Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 609 Gotham City needs a transcendent.

Really good, he saw through the secret so quickly.

Luther was amazed. This fledgling Batman could have such a sharp analytical ability. It was really impressive.

However, even if he could see through everything, what could he do?

Luther smiled, because he deliberately exposed the flaws to show the power of the armor, like a gorgeous show-off.

His speed was fast enough to capture the trajectory of the bullet and avoid the fatal shot;

This was the super speed ability of the Transcendent Armor.

And the close-range distortion field was like the tentacles of the devil. Once touched, it could twist and deform the metal like kneading dough and break it into pieces.

This technological armor seemed to be born for close combat, and it seemed to be designed to restrain close combat.

If Batman could notice this and formulate a strategy based on it, Luther would reveal more means.

How could his high-tech armor only have these two abilities? That was just Batman's conjecture.

Luther had already planned in his mind that he would make this armor as changeable as the nano-enhanced suit in Crysis.

At that time, he would activate the power mode, and with one punch, Batman's suit would be reduced to dust;

Or he would activate the armor mode, making Batman's electric shock darts, electric shock gloves and other attacks ineffective;

There is also a stealth mode, which would make Batman fall into the fog and can only passively take the beating without any ability to fight back.

Luther was very excited when he thought of this.

Gotham, the city that never sleeps, is like a giant beast, roaring in the endless night, revealing its hidden chaos and sin.

The towering skyscrapers are like a steel forest, and in the shadows, sin lurks like a snake.

However, in this seemingly unsalvationable darkness, a new light is quietly rising.

He, known as the Beyonder, is the new hope of Gotham City and the nightmare of those criminals.

He is different from Batman, the guardian who adheres to the doctrine of non-killing.

The Beyonder's methods are more direct and more cruel. He believed that the best punishment for those criminals who committed crimes was to completely deprive them of the ability to commit evil.

In the hands of the Transcendent, those once arrogant criminals became like kites with broken strings, and their hands and feet were twisted into incredible shapes, like twists.

This kind of pain was enough to make them spend the rest of their lives in regret and pain. And such a punishment also made those criminals completely lose the ability to commit crimes again.

Policeman Gordon stood in front of the window of the police station, looking deeply at the city guarded by the Transcendent outside the window.

He was both happy and worried. He was happy that Gotham City finally had a superhero who could really deter criminals; he was worried that the Transcendent's methods were too cruel and would cause greater social problems.

"He was too cruel."

Gordon muttered to himself, his brows furrowed, as if he was thinking about whether the Transcendent's behavior was appropriate.

He knew that the appearance of the Transcendent had significantly improved the public security in Gotham City, and those once arrogant criminals were now hiding in dark corners and dared not show up easily.

However, he also knew that such a method was not a long-term solution.

However, the Transcendent did not seem to care about this.

He continued to patrol the streets and alleys of Gotham City, looking for those hidden criminals.

His figure was like a ghost, always appearing when he was most needed, bringing a fatal blow to those criminals.

His reputation quickly spread in Gotham City and became a legend among people.

"The Transcendent, he is our savior!"

"Gotham needs the Transcendent, not Batman!"

"I really love the Transcendent, he is so cool."

Citizens were talking about it in the streets and alleys, and their faces were filled with long-lost smiles. They knew that with the Transcendent, Gotham City finally had a glimmer of hope for peace.

However, not everyone appreciated the Transcendent's behavior.

Some people thought that his methods were too cruel and did not meet the standards of justice. They began to organize and try to stop the Transcendent's actions.

These opponents began to post comments on social media to criticize the Transcendent's behavior.

"He could have just stopped them instead of hurting them!"

"Oh my God, don't you think his behavior is too cruel?"

"He is simply a demon. My innocent cousin who was passing by had his hands and feet twisted by him."

"He doesn't respect human rights at all!"

They even organized some protests to try to attract more attention.

But their voices were soon drowned out by those who were grateful to the Transcendent.

Bruce Wayne. He looked at the news reports with mixed feelings.

They were all about the Transcendent.

Who made him the supernova of Gotham City and the most popular person in Gotham City.

He didn't approve of the other party's behavior, but the Transcendent did not do evil. He was enforcing justice and didn't kill anyone.

It just made them live a life worse than death.

This made Bruce Wayne very worried.

He was worried that the Transcendent would get out of control!

Excessive violence can easily lead people astray and lose control.

"I have to talk to him."

Bruce finally decided.

He doesn't want to meddle in other people's affairs, nor does he want to interfere with other people's affairs with his own opinions.

He just didn't want a hero to go astray and lose control.

That night, he prepared everything.

Including the equipment that was previously developed for the Transcendent, as well as special training with Alfred, and simulated combat with a 100% winning rate for the Transcendent.

He pursued that no matter what the environment, he would defeat the Transcendent 100%. Even if he couldn't do it by only 1%, it would be a failure for him.

Under the moonlight, Batman unfolded his cape, like a big human-shaped bat.

He stood on a tall building, overlooking Gotham City.

Then he heard gunshots from the Gotham Port.

The Gotham Port is a place where there is never a lack of sin, because even if the port is just a piece of land, it means a steady stream of money.

So the sin there is the most dense and sinful in Gotham City.

"The gunshots are very intense. It seems that they have encountered an unimaginably difficult enemy."

Batman watched coldly. Whether the Transcendent is there or not, he has to go over to take a look.

Then he jumped down from the tall building, and his cape turned into a hang glider, taking him quickly to the Gotham City Port.

At this time, the Gotham City Port was very busy.

A group of drug dealers who were trading drugs here opened fire and attacked the Transcendence who suddenly appeared.

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