Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 562 The trouble-making duo

The Dark Elves are resurrected. Thousands of Dark Elves have returned from thousands of years ago, and the strength of the Dark Elves has returned to its peak!

No, it is stronger than the peak period!

Malekith stood on a towering mountain, overlooking the Dark Elves below.

His eyes flashed with excitement and satisfaction. The return of these Dark Elves made his plan more perfect.

Although maintaining their existence requires a lot of his vitality, Malekith doesn't care about it. For him, the length of life has become irrelevant. He has only one goal-to return the Nine Realms and the universe to darkness.

However, Malekith knows that now is not the best time to act.

The prophecy of the unification of the Nine Realms has not yet been realized. They need to wait, wait for the best time. Only in this way can they succeed in one fell swoop and plunge the entire Nine Realms into eternal darkness.


Algorim walked to Malekith, his eyes full of worry. He knew how much Malekith had paid for this plan, and he was worried that Malekith would not be able to hold on to the end.

Malekith turned to look at Algorim. He knew what this loyal warrior was worried about.

He smiled and said, "Algorim, look, the cursed division formed by the cursed warriors is back too."

He pointed to the ferocious warriors below.

Algorim looked at the cursed warriors and was shocked.

These cursed warriors had died thousands of years ago, but now they are back again. Their eyes were full of dead silence and coldness, as if nothing could stop them from moving forward.

"As long as I am here, you are immortal!"

Malekith continued.

His voice was full of confidence and domineering, as if he was the master of the darkness.

Algorim looked at Malekith and felt awe in his heart.

He knew that what Malekith said was not empty talk. As long as there were ether particles, these dark elves and cursed warriors were indeed immortal. They could be resurrected continuously in battle until the enemy was completely destroyed.

Thor, the god of thunder, took his friends to search for the whereabouts of the dark elves in the universe, completely unaware that they were right under his nose.

Luther felt that he couldn't fight for a while.

He returned to Earth very rarely.

At this time, the Earth was no longer what it used to be.

The Illuminati, a mysterious organization that once manipulated the world behind the scenes, has now stood on the stage in a dignified manner. They are like towering towers, standing in every corner of the world, guarding the peace of this planet.

Their power has penetrated every corner of the earth, whether it is politics, economy or technology, leaving their shadows.

Although they are powerful, they are not invincible.

After all, the crisis of the Saiyan invasion is like the sword of Damocles hanging over your head, and you don't know when it will fall.

Faced with such a threat, Tony Stark, a scientific and technological genius, did not place his hopes on others.

He is conceited and confident, knowing that he can find a way out and deal with the coming storm.

He knows that no matter how powerful the Illuminati is, facing an alien race like the Saiyans, he still needs to rely on his own strength.

This is the nature of Tony Stark. He is conceited and confident, and believes that he can find a way to fight against the Saiyans.

Among the many members of the Illuminati, Steve the Blue Elf is undoubtedly the strongest.

His body has been transformed by the power of Black Caesar, and has surpassed the limits of human beings and become a true super soldier.

However, he is not satisfied with this.

He works hard to train himself every day and constantly improves his strength.

Carol and Hulk became his sparring partners. Although they were often beaten to a mess by Steve, this also allowed them to constantly break through their limits.

However, under this seemingly peaceful appearance, undercurrents are surging and crises are everywhere.

Loki and Ultron, the two hidden beings in the dark, are closely watching the movements of the Saiyans.

They know that the invasion of the Saiyans is inevitable, and their goal is to wait for this moment to come.

Loki does not have a deep understanding of the Saiyans.

She only knows that the Saiyans have strong combat power, but she does not know that they have a more terrifying ability-that is, to recover from the brink of death and reach a higher level of strength.

Therefore, she did not know that after Raditz's near-death recovery, his combat power had soared to an astonishing 6,000, which even exceeded Naba's 4,000 combat power.

If Raditz attacked at this time, I'm afraid no one in the Illuminati would be his opponent.

In Loki's eyes, although Raditz was powerful, he might not be the opponent of all the strong men in the Illuminati.

She valued the invasion of the Saiyans as a whole more, because that would be her chance to show her strength.

She was looking forward to the arrival of that moment, looking forward to being able to shine at that time, and through Raditz, to eliminate the threat of the Saiyans and the Illuminati in one fell swoop, and then she could rule Midgard and become the king of Midgard!

On the other side!

In Ultron's laboratory, the atmosphere was extremely tense.

In stark contrast to Loki's gentleness and harmony, it was full of the sound of steel and electricity colliding, and the tracks of laser beams passing through the darkness.

He, the highly intelligent robot, has been secretly preparing a bold plan - mass production of vibranium cloned Saiyans.

For Ultron, power is always the core of pursuit.

He longs to be strong and to be the one who controls everything in the upcoming unknown crisis.

He carefully selected the cells of the Saiyans, which are full of endless potential and power.

Then, he used his powerful technological power to perfectly fuse these cells with vibranium.

Vibranium, that rare and powerful metal, makes the clones' bodies indestructible and their strength increases exponentially.

Not only that, Ultron also transferred his consciousness to these clones.

He hopes that these clones will not only have the powerful power of the Saiyans, but also inherit his wisdom and thinking.

In this way, he can spread his will to every corner of the earth through these clones.

However, things did not develop as smoothly as Ultron expected.

As time went on, although the bodies of these clones gradually matured, their combat effectiveness never reached the height expected by Ultron.

Although they are powerful, they always seem to be missing something and cannot display the power to destroy everything like Raditz.

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