Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 593 Strange

People are beginning to pay more attention to environmental protection and reduce the overexploitation and waste of natural resources.

Scientists are also studying how to use scientific and technological means, such as carbon capture and storage technology, desalination technology, etc., to solve environmental problems on Earth.

At the same time, humans are also actively developing space exploration technology, not to escape from the Earth, but to better understand the universe and provide more knowledge and resources for the sustainable development of the Earth.

"Earth Defense Force, how could I see such a ridiculous thing?"

Luther said.

The Illuminati has the most powerful military force on Earth today, so when they decided to rule the Earth, almost no one could raise objections, which seemed to be a matter of course.

With the establishment of the Illuminati's rule, the technology and culture on Earth have also ushered in unprecedented changes.

In addition, because of the influence of the Saiyans, humans began the immigration plan to the moon and Mars.

The original intention of these plans was, on the one hand, to explore the universe and find new living space; on the other hand, it was also to preserve the fire and have enough time to retreat and rebuild when the Earth was facing a crisis.

After all, with such a powerful existence as the Saiyans, the future of the Earth is full of uncertainty.

And against this background, the research on super soldier serum was once again put on the agenda. This serum, which can give humans extraordinary powers, once played a huge role in the war.

However, the only sample was contaminated for some reason, causing Steve to become the Blue Hulk, which was obviously not suitable as a new research sample.

So, scientists had to start from scratch and redevelop the super soldier serum. Fortunately, Nick Fury kept Steve's original blood sample.

The arrival of the Saiyan Raditz brought new possibilities to this research.

The Saiyan samples provided by Raditz enabled scientists to combine the Saiyan genes with human genes to create Saiyans belonging to humans.

Tony proposed a bold and crazy idea.

He wanted to combine the super soldier serum with the Saiyan genes to create a new creature - the human Saiyan.

This creature will have strength and speed beyond ordinary people, and may even master some special abilities of the Saiyans.

Although this idea is crazy, it has a certain scientific basis.

The super soldier serum can enhance human physical fitness and immunity, while the Saiyan genes give them strong combat effectiveness and recovery ability. If the two are combined, perhaps a powerful new creature can really be created.

However, this research is also full of unknowns and risks.

First of all, genetic modification itself is an extremely complex and dangerous task, and the slightest carelessness may lead to unpredictable consequences.

Secondly, whether the genes of Saiyans can be completely integrated with human genes is also an unknown. If the fusion fails, it may cause serious physical abnormalities or even death in the experimental subject.

Despite this, Tony decided to take a risk. He led a group of top scientists and researchers to start this unprecedented research.

It can only be said that this ability to stir up trouble is Tony Stark, second only to Mr. Fantastic.

However, in this catastrophe, there is also a person who lost everything. He, a former neurosurgeon, is now experiencing unprecedented despair. His name is Stephen Strange.

Dr. Strange enjoys a high reputation in the field of neurosurgery. His surgical skills are superb and his success rate is astonishingly high.

Every operation he performs is an art. The scalpel in his hand seems to be given life, and can accurately remove lesions and save lives. He is hailed as God's gift to the surgical world, and countless honors and awards are piled up in his office, witnessing his brilliance.

However, in the disaster of the Saiyan invasion, Dr. Strange suffered a heavy blow. A huge falling rock hit his hands, causing serious damage to the nerves in his hands and ruptured ligaments.

He tried to restore the function of his hands through surgery and treatment, but the results were disappointing. His hands could no longer be as flexible as before, he could no longer pick up a scalpel, and could no longer continue his career as a doctor.

For a doctor who lives by surgery, such a blow is undoubtedly fatal. Dr. Strange could not accept this cruel reality, and he felt that his life had lost its meaning and value.

He tried to raise funds by borrowing money and selling property, hoping to find a way to heal his hands. However, the reality was cruel. He spent all his savings but still could not find an effective treatment.

In despair, Stephen Strange fell into deep confusion and pain. He didn't know how to face this cruel reality, nor did he know how to continue to live.

He spent every day in pain and struggle, as if he was trapped in endless darkness.

Luther was watching him from the side.

"Don't be nervous, Master Ancient One, I have no ill intentions."

Luther said to the air.

"...Emperor Luther."

Master Ancient One appeared and nodded to Luther.

Luther is the mysterious leader of Hydra, a figure who manipulates countless conspiracies in the dark.

However, Master Ancient One did not show any hostility, which was surprising.

Luther was a little surprised, he thought Master Ancient One would immediately reveal his true identity.

But the Ancient One didn't seem to know that he was the boss of Hydra.

This possibility is not impossible.

After all, the Ancient One stopped using the Eye of Agamotto a long time ago. She placed this powerful artifact casually in the library and traveled around outside.

I don't know whether it was because she had fleeced Dormammu to the point where she could protect herself, because she was strong enough and didn't need to rely on the power of the Eye of Agamotto, or because she had foreseen all the future and was sure that there would be no danger?

As Luther guessed, the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One didn't know that Luther was the "Black Caesar".

Because Luther was a person who couldn't predict the future.

Luther, who had the "power of transcendence", could not predict his future with a single time gem.

It was possible for a while, but now it is impossible.

During that time, the Supreme Sorcerer Ancient One did not use the Eye of Agamotto.

This is the benefit of fleecing Dormammu. The power brought by the dark universe dimension is enough for her to solve 99% of the troubles.

"I'm just here to make sure Strange's growth doesn't deviate."

The Ancient One said.

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