Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 596: Unstoppable, blood sacrifice to the emperor, skull offered to the golden throne!

Under the cover of artillery fire, the fleet led by Luther charged forward like an arrow from a bow. The artillery fire intertwined into one piece, and the flames and smoke intertwined together, like the roar of a beast, shaking the entire battlefield.

"Charge! For the emperor!"

"Sacrifice the blood to the emperor, and offer the skull to the golden throne!"

Each warship is like a steel behemoth, with an indestructible hull, and the roar of artillery fire echoes on the battlefield.

These warships are not only a symbol of Luther's power, but also a manifestation of their determination and faith to move forward. Under the cover of artillery fire, the warships are like a torrent of steel, surging forward, rushing towards the enemy without fear.

The enemy's defense line was broken again and again under the charge of the warships.

Every time a warship broke through the enemy's defense line, it would cause a thunderous roar, and the enemy was smashed to pieces and in a mess. The fleet led by Luther was like a tiger descending from the mountain, unstoppable.

As the warships charged, the warriors also jumped out of the warships and engaged in close combat with the enemy.

Their figures shuttled across the battlefield, as swift and flexible as cheetahs. Every swing of their swords and every punch was full of strength and determination.

The warriors of the golden humans were extremely powerful, with clear muscle lines, as if they had undergone special training. They wielded huge weapons, and every swing could smash the enemy to pieces.

Their bodies seemed to have been tempered and invulnerable, making the enemy feel extremely desperate when facing them.

After all, they were Saitama's super humans without the constraints of limiters. They only needed to exercise to grow steadily. Now they have grown to the combat power of dragon-level monsters per capita.

And dragon-level monsters, in a place like the Marvel Universe, are basically invincible unless they encounter those supermodel monsters and numerical monsters, such as guys above the god level.

They can completely sweep the universe!

The warriors of the one-eyed star are good at long-range attacks.

They stood on the warships, staring at every enemy with a sharp gaze.

The one-eyed star on their chest flashes with a faint light. This is a natural energy cannon.

The energy beams they emit, like lightning, cut through the sky, accurately hit the target, and instantly defeat the enemy.

This chest energy cannon is also called "trash cannon" by them. In their opinion, the attack of this energy cannon is enough to turn any trash into powder in an instant.

However, when the enemy thinks that they are just long-range attack units and try to rush to them under the attack of energy cannons, the one-eyed stars will tear off their disguise and show their true horror.

They will move at supersonic speed brought by energy eruption, appear behind the enemy in an instant, and their every move is a supersonic attack, which catches the enemy off guard and is defeated instantly.

The weird warriors are aliens on the battlefield.

Their appearance is strange, some look like giant spiders, some look like giant beasts with horns, and some look like demons with flames burning all over their bodies.

Not only are they horrible in appearance, but they also have various strange abilities.

Some can manipulate fire and turn the battlefield into a sea of ​​fire; some can control water flow and form huge water columns to wash away the enemy; others can transform into various forms, making the enemy defenseless.

The existence of the monsters makes the enemy feel extremely terrified, and they don't know how to deal with these strange and powerful opponents. Whenever the monster warriors launch an attack, they will cause a thunderous roar, which makes the enemy feel extremely shocked and desperate.

In this battle, Black Sperm and Vaccine Man became the two most dazzling stars in Luther's fleet.

With its unparalleled strength and speed, Black Sperm rampaged on the battlefield and was invincible.

He was like a prehistoric beast, shuttling among the enemies and instantly defeating all the enemies who blocked him.

With the protein supply from an empire, the number of Black Sperm's new clones has exceeded 1000 trillion.

I'm afraid that even Tornado in his prime would be killed by him in one punch, and even if Boros was resurrected, he would not be able to defeat him.

The Vaccine Man got the will of Venus and became the representative of Venus.

After being blessed by the will of Venus, his power soared to a whole new level.

Luther naturally attached great importance to this special representative of the planet's will, so he helped him connect with the will of Venus.

The current Vaccine Man has a part of the Earth's will in the One Punch Man world, plus the complete will of Venus. His power has surpassed the peak. Normally, he has the powerful power of the original third form, and can also transform into a more powerful "Venus form"!

He can control the power of Venus and transform it into a powerful means of attack, making the enemy feel extremely desperate.

The Vaccine Man stood on the top of the battleship, looking up at the deep starry sky. He exuded a golden light, as if he was integrated with Venus.

He closed his eyes and deeply felt the will of Venus, the power from the depths of the planet. When he opened his eyes, his eyes flashed with a firm light, as if he was ready to meet all challenges.

With his order, the Vaccine Man began to attack. He controlled the power of Venus and transformed it into powerful energy waves.

These energy waves cut through the night sky like golden lightning and smashed fiercely at the enemy. The enemy seemed so fragile and helpless in front of this powerful force, and could only watch himself being swallowed by the golden energy.

The situation on the battlefield was quickly reversed under the attack of the vaccine man.

The enemy, who was still resisting, had completely collapsed at this moment. They fled everywhere, trying to escape from this horrible battlefield. However, the vaccine man did not give them any chance to escape. He continued to control the power of Venus and annihilated the enemies one by one.

Luther stood in the command room of the flagship, watching every detail on the battlefield with a torch-like gaze.

His heart was full of excitement and expectation, and he knew that the victory of this battle would belong to them. He kept issuing orders and adjusting tactics to allow the fleet to exert its maximum combat effectiveness.

As time went on, the situation on the battlefield became more and more favorable to the fleet led by Luther.

The enemy's defense line was constantly broken, and morale was getting lower and lower. The fleet led by Luther became more and more courageous, and the fighting spirit of the soldiers was high, as if they could defeat all enemies.

Finally, at Luther's order, the fleet launched the final charge.

All the warships concentrated their firepower and launched a fierce attack on the enemy's last line of defense. The artillery fire intertwined into a sea of ​​fire, completely destroying the enemy's defense line.

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