Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 620: Talia's thoughts changed

It is not only as fast as lightning, but also highly maneuverable, and can perform various difficult actions and attacks in the air.

This makes the Terminator more elusive and difficult to deal with in battle.

He can dive and attack the enemy in the air, or use the weapons on the aircraft to attack remotely.

The Terminator calls it "Decepticon", which sounds like a suitable name.

Such an opponent is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Talia.

She was angry because the Terminator seemed to be an insurmountable barrier blocking her way forward.

She had tried to attack him in various ways, but he easily resolved it every time.

Her attack seemed to be just an insignificant tickle to the Terminator, and could not cause any substantial damage to him at all.

She was helpless, because even if she tried her best, she seemed unable to shake this powerful enemy. The strength of the Terminator seemed to be bottomless, and no matter how hard she tried, she could not touch his bottom line. Every confrontation made her feel that the gap between herself and the Terminator was getting bigger and bigger.

However, Talia was not the kind of person who gave up easily. She knew that if she chose to retreat, all her previous efforts would be in vain, and her dreams and beliefs would be shattered. Therefore, she had to persevere and find a way to defeat the Terminator.

She began to re-examine her strategy. She had always relied on her own strength and skills to fight the enemy. However, facing an opponent like the Terminator, pure strength and skills seemed to be insufficient. The Terminator not only had strong strength, but also had elusive tactics and strategies. This made Talia always in a passive position in the battle and unable to fight back effectively.

She realized that in order to defeat the Terminator, she had to change her strategy. She no longer blindly pursued the advantage in strength, but paid more attention to the use of tactics and the weaknesses of the enemy. She began to study the Terminator's fighting style and look for his flaws and loopholes. At the same time, she also began to improve her strength and skills to deal with various tactics that the Terminator might adopt.

In this process, Talia also began to think about the identity and changes of the Terminator. She clearly remembered that this powerful opponent was called the Beyonder before, wearing a high-tech armor, as if he was a warrior from the future. His appearance is always accompanied by mystery and unknown, making it impossible to figure out his true intentions.

However, now, he has changed his name to Terminator, and is shocking the entire Gotham City with his godly body.

Every time he appears, he is accompanied by endless destruction and terror. His power seems to have reached a whole new level that is unimaginable.

His changes confuse and puzzle Talia. Could it be that the Transcendent is not the Terminator? They are just two different people with similar looks?

Or did the Transcendent undergo some kind of change, using high technology to strengthen his body, thus becoming the current Terminator? If so, how did this change happen? Why did he choose to do this?

These questions troubled Talia. She believed that only by revealing the true face of the Terminator could she find a way to defeat him. So she began to secretly investigate the background and origin of the Terminator, hoping to find some useful clues.

"Not right, maybe his strength can be my hope?"

Talia stood in front of the window, looking at the night view of Gotham City in the distance, and suddenly a different idea came to her mind.

She looked at the Terminator on the screen, that powerful being, as if he was an invincible god.

His power made people awed, and his majesty made people submit.

Talia admitted that she had never seen such a powerful enemy, nor had she ever felt such a strong sense of oppression.

She recalled every battle with the Terminator, although each time ended in failure, but the strong sense of shock made her unforgettable.

The power of the Terminator seemed to exceed the limits of human beings, making her feel both terrified and yearning.

However, just when she felt desperate, a different idea ignited in her heart.

If she could have a child with such a being, would her child inherit the genes of her father and also gain the terrifying power of a god?

Once this idea emerged in Talia's mind, it spread rapidly like wildfire.

She imagined the appearance of that child, possessing power and wisdom beyond ordinary people, and being able to easily control the entire world. And she, as the mother of this child, would be her strongest backing to help her realize all her dreams.

The child must listen to the mother, and she can also cultivate his mind from an early age.

This idea made Talia feel excited and excited. She knew that this plan would require great efforts and costs, but she was willing to take risks for the child.

She began to prepare for the plan.

First, she needed to find a way to combine with the Terminator.

This was not easy, because the Terminator's body was so strong that she could not directly touch his flesh.

However, Talia believed that as long as she was smart and resourceful enough, she would be able to find a way.

At the same time, she also began to look for the right time and place. She knew that the Terminator was an extremely vigilant and cautious person who would not easily expose his weaknesses. Therefore, she needed to wait patiently and look for a perfect opportunity.

During this process, Talia also began to consider her physical condition.

She knew that in order to give birth to a healthy child, she had to maintain the best physical condition. So she began to strengthen exercise and maintenance to make her body healthier and stronger.

Finally, she also needed to consider how to deal with the possible counterattack of the Terminator.

If the Terminator knew her plan, he might destroy her and her child without hesitation.

Therefore, she needed to make a careful plan to ensure that her intentions would not be exposed before taking action.

"However, since there is a beautiful female assistant, does it mean that the Terminator's will is not indestructible?"

Talia looked at the photo of Catwoman thoughtfully.

Catwoman Selina has become the dream lover of many people in Gotham City, but now it seems that the beauty has been taken, and the other party is still the Terminator they can't afford to offend.

The slender and hot body, the sexy and seductive black leather jacket, the charming and enchanting posture, each of which is a powerful feature of Catwoman to attract people's attention.

However, Talia is confident that she is not much worse than Catwoman. There is no reason why she cannot do what Catwoman can do!

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