Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 566 The Saiyans are coming!

The shock wave generated by the explosion spread in space, setting off a strong energy storm.

Although all this happened in silent space, observers on earth could clearly see this scene through images sent back by satellites.

After completing this strike, the Interceptor energy cannon seemed to have exhausted all its power. The light at the muzzle gradually dimmed, and finally calmed down.

Tony was staring nervously at the images and data analysis on the screen.

His heart was filled with uneasiness and expectation, because he knew that the victory or defeat of this battle was related to the safety of the entire earth.

"Did it succeed?"

Tony's voice had a tremor.

He couldn't believe his eyes or his own judgment. He could only rely on data and images to feel the intensity and shock of this battle.

"Sir! High energy reaction detected!"

Jarvis's voice suddenly sounded, breaking the silence.

This is Tony's artificial intelligence assistant and his most trusted companion. Jarvis's analysis ability and reaction speed are top-notch, and its early warning made Tony's heart rise again.

"Energy value...!"

Jarvis continued to report the data, but Tony couldn't listen anymore.

His eyes were fixed on the image on the screen, and he saw a burst of energy suddenly shot out from the explosion!

This energy beam hit his Interceptor Satellite Cannon at an astonishing speed, and then the Interceptor Satellite Cannon was easily reduced to nothing by this energy in an instant, completely gone!

Tony was stunned, he couldn't believe his eyes.

His Interceptor Satellite Cannon was a weapon he designed himself. It was the culmination of his countless efforts and wisdom in protecting the earth.

But now, it has turned into nothingness under the attack of this mysterious energy.

"This...this is impossible!"

Tony muttered.

His heart was filled with doubts and fear. How could a Saiyan do nothing under such an energy attack? ? ?

You know, according to Tony's calculations, the Interceptor satellite cannon can destroy meteorites at the level of dinosaur killers!

However, he didn't have time to think about these issues.

Because Jarvis issued an early warning again: "Sir! Another high-energy reaction has appeared! This time it is aimed at our ground facilities!"

Tony snapped out of his thoughts and knew he had to take action now.

"What's the energy value of that energy beam?"

Tony continued to ask.

Jarvis was silent for a moment, seeming to be conducting more in-depth calculations and analysis.

"According to my calculations, the energy value of that energy beam... cannot be accurately estimated."

There was a hint of surprise and uncertainty in Jarvis's voice.

"Can't estimate?" Tony frowned.

"What's going on?"

"The energy of that energy beam seems to be beyond our measurement range, and its value far exceeds any energy source we know."

Jarvis explained.

"I recommend that we activate emergency defensive measures immediately while continuing to analyze the source and nature of this energy beam."

"Activate all defense facilities!"

Tony gave the order decisively.

"At the same time, increase the intensity of energy collection and analysis. I want to know the details of this energy beam!"

As Tony's order was issued, the entire defense system immediately took action.

Satellites, radars, missile defense systems...all available forces were mobilized to jointly deal with this sudden threat.

Vegeta and Napa didn't expect to be attacked as soon as they got close.

Fortunately, they were thick-skinned and not afraid of attacks, but in space, the Saiyans could not exist for a long time, so they quickly landed on the earth.

Flights that use gas to generate propulsion are very fast.

During the landing process, their bodies had severe friction with the atmosphere.

The flames burned behind them, like a fire dragon writhing in space.

The heat generated by this friction is enough to melt steel, but for the Saiyan, it is only a slight irritation.

Although their skin was burned red, it was not damaged at all, and instead appeared stronger and tougher.

As the distance gets closer, the Earth's gravity begins to act on them.

Their bodies began to accelerate gradually, as if being pulled by an invisible force. Their heartbeats also began to accelerate, and their blood surged in their bodies, as if cheering for their upcoming battle.

Finally, after a long fall, their bodies finally passed through the atmosphere and landed on the surface of the earth.

Their feet stepped heavily on the ground, making a dull sound.

The surrounding air seemed to be shaken by their momentum, causing ripples in circles.

At this moment, Tony was using advanced technological equipment to immediately locate the landing location of the two Saiyans.

He was surprised to find that they had actually landed in America.

The people of America probably didn't expect that the last time the Saiyans came here, they would choose here this time.

"Vegeta, the gravity of this planet is so small, it's like child's play!"

Naba moved his body and said excitedly.

"Humph, that's natural. The gravity of Planet Vegeta is ten times that of Earth, so it's certainly easy for us here. I just didn't expect that Kakarot and Raditz, two rubbish, would be killed by a group of Earthlings here. It's really a disgrace to the Saiyans!"

Vegeta folded his hands and said with disdain.

"Let me see where the powerful warriors on this planet are."

After that, he activated the combat power detector and began to search for powerful warriors on this planet. Soon, his detector made a beeping sound.

"Ding ding ding..."

"6000 combat power!"

"Huh? There's actually a guy with a combat power of 6000?"

Napa said in surprise.

There was a hint of nervousness in his voice.

Before, he thought he would be invincible on this planet, but now it seems that this is not the case.

He thought that the most powerful warrior on this planet was only a combat power of 1,800, after all, he could kill Raditz, or a group of people with a combat power of hundreds of people with a small difference in combat power would beat Raditz.

I didn't expect there was a guy with a combat power of 6,000!

"6,000 combat power?"

Vegeta was also surprised. How could it be possible that this backward planet that couldn't even leave its own star system actually had a guy with a combat power of 6,000?

"How could there be a guy with a combat power of 6,000 on this planet?"

Naba said in confusion, his heart was full of confusion.

If he felt disdainful before, now his forehead was sweating and he felt the pressure.

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