, it is full of power inside.

It bumped its head lightly, and the seemingly solid cage shattered instantly like paper.

It did not choose to escape, but ran freely in the world with a new curiosity.

The power of etheric particles is magical, completely changing the Destroyer's armor, turning it into a living being with eternal damnation.

Malekith paid a huge price to complete this transformation.

His vitality was greatly consumed in the process, and it could even be said that his vitality was severely damaged.

The reason for doing this is of course to eliminate the Destroyer Armor, a powerful war weapon.

It's just that Malekith probably didn't expect that he could have power even if he turned into a sheep.

But all this is a new life for the Destroyer Armor.

The divine blessings it once possessed have now become part of it.

These divine blessings come from countless gods and heavenly fathers, and their powers come together to make this sheep extremely powerful.

I'm afraid not everyone can challenge the entire Asgard alone.

The gods of Asgard began to feel uneasy.

They knew that the sheep was no longer something they could control.

Its power was enough to easily frighten them.

However, the sheep did not choose to attack Asgard.

It seems to be full of curiosity about the world and wants to explore every corner of the world.

It ran to the forest and played with the small animals; it ran to the mountains and rivers, dancing with the wind; it ran to the lake and drank with the water.

Every move it makes is full of the power of life.

The gods of Asgard looked at what the sheep had done, and they were both surprised and helpless.

They knew that the sheep had become an uncontrollable being.

They began to reflect on whether they were doing the right thing with the Destroyer armor.

Thor didn't expect to encounter such a thing again.

However, he did not feel fear, but an urge to challenge.

He decided to talk to the sheep in person to see if he could get it back to Asgard.

So, Thor swung Thor's hammer and fell from the sky, landing next to the Destroyer Sheep.

The sheep, which was not small in size, had thick long hair and heavy horns and was obviously startled and began to dig the ground.

It seemed to want to escape from this powerful existence, but its heart was full of confusion and uneasiness.

"Hey, Destroyer, or should I call you Armor?"

Thor tried to communicate with it.

"Don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions. I just want to know why you choose to do this?"

The Destroyer Sheep dug the ground harder.

"Oh, stop, don't be nervous, I have no ill intentions."

Thor saw its action and said hurriedly.

The sheep seemed to understand Thor's words, it stopped digging the ground and looked up at Thor.

Its eyes revealed a complex emotion.

It seemed to be thinking, as if recalling the past years.

The sheep did not respond to Thor's words, but it did not choose to flee.

It seemed to accept Thor's existence and seemed to be waiting for something.

Its eyes revealed a kind of expectation and hope.

Thor slowly approached, and the next moment, the Destruction Sheep bumped into him!

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