Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 621 Beating up Penguin to get clues is a daily routine in Gotham City!

At the same time, Batman Bruce Wayne frowned, like a volcano about to erupt, and his inner anxiety and uneasiness were like the undercurrent of the river, constantly impacting his calmness and rationality.

The appearance of the Terminator was like a sudden storm, breaking the relatively calm situation in Gotham City.

As the guardian of Gotham City, Bruce has always shouldered a heavy responsibility.

He knew that the peace and harmony of this city were hard-won, and there were countless struggles and sacrifices behind it.

Therefore, he was highly vigilant against any factors that might threaten the stability of Gotham City.

However, the appearance of the Terminator made him feel unprecedented pressure.

This powerful enemy not only has power beyond ordinary people, but also has a cold and ruthless desire to kill.

Every time he appears, he will bring panic and chaos to Gotham City.

Bruce originally thought that he had developed some tactics and equipment against the transcendent, but reality gave him a cruel blow.

He found that his previous efforts seemed so pale and powerless in front of the Terminator. The opponent seemed to have evolved to a new level and became more difficult to deal with.

This feeling of powerlessness made Bruce feel very frustrated and helpless.

He sat deep in the Batcave, looking at the wall of surveillance screens, his heart was full of confusion and bewilderment.

He didn't know how to deal with this powerful enemy, let alone how to protect the city he loved.

The appearance of the Terminator has caused chaos in the entire Gotham City.

Although on the surface, the city has become better, with singing and dancing, everyone living and working in peace and happiness, as if it is only a few levels away from the ideal state of no picking up on the road and no locking the door at night.

But Bruce knew that this was only the calm on the surface, and there was a huge crisis hidden under the undercurrent.

He clearly remembered what the Joker once said to him: "Bat Head, we all appeared because of you. It is your existence that attracted us to Gotham City."

This sentence pierced his heart like a sharp knife.

The violent behavior of the Terminator not only cannot solve the problem, but will aggravate the chaos and division of society.

Because violence will only attract violence, and fear will only attract fear.

The appearance of the Terminator is not accidental, but a reflection of the deep-seated problems of Gotham City.

He is racing against time, racing against time in this situation where he doesn't know when the false peace will be broken.

"Batman has already provoked the Joker, the Scarecrow, the Riddler... So what will the Terminator provoke?"

Thinking of the crazy Joker, and a lot of mental patients and villains, Batman is already having a headache.

And the things that can be attracted by the Terminator...

In this confusion and confusion, Bruce began to step up his research on the abilities and characteristics of the Terminator.

He hopes to find the opponent's weaknesses, so as to develop more effective tactics and strategies. He consulted a lot of information, analyzed every action and attack method of the Terminator, and tried to find out the rules and flaws.

In this process, Bruce also began to re-examine the relationship between the Transcendent and the Terminator. He suspected that there might be some connection or commonality between the two.

If this mystery can be solved, perhaps the key to defeating the Terminator can be found.

However, this mystery does not seem to be easy to solve.

Bruce spent a lot of time and energy on research and analysis, but still could not come to a definite conclusion.

He can only hope for future investigations and explorations, hoping to find more clues and evidence.

In fact, Gotham City, a city full of mystery and chaos, has really seen different undercurrents recently.

The news spread like wildfire, and people outside heard that a human god appeared in Gotham City. He ruled the city with the body of a god, and used his powerful power to intimidate the darkness and evil of Gotham City. Such legends, like magnets, attract all kinds of people who seek excitement, curiosity or have plans.

Luther, the guardian of Gotham City, is patrolling the sky over the city tonight in his Decepticon vertical take-off and landing aircraft. The moonlight sprinkled on the metal shell of the aircraft, flashing a cold light. He supported his cheek with one hand, and his eyes swept through every corner of the city, looking for possible threats.

However, the patrol days are always so monotonous and boring, and Luther can't help feeling a little bored. He yawned, and the charming figure of Catwoman began to emerge in his mind. Tonight, Catwoman couldn't go out for physiological reasons, which made Luther feel a little lost. He sighed and thought, if Catwoman was there, they could still play some naughty games in the Decepticons, such as petting and sucking cats, to kill time.

However, Luther soon realized that he couldn't always indulge in such games.

"I, Luther, am the pioneer of crime, the nemesis of justice, bah, the pioneer of justice, the nemesis of crime, the knight of light and the guardian of Gotham City, how can I be so decadent!"

"From today on, stop playing with cats!"

He is a guardian, his duty is to protect the city, not to play with cats in the aircraft.

He shook his head and drove these distracting thoughts out of his mind.

At this moment, Luther's eyes suddenly became sharp.

He felt an unusual breath, a dangerous breath. He quickly focused his attention on the front, and saw a Stinger missile whizzing towards him.

This Stinger missile was extremely fast and accurate, and soon hit the side of the aircraft.

"Bang!" With a loud bang, the Decepticon's shell was hit by the missile, and sparks instantly appeared.

The aircraft began to shake violently, and Luther felt a strong impact coming from all directions. He held the joystick tightly and tried to keep the aircraft stable.

However, the power of the Stinger missile was extraordinary. It not only damaged the outer shell of the aircraft, but also had a serious impact on the internal system of the aircraft.

The engine of the aircraft began to make a strange roar, and the speed gradually slowed down.

"Damn, someone can bring a stinger into Gotham City. Penguin, wait for me, I will beat him up and ask for clues later!"

Luther's mouth corners rose. It has been a long time since he met such a tough guy.

If measures are not taken as soon as possible, the aircraft is likely to crash.

He quickly checked the various systems of the aircraft, trying to find a solution.

However, the destructive power of the Stinger missile was too strong, and many systems of the aircraft had failed. All he could do was to try to control the descent speed of the aircraft and find a relatively safe place to make an emergency landing.

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