Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 568 Tony is defeated again

Nabar's big fist hit Steve like a meteorite, with a gusty momentum. Before Steve could react, he was hit hard into the ground by this thunderbolt, as if he was going to embed his whole body into the soil. The ground cracked instantly, and gravel splashed everywhere, stirring up a cloud of dust.

"I knew he was unreliable!"

Tony stood aside, watching Steve being smashed into the ground, and couldn't help but complain.

His vibranium nano suit shone with a mysterious luster in the sun, and every inch seemed thick and solid, as if it could withstand all attacks.

However, Tony did not relax his vigilance because he knew that Nabar in front of him was not an easy person.

Tony's suit began to change, and the originally smooth surface suddenly cracked, revealing rows of small and delicate thrusters.

Under Tony's control, these thrusters began to spray energy crazily, pushing Tony's body to rush towards Nabar at an astonishing speed. In the process of instant acceleration, Tony felt as if he had turned into a meteor, streaking through the sky and rushing towards the target.

When Tony's fist came into contact with Naba's face, there was a deafening crash.

However, surprisingly, Naba's face did not change at all, as if Tony's attack was just a tickle to him.

"Such a toy dares to appear in front of your uncle Naba?"

Naba laughed sarcastically, with a contemptuous arc at the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were full of disdain.

He stretched out a big hand and grabbed Tony's neck tightly like a chicken.

Tony's eyes were wide open, and he felt a huge force was ruthlessly squeezing his throat, making it almost impossible for him to breathe.

He struggled, grabbing his hands in the air, trying to find a chance to escape, but Naba's strength was far beyond his imagination. He was like a bird firmly clamped by an iron clamp, unable to move.

Naba's palm seemed like a huge millstone, and the force of every square centimeter reached a terrible level of tons.

He tightened his palm hard, as if he wanted to crush Tony's neck.

Tony's face showed a painful expression, his face was pale, and the veins on his forehead bulged, as if they would burst at any time.

However, at this moment, a cold light flashed.


Jarvis rushed up, and his hands instantly turned into sharp blades, flashing with cold light.

He slashed at Naba without hesitation, trying to save Tony.

Naba turned his head slightly and avoided Jarvis' attack.

He smiled contemptuously and kicked Jarvis.

This kick was so powerful that it seemed to be able to kick down a small mountain.

Jarvis did not choose to resist this sudden kick.

His nano suit instantly began to perform complex calculations, analyzing the strength and angle of Naba's attack. In a very short time, he made the best response plan.

When Naba's foot was about to kick Jarvis, the structure of Jarvis's suit changed amazingly.

The hit part began to deform rapidly, and the nanorobots rushed to the surroundings like water, leaving a hole.

As a result, Naba's kick was in vain.

However, Naba's reaction speed was also very fast.

When he saw that his kick missed, he immediately adjusted his posture and prepared to attack again. His eyes were fixed on Jarvis, as if he wanted to see through him.

Jarvis took this opportunity to use the rapid movement and reorganization ability of the nanorobots to lock Naba's leg tightly.

These nanorobots wrapped around Naba's legs like countless small snakes, making him unable to move.

Then, Jarvis waved his double swords again, stabbing Naba's body with a sharp gust of wind. His movements were swift and accurate, like an experienced assassin.

Naba felt the restraint on his legs and showed a surprised expression on his face.

He tried to break free from Jarvis's lock, but the power of the nanorobots was far beyond his imagination. He struggled hard, but his legs were as if locked by iron chains and could not move.

Of course, more importantly, the effect of vibranium absorbed his kinetic energy, making Naba unable to break free for a while.

Jarvis's double knives stabbed at Naba like two lightning bolts, so fast that it was dazzling.


A loud bang sounded, and Jarvis was knocked out by Naba using Tony as a weapon.

His body drew a parabola in the air and hit the wall in the distance heavily.

However, even after such a fierce attack, Jarvis still did not give up.

He struggled to stand up, and a dazzling light emanated from his body. That was the nano suit quickly repairing his body, allowing him to continue fighting.

But even if he was knocked away, Jarvis still left a part of his body to trap Naba.

Naba was just about to use a qigong wave to destroy this part of his body, and at this moment, Captain Marvel also rushed up.

She directly entered the binary state, and her whole body radiated a dazzling light, like a goddess descending to the earth.

She hit Naba hard, and the huge impact force made Naba take a few steps back.

After Naba stabilized his body, he looked at Captain Marvel angrily.

He didn't expect these earthlings to be so difficult to deal with, which made him feel very unhappy. He decided not to hold back and to defeat all of them with all his strength.

So, he took a deep breath, and the strength of his whole body began to surge.

His aura became stronger and stronger, like a volcano about to erupt.

The air around him began to become distorted, as if it could not withstand the powerful force he exuded.

Knowing that they could not be careless in the face of Saiyans, everyone came up with full firepower. Captain Marvel directly entered the binary state, and his combat power soared to four digits, which made Vegeta look surprised.

"Are these guys hiding their combat power?"

At this moment, a green figure suddenly rushed towards Vegeta.

That was the Green Hulk, who was burly, muscular, and exuded a violent aura.

He had no tactics or strategies, and only knew how to fight in the simplest and crudest way.

The Green Hulk rushed towards Vegeta at a very fast speed, as if a green lightning flashed across the sky.

He clenched his fists and hit with all his strength, trying to knock Vegeta to the ground.

However, Vegeta just smiled contemptuously, as if all this was within his expectations.

"Combat power 123, what an ignorant beast."

Vegeta said lightly.

Although his voice was not loud, it was full of confidence and dominance.

"I can't even tell the difference between the enemy and me."

He did not dodge the attack of the Green Hulk, but stood still and easily blocked the attack with one hand.

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