Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 552 You were hit by a sheep

Thor felt happy when he saw it stopped moving, thinking that it was willing to communicate with him.

He stretched out his hand and showed the unique silly smile of Thor, just like when he saw the Green Hulk in Gao Tianzun's arena on Saka.

However, before the smile could fully bloom, the Destruction Sheep crashed into him with thunderous force.

Thor's reaction was not unpleasant, but even as the God of Thunder, he could not withstand this sudden impact.

Because this is not just a sheep, it is a Destroyer armor corroded by etheric particles, taking on the appearance of a sheep.

At the moment of impact, Thor's smile froze on his face, like an ice sculpture frozen by the cold wind.

His face was twisted and deformed by the force of the impact, as if he was suffering from endless pain.

The body seemed to be pushed out by a huge force, completely losing control, and the whole person flew out like an arrow from a string.

At this moment, Thor deeply realized the true strength of this destructive sheep.

It is not only corroded by etheric particles, but also blessed and blessed by the divine power of the gods.

It was the divine blessing of the Hercules, which made the power to destroy the sheep as heavy as a mountain, and every impact seemed to shake the heaven and the earth.

That was the power blessing of Ares, the god of war, which filled the Destruction Sheep with the will and strength to fight, and was not afraid of any challenge.

There is also the blessing of strength from the Egyptian god Amun, the blessing of speed from the Egyptian god Horus, and the blessing of speed from Mercury...

The fusion of these divine powers makes Destruction Sheep an irresistible force.

With the impact of the Destruction Sheep, the surrounding air seemed to be torn apart by this force, making a deafening explosion.

Thor's body drew a long arc in the air, like a meteor streaking across the night sky.

Along the trajectory of his flight, the air was torn apart, forming long air waves. These air waves are like violent storms, sweeping everything around them.

The surrounding buildings collapsed under the impact of the air waves and turned into ruins.

The trees swayed under the devastation of the air waves, and eventually turned into sawdust and scattered on the ground. The entire battlefield seemed to have turned into a mess of ruins, full of destruction and death.

Thor's body rolled in the air, and every impact caused him to feel excruciating pain.

His heart was filled with shock and unwillingness. He never thought that he would suffer at the hands of this destructive sheep. However, he also knew that the strength of this Destruction Sheep was indeed extraordinary, far exceeding his previous expectations.

His vision became blurred, and he could only see the huge figure of the Destruction Sheep approaching. He knew that he had to come up with a countermeasure as soon as possible, otherwise if he was hit by the Destruction Sheep again, the consequences would be disastrous.

Thor gritted his teeth and used all his strength to smash Mjolnir in his hand at the Destruction Sheep.

Thor's hammer drew a perfect arc in the air and hit the Destruction Sheep directly. The huge impact made Destruction Sheep take a few steps back, and Thor also took this opportunity to stabilize his body.

However, this was only a temporary victory.

The power of the Destruction Sheep was as unstoppable as the Doomsday, and it launched a fierce attack on Thor again.

That wild force seemed to be able to tear apart everything, making the surrounding space tremble. Thor held Mjolnir tightly, his eyes firm and cold, and launched a fierce confrontation with the Destruction Sheep.

Every collision they made caused everything around them to instantly turn into powder, as if the whole world collapsed under their power.

The ground continued to crack under their feet, and cracks spread like spider webs, swallowing everything around them.

The trees turned into sawdust under their impact, flying in the air, forming green storms.

The entire battlefield seemed to have turned into a hell on earth, full of destruction and death.

Everything around them was reduced to ruins, leaving only the figures of Thor and the Destruction Goat standing among them.

The air was suffocating with dust and smoke.

However, Thor was not afraid. He only had a desire to fight and a firm belief in victory.

Thor, the God of Thunder, roared angrily, and the sound was as shocking as thunder.

He finally stopped holding back and decided to go all out to completely defeat the Destruction Sheep.

He waved Mjolnir, and bolts of thunder burst out from his body, lighting up the entire battlefield.


Thor shouted loudly.

Thor's hammer drew a perfect arc in the air, and then slammed into the Destruction Sheep. The Destruction Sheep roared in pain, but it did not fall, but instead fought back even more crazily.

Thor did not back down. He wielded Mjolnir again and launched a more fierce confrontation with the Destruction Sheep.

Their figures intertwined in the air, and every impact was frightening.

The air was filled with roars of thunder and loud crashes, as if the whole world was shaking under their power.

Finally, Thor decided to use his ultimate power.

He took a deep breath, and the fire of hell burned in his body.

The flame is as hot as lava and can burn the soul.

Thor used his own divine thunder and lightning as fuel to burn the fire of hell, and combined with the divine thunder and lightning of physical destruction, it formed a kind of mixed injury. His strength reached its peak at this moment, and his firepower was fully unleashed.

At this moment, a hammer flew from a distance and fell into his other hand.

This is his other hammer, the Gravity Hammer, which can control gravity.

The two hammers were as flexible in Thor's hands as his arms, and they swung in the air with amazing trajectories.

As Thor shouted, the two hammers were enchanted by the fire of hell.

Their surfaces became hot and fiery, as if they could melt everything.

Then, they turned into two skull-shaped hammers, exuding a terrifying and mysterious atmosphere.

"Boom boom boom boom boom————————"

Suddenly, there was lightning and thunder, and billions of thunder roared.

The entire battlefield seemed to be shrouded in thunder, and the loud noises of the sky and the earth were endless.

Each thunder roared like a dragon and rushed towards the Destroyer Sheep, making its body tremble constantly under the bombardment of thunder.

Although the power of the Destroyer Sheep was strong, it began to seem powerless when Thor burst out with all his strength.

Its body was constantly hit hard by the bombardment of thunder, but it still resisted stubbornly and was unwilling to give up easily.

Thor did not give it any chance. He swung his two enchanted hammers and launched fierce attacks.

Every impact made the Destroyer Sheep roar in pain. Its body was shaking constantly, as if it would collapse at any time.

However, the Destroyer Sheep was not helpless. Suddenly, its body began to flash.

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