Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 567 The war is about to break out!

"Hmph, it seems that Kakarot and Raditz were killed by this guy."

Vegeta sneered, a cold light flashing in his eyes.

"With 6,000 combat power, no wonder Raditz died."

There was a kind of callousness and cruelty in his words, as if he didn't have much sympathy or regret for Raditz's death.

Nabal also felt that Raditz and Kakarot died unjustly. After all, they had 6000 combat power, and even Nabal, his superior warrior, only had 4000 combat power.

"But it doesn't matter. Although it is a bit unexpected, it is not without a fight."

Nabal took a deep breath and tried to calm down.

"4000 versus 6000, it's not like I have to fight. What's more, I'm still a powerful Saiyan!"

Vegeta nodded too, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Humph, it seems that this trip to Earth was not in vain. It is really exciting to meet an opponent with such a powerful fighting force!"

However, in addition to targets with a combat power of up to 6,000, Naba also discovered other targets with strong combat power.

"Combat strength 1500, location nearby."

Nabal frowned slightly. He didn't expect that besides the guy with 6000 combat power, there were other people with good combat power.

"Didi didi... combat power 957, combat power 123, combat power 99, combat power 96... combat power 10?"

As the detector continued to make sounds, the expressions of Naba and Vegeta became more and more solemn.

They didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary earth would actually hide so many powerful warriors.

Especially those guys with double-digit combat power. Although they are insignificant, their numbers are astonishing.

And those three-digit and four-digit warriors surprised them even more.

Rocky and Ultron also discovered the Saiyan invasion. Ultron did not invade Tony's system because Tony had found Jarvis. After all, the upgraded Jarvis really had the possibility of killing him. .

But that doesn't mean he can't get information.

Not to mention Luo Ji, the Hydra she controls can now be said to have gone deep into various major countries to monitor the situation.

Rocky, who didn't know that her Raditz had been discovered, looked at the invading Saiyans with great anticipation.

At the same time, a girl in purple tights stood on a high-rise building and looked at Vegeta and Napa curiously.

Her eyes sparkled with curiosity, as if she was full of interest in these two guys.

"Is this a Saiyan? It looks delicious."

The girl licked her lips and said.

Although her words were a little frivolous, there was a powerful aura about her.

Obviously, she is not an ordinary chuunibyou girl.

Vegeta and Napa did not intend to move their positions, because the targets began to gather in the combat power detector.

"The guy with a combat power of 6,000 didn't move."

"Have you been looked down upon?"

Naba and Vegeta laughed angrily when they saw that the one who came to them was not the strongest fighting force.

"It seems that the two losers Kakarot and Raditz made that guy misunderstand the power of us Saiyans!"

Vegeta's words were full of disdain for Kakarot and Raditz.

In their eyes, those two guys are not worth mentioning at all. Their failure and weakness will only make outsiders mistakenly think that Saiyans are a group of weaklings.

Nabal's face was horribly gloomy, his eyes flashing with anger. He could not accept such an insult, nor could he tolerate others' contempt for Saiyans.

"What an arrogant guy!"

He roared, his voice echoing in the air like thunder.

There was a powerful aura exuding from his body, as if it was tearing apart the air around him.

"That guy dares to underestimate us Saiyans! We must let him see how powerful we are!"

The two people's voices echoed in the empty venue, which seemed particularly shocking.

The powerful aura exuded from their bodies made everything around them seem dim.

Tony, Steve, Captain Marvel, Green Hulk, Jarvis and those brave and fearless warriors have gathered together to face the tall and burly giant in front of them - Nabal.

Nabal's body was like a towering mountain, and his muscles were like hard rocks, full of strength. His eyes were cold and sharp, as if he could penetrate all illusions.

Nabal roared so loudly that the surrounding air seemed to freeze.

He took heavy steps, like a furious rhinoceros, and rushed towards Tony and the others. Every step he took seemed to make the earth tremble, and the majestic feeling of power made people's hearts palpitate.

Tony and the others couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness in their hearts as they watched Nabal's huge body approaching them.

They know that facing such an opponent, they cannot be careless in the slightest.


Nabal suddenly let out a thunderous roar, clasped his hands together, and then let them go suddenly.

A powerful airflow appeared between his hands. With him as the center, this airflow spurted out, sweeping everything around him like a violent storm.

The pressure in the air suddenly increased, as if an invisible heavy hammer was constantly beating their bodies. Tony and the others felt it was difficult to breathe, as if they were being restrained by an invisible force.

A terrifying momentum swept up from Naba and swept in all directions. His figure looked even taller and more powerful against the backdrop of the momentum, like an invincible god of war.

As Naba's power was continuously released, the ground began to rumble and vibrate. The tiny gravel escaped the gravity under the traction of energy and slowly floated up beside him, forming a strange scene.


Naba stepped on the ground with both feet, and the exploding muscles stepped out a deep pit on the ground.

His figure rushed towards the leading Smurf Steve like a cannonball. Steve clearly felt the ground shaking, and his brain worked rapidly, trying to find a countermeasure.

However, Naba's speed was too fast. Before he could come up with any countermeasures, Naba's huge fist had already landed in front of him.

Steve only felt a strong gust of wind blowing in his face, which made his cheek hurt.

He could clearly see the skin texture and bulging blue veins on the fist, as if a moving mountain was pressing towards him.

Steve transformed into the Blue Hulk without saying a word!


Fist to fist!

Smurf Steve's powerful punch was bent by Naba and pressed into the ground!

The ground collapsed instantly, and Steve's pupils shrank. He never expected that the power gap would be so huge!

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