Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 610 The Battle for the Bottom Line

The Transcendent opposite looked calm and unhurried. He stood still, but all the bullets passed through his body.

"Damn it, it's the ghost movement of the Transcendent!"

"I heard it's called super speed?"

"No matter what it is, we just need to seal off all the spaces where he can hide!"

After the drug dealers saw this scene, they were no longer as shocked as before.

Because the Transcendent has demonstrated this ability too many times.

At first, the criminals thought they were attacking a ghost, or that the Transcendent used projection technology to trick them into wasting bullets.

Then they gradually came to know that none of this was the truth. The truth was the transcendent's high-tech armor exclusive ability, super speed technology!

I don’t know who said it, but it suddenly became mainstream knowledge.

The person who made the disclosure claimed to have obtained the exclusive information, but in fact it was Luther himself who revealed it.

He even explained the principle of super speed technology. After all, he wanted to increase his persuasiveness and fool a certain little bat.

This super-speed technology actually combines cutting-edge technologies in multiple fields such as bioelectricity, neuroscience, and materials engineering.

First of all, the study of bioelectricity has allowed scientists to understand that the human body's nerve signals are propagated in the nervous system in the form of electrical signals.

Advances in neuroscience have enabled a deeper understanding of how these signals control muscle contraction and relaxation to produce movement.

By stimulating and accelerating the nerve reflex speed of the human body's bioelectricity with electric current, the transcendent's muscles can react in a very short time, reaching a speed beyond ordinary people.

This technology can accelerate the speed of human nerve reflexes to an incredible degree.

Through this technology, the Transcendent can react in a very short time and even dodge the bullet while it is flying.

This ability has shown great advantages in actual combat, allowing the Beyonder to remain calm and safe in the face of a hail of bullets.

However, drug dealers do not give up easily.

They began trying to block all of the Beyonder's hiding spaces, trying to force him to be unable to use his super speed technology.

But at this moment, another ability of the Transcendent - the distortion field - began to come into play.

The Transcendent walked directly into the hail of bullets. The bullets hit his armor, but when he was still a fist away, they were all distorted by the distortion force field generator.

Under the influence of the force field, the bullets were all twisted into clumps or fragmented, losing their forward momentum and becoming harmless.

This twisting force field technology is based on advanced physics principles, especially in-depth research in the fields of quantum mechanics and electromagnetism.

The Beyonder's armor is equipped with a special energy field generator that can generate and control powerful magnetic and electric fields.

As the bullet approaches, these fields interact, creating twisting forces that alter the bullet's flight path and render it ineffective.

The Transcendent's actions were swift and precise, and his appearance was like a ghost, making drug dealers feel unprecedented fear.

He was so fast that drug dealers could barely catch him.

The figure of the Beyonder shuttled between them, and every contact brought devastating consequences.

When the Beyonder's fingers lightly touched the guns and arms of the drug dealers, a strange phenomenon occurred.

The hard metal and flesh underwent huge deformation in an instant, as if they were twisted and squeezed by invisible forces.

This is the effect of the twisting force exerted by the Transcendent, a force powerful enough to alter the structure of matter.

The twisting force is a mechanical principle based on physics, especially in the fields of material mechanics and elasticity.

The ability of the transcendent is actually to change the molecular structure inside the object through precise control of the local force field, thereby achieving the effect of distorting the shape of the object.

The application of this kind of power requires extremely high precision and control, and the Beyonder's high-tech armor provides just such technical support.

"Ahhh, my hand!"

"No, don't do this, don't hurt me!"

"I surrender, the Transcendent lets me go!"

The drug dealers screamed and fell down one after another. Some even fainted from the heart-wrenching pain, foaming at the mouth and convulsing all over.

What's even more terrifying is that because the distortion force of the Transcendents is distorted together with their firearms, their arms become twisted at the same time.

The fragments of the firearm and a large number of metal fragments were also entangled with their arms. They were indistinguishable from each other, becoming one among you and one among me.

Even the most astute surgeons in the world would not be able to separate these flesh-and-blood metal fragments from their arms.

"Stop it, Transcendent!"

Batman suddenly appeared, his voice echoing in the night sky with unquestionable determination.

"Batman, what's wrong? Are you going to stop me? You know, I made Gotham City a better place."

Luther mocked, his voice full of confidence.

Batman walked forward slowly, his eyes burning as he stared at Luther closely.

There was no expression on his face, but his deep eyes revealed incomparable determination.

"No, I'm here to help you, Beyonder!" Batman's voice was calm and powerful.

Luther raised his eyebrows. He was obviously surprised by Batman's words.

"Help me? What you see now is that I am the most popular superhero in Gotham City. Everyone loves the Beyonder. I also met an enthusiastic female fan tonight who insisted that I go to her house to sit. In comparison, Batman, do you think you are perfect?" Luther's words were full of provocation.

Batman was unmoved. He said calmly: "I admit my shortcomings, and for this I am also prepared to fall into the abyss. But you are different, the transcendent. I did not see anything from your words. Your bottom line.”

"Bottom line? Are you talking about your principle of not killing people?"

Luther sneered.

"Stop joking about your ridiculous bottom line. In this city full of crime, sometimes killing is a necessary means."

Batman shook his head, and his voice became more serious: "Killing will corrode people's hearts, and unchecked power will give birth to the devil. You may feel that you are doing justice, but what you have done has exceeded the bottom line."

"Over the line?"

Luther sneered, "Then tell me, what is justice? Is it like you, watching criminals accept the punishment of the law, and then go free in the blink of an eye, and be helpless?"

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