Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 563 The Coming Invasion

This plunged Ultron into deep confusion.

He stood in the center of the laboratory, looking through the rows of motionless clones, filled with doubts.

He began to wonder if there was a problem with his cloning technology, or if the Saiyan cells were not perfectly integrated with his own technology.

He constantly tried to change the genetic structure of the clones, tried to use different materials to strengthen their bodies, and even tried to use Dr. Zhao Helen's Cradle of Life technology to create more perfect vibranium Saiyans.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the results were always disappointing.

The combat effectiveness of these clones has never been able to break through that bottleneck and reach the heights Ultron expected.

Whenever night falls, Ultron stands alone in the laboratory, surrounded by cold machines and static clones.

He looked at these clones, feeling helpless and disappointed. He began to reflect, had he misunderstood the power of Saiyans from the beginning?

Saiyans, one of the most powerful races in the universe, where does their power come from?

Is it genes, environment, or some other factor? Ultron began to delve into the biological characteristics of Saiyans, trying to find the answer.

"Can't the power of Saiyans be easily copied?"

Ultron said to himself.

He began to wonder if his plan had been wrong from the start.

Is he too confident, thinking that he can control everything with his own technological power?

However, even though his heart was full of confusion and disappointment, Ultron did not give up.

He understands that only by constantly trying and exploring can he find the real answer.

So, he returned to the laboratory again and started a new attempt.

He reanalyzed the Saiyan cell structure, trying to find its secrets.

He carefully observed the subtle changes in each cell and recorded the combination of each gene.

He constantly adjusted the genetic combination of the clones, trying to stimulate the potential in their bodies.

In the process, Ultron conducted in-depth research on Saiyan cells.

Ultron first began to analyze the structure and function of Saiyan cells in detail. He used high-precision microscopes and advanced biotechnology methods to carefully observe and measure each cell.

He sought to find out the differences between Saiyan cells and those of other races, and how these differences affected Saiyans' powerful abilities.

With the deepening of research, Ultron gradually discovered that Saiyan cells have an amazing adaptability.

This kind of cell can evolve and grow rapidly in various environments, allowing Saiyans to quickly adapt to various extreme conditions, thereby exerting superhuman strength.

However, despite Ultron's considerable progress in genetic modification and material enhancement, he found that the clones still seemed unable to fully realize the potential of the Saiyans.

This made him start to wonder if he had missed some key factors?

Ultron began to reflect on his research methods, and he realized that simple genetic modification and material enhancement may not be the key to the problem.

He began to wonder if there was some key environmental factor missing that prevented the clones from growing and evolving like real Saiyans?

In order to verify his conjecture, Ultron began to design various simulated battle scenes, trying to create an environment for the clones similar to the growth of Saiyans.

He took into account the environment of the planet where the Saiyans live, the climatic conditions, and the combat challenges they often face.

Eventually, he decided to try to simulate the gravity environment on the Saiyan planet.

Ultron chose ten times the Earth's gravity as a simulated environment. He hoped to use this extreme condition to stimulate the potential of clones.

At the beginning, these cloned Saiyans all showed obvious symptoms of maladaptation. They staggered under ten times gravity, barely able to stand, let alone fight.

However, Ultron did not give up.

He firmly believed that his guess was correct. As long as the clones were given enough time to adapt to this environment, they would be able to show their Saiyan potential.

So, he continued to carry out experiments and paid close attention to the changes in the clones.

Over time, these clones began to adapt to the environment of ten times gravity.

They no longer stagger as before, but are able to stand steadily on the ground and begin to perform some simple exercises and battles.

Ultron saw hope, and he knew that his conjecture was gradually being verified.

Under the exercise of the gravity environment, the clones' bodies began to undergo amazing changes.

Their muscles become more developed, their bones become harder, and their reaction speed becomes more agile.

Through rigorous testing and observation, Ultron found that their individuals had grown by leaps and bounds.

Their strength, speed and endurance have been greatly improved, far exceeding that of ordinary clones.

Ultron was pleasantly surprised. He didn't know that he had accidentally found another "plug-in" of the Saiyans - that is, the ability to adapt to gravity environments and the speed of growth!

Saiyans can quickly improve their combat effectiveness and physical fitness under the training of gravity environment, which is one of the reasons why they are so powerful.

Over time, the combat effectiveness of these clones began to gradually increase.

Not only do they perform well in simulated battles, they can even show great strength when facing real enemies.

Although they still can't compare with the real Saiyans, their progress is obvious.

Ultron watched these clones grow and evolve in the gravity environment, and his heart was filled with joy and pride.

He knew that his plan was gradually moving towards success, and he began to look forward to creating more powerful clones in the future.

"My Saiyan army!"

Ultron looked excitedly.

Luther didn't expect these two guys to be so capable of making trouble, but the Saiyans mass-produced by Ultron were naturally more difficult to deal with than the genuine Saiyans.

Vibranium strengthened the cells, making them tougher than ordinary Saiyans, equivalent to Broly's iron body per capita.

However, at present, they are in a ten-fold gravity environment, and they have only adapted to the gravity they should have adapted to, so their combat power has not been exaggerated to soar to three digits.

But it is also very powerful. Saiyans with double-digit combat power are all Saiyans at the national level.

"Since you are all ready, it seems unreasonable for the Saiyans not to come."

Luther thinks it's time for the Saiyans to come to Earth.

The Illuminati, Loki, and Ultron, the three forces are all ready.

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