Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 597 Appearance

With the complete collapse of the last line of defense, the enemy finally couldn't withstand the fierce offensive of Luther's fleet and began to flee everywhere, trying to escape from the battlefield that had become purgatory.

However, Luther did not give them any breathing space. He led the fleet to pursue them relentlessly, determined to wipe out the enemy.

Just when Luther was about to annihilate all the enemies, a powerful energy wave suddenly came from a distance.

This energy wave was powerful and terrifying, making everyone feel an inexplicable sense of oppression. Then, a black shadow flashed, and Thanos and his dark cult appeared on the battlefield.

When Thanos descended on the battlefield, the battle situation, which was already tense to the extreme, instantly became more complicated and difficult, and every living being felt an unprecedented sense of oppression.

Thanos did not come alone, but brought his right-hand man, the Obsidian Five.

These five powerful warriors, each with unique abilities and characteristics, are the most powerful existences under Thanos. Their appearance made the already difficult battle situation even more difficult.

General Corvus Glaive, as the commander of the Black Order, he was dressed in black armor, holding a huge battle blade, and stood majestically on the battlefield.

Every time he swung his sword, it seemed to tear the space apart, making the enemy tremble.

His existence made the entire battlefield shrouded in a murderous atmosphere.

General Corvus Glaive's strength was unfathomable. He had super strength and healing ability, and he could recover quickly even if he was seriously injured.

Moreover, his battle blade also hosted his soul. As long as the battle blade was not destroyed, he could continue to resurrect.

At the same time, this Corvus Glaive was indestructible, even vibranium could be cut easily, and it also came with the power of death, which was specifically used to restrain immortal enemies.

Ebony Maw was an old man with yellow skin and white hair. He looked inconspicuous, but he had a strong super intelligence and mental power. He could use mental power to make verbal hints, thereby invading the target's mind and brainwashing the target.

His ability made countless strong men fall into his hands.

Moreover, he is also a genius scientist who can create all kinds of high-tech weapons and armor, providing strong support for the Dark Order. His existence has made the technological advantage of Luther's fleet disappear.

Proxima Midnight is a nimble female warrior. She holds a spear, is as swift as the wind, and has strong combat power.

Her spear is a divine weapon forged by Thanos himself. After being thrown, it can be transformed into three tracking energy beams, each of which has the power and super mass of the core of a star.

Such a weapon is enough to make any strong man feel terrified.

After all, no one can withstand millions of ultra-high temperature energies and the super mass of a star. Basically, as long as they touch these energy beams, they will die. Even Thor, who can withstand the impact of neutron star energy, will be imprisoned and unable to move!

On the battlefield, she is like a black lightning, shuttling among the enemy groups, posing a huge threat to the enemy.

Superstar is a blue-skinned female psychic wearing a white robe. Her mental power is so powerful that it is outrageous. She can perform mind control and teleportation, leaving the enemy powerless to fight back.

In battle, Supergiant always stands in a relatively safe position and controls the enemy through psychic powers. Her eyes flash with blue light, as if she can see through the enemy's heart.

Her voice is gentle and full of magic, which can make the enemy fall into an illusion and lose themselves. Under her control, the enemy often becomes like a puppet, letting her manipulate.

As soon as she appeared, Supergiant controlled the warriors and warships of the Galactic Empire to kill each other, letting them fire at each other and fight together. The whole battlefield became a mess, the enemies killed each other, and Supergiant stood aside, smiling and admiring it all. Her existence made the whole battlefield shrouded in a mysterious and terrifying atmosphere.

As for Black Dwarf, although he is known as the weakest among the Five Obsidian Generals, it does not mean that he is not strong. He is a pure warrior with super defense, super strength and super recovery.

His skin is as hard as iron, able to withstand most attacks; his strength is so great that he can easily lift a mountain; and his recovery ability is amazing, even if he is severely injured, he can recover in a short time. In battle, he is like a mobile fortress, making it difficult for the enemy to break through.

Each of these five warriors is a capable general in Thanos' hands. When they join forces, they are enough to make the entire universe tremble.

Their appearance makes the already difficult battle situation even more difficult. No matter what kind of enemy they face, they can defeat the enemy one by one with their own abilities and wisdom.

Thanos led the five black generals, like an irresistible torrent, sweeping across the entire universe.

Wherever they went, they left ruins and wailing. Countless creatures trembled under their iron hooves and could not escape the fate of death.

Of course, this does not include Luther's Galactic Empire.

"Galactic Empire?" Thanos sneered at the corner of his mouth, he looked up and looked into the distance, the approaching huge battleship was like a towering mountain, standing in the dark universe. The symbol of the Galactic Empire flashes on its surface, and the unique pattern is particularly eye-catching under the starlight.

He recalled the battleship that he had let go before, and his heart was filled with a wave of emotion. At that time, he might have been too confident, or perhaps underestimated the enemy, but now it seems that it was indeed a stupid decision. The battleship was like a seed that fell on this dark soil, and now it has taken root and sprouted, growing into a powerful enemy.

However, Thanos is not a person who will be easily upset. He accepted his failure and also accepted this challenge. He knew that only by defeating the enemy in front of him could he prove his strength.

"It's the Galactic Empire." Ebony Maw's voice broke the silence, and a strange expression appeared on his face. Other members of the Dark Cult also recognized each other's identity, and they couldn't help but feel a complex emotion in their hearts.

Although they did not mean to blame Thanos, the current situation did make them feel a little embarrassed. The Dark Cult suffered heavy losses in this battle, with countless casualties.

At this time, Superstar was exerting his ability to the fullest, trying to control the approaching enemies. Her eyes were shining with a faint blue light, as if two stars were shining in the dark.

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