Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 592 A completely changed world

"Jarvis, we need to make a detailed plan." Tony Stark stood in his high-tech laboratory, facing the wall of display screens, frowning.

Jarvis, his intelligent assistant, immediately began to analyze various data, from global satellite images to environmental reports from various places, and then extracted information from various scientific literature. Jarvis's algorithm ran at a rapid speed, constantly proposing various possible solutions.

"First, we need to make a comprehensive assessment of the extent of damage to the earth." Jarvis' voice echoed in the laboratory, "including urban damage, vegetation coverage, water pollution and other aspects."

Tony nodded in agreement: "Yes, we need a comprehensive understanding. Only when we know the problem can we solve it in a targeted manner."

Jarvis continued: "At the same time, we also need to mobilize global resources, including human, material and financial resources. The scale of this mission is huge and cannot be completed by one person."

"You are right." Tony took a deep breath, "I need to contact scientists and engineers around the world to get them to participate in this project. We need to brainstorm and work together to study how to repair the earth's ecological environment."

So Tony started to get busy. He used his influence to contact top scientists and engineers from all over the world through various channels. He explained to them the current situation of the earth and the arduous tasks they faced.

Although these scientists came from different fields, they all knew the importance of the earth. They all expressed their willingness to join the project and contribute to the restoration of the earth.

Under Tony's call, a large scientific research team was quickly formed. They began to work together, some were responsible for studying how to rebuild the city, some were responsible for restoring vegetation, and some were responsible for purifying water sources. Everyone is working hard for the future of the earth.

In this process, Tony also deeply reflected on human behavior.

He realized that the destruction of the earth this time was not achieved overnight, but the result of human beings' long-term lack of ambition, addiction to infighting, and even harming others and destroying themselves.

Although this incident brought a huge disaster, it also taught mankind a profound lesson.

Tony intends to let the Illuminati come to the front, and he wants to take over the management of the earth!

Aims to coordinate global resources and ensure the sustainability of human behavior.

Those studies that repeatedly waste resources must be stopped. Human beings are now at the point of life and death. They must use limited resources in unlimited exploration and research.

Any unnecessary waste must be eliminated!

He hopes that through his own efforts, more people will contribute to the sustainable development of the earth.

As time goes by, the ecological environment of the earth has gradually recovered.

Cities began to rebuild, vegetation re-covered the earth, and water sources became clear. People's lives are gradually back on track.

And the starting point of all this stems from the catastrophic Saiyan invasion.

Although it brought great pain and loss, it also made humans realize their shortcomings and areas that need improvement.

However, now is not the time to relax, because the Saiyan invasion may come at any time.

Under such influence, many people choose to become "runaways", that is, to leave the earth before the Saiyans come here and find a habitable environment again.

They believe that instead of waiting for unknown disasters to come on Earth, it is better to leave in advance and find a safer and more stable place.

But Tony knew that this plan was impossible to accomplish, even if they had Captain Marvel, who could fly faster than light, and could find a planet with a life environment suitable for them to live in.

But this does not mean that humans can migrate easily.

First of all, interstellar travel itself is a huge challenge.

Long-term space travel will have an impact on human physical and mental health.

In a microgravity environment, the human body will gradually lose bone density and muscle mass, and cosmic rays may increase the risk of cancer.

The time span of interstellar travel may be decades or even hundreds of years.

This means that we need to establish a self-sufficient ecosystem in space, which is a huge challenge in terms of technology and resources.

Secondly, even if a suitable planet is found, the ecological environment there may be very different from that of the earth.

Life on Earth is the result of billions of years of evolution, and the microorganisms, plants and animals on the new planet may be completely different.

These organisms may have unknown effects on humans, such as allergic reactions, disease transmission, etc.

In addition, the atmospheric composition and air pressure of different planets may be very different.

After a long period of evolution, the atmosphere of the earth has formed an atmosphere dominated by oxygen and nitrogen that is suitable for the existence of life.

On other planets, there may be gases that are harmful to humans, or the air pressure may be too high or too low, which will threaten human survival.

In addition, the water source and soil conditions on the planet are also key factors affecting the ecological environment.

The water source on the earth has been naturally circulated and purified to form fresh water suitable for human drinking.

The water source on other planets may contain high concentrations of salt or other harmful substances and cannot be used directly. At the same time, the composition and fertility of the soil will directly affect the growth of plants and the yield of crops.

Tony also pointed out that even at the microscopic level, the environment of the new planet may have a serious impact on humans.

For example, if the magnetic field strength of the new planet is different from that of the Earth, it may affect the human nervous system and brain function.

In addition, the day and night cycle, seasonal changes, etc. of the new planet may also be different from those of the Earth. These differences may interfere with the human biological clock and affect sleep and mood.

The biodiversity and ecological balance on the planet are also factors that need to be considered.

The species of organisms on Earth are rich and diverse, and they are interdependent and mutually restricted, forming a stable ecosystem.

On other planets, there may be a lack of certain key species or too many invasive species, resulting in an imbalance in the ecological balance, posing a threat to the survival of humans and other organisms.

Therefore, Tony advocates that humans should pay more attention to the protection and sustainable development of the earth, rather than pinning their hopes on interstellar migration.

He advocates the use of scientific and technological power to strengthen the defense capabilities against the Saiyan threat, while continuing to improve the ecological environment of the earth, so that humans and the earth can enter a new era of harmonious coexistence.

Tony's view has been recognized by more and more people.

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