Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 622 Today the bell tolls for you!

Gotham City, the notorious crime capital in the second dimension, is like a charming poppy flower. The more you understand it, the more you can feel the deadly temperament of this city.

Whenever the city with the highest crime rate is mentioned, many people will think of Gotham City first. It is a playground for lunatics and psychopaths, a paradise for serial killers and criminal geniuses.

Sin and darkness have long been engraved in the bones of this city like DNA, and the superhero born in this bizarre and chaotic stage is Batman.

The Joker, the Penguin, Two-Face, the Riddler, Killer Croc, the Black Mask, Bane, Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang, Deadshot, Deathstroke, Mad Hatter, Professor Pig, Firefly, Solomon Grundy, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Mr. Freeze, Clayface, Man-Bat, Ninja Master, Silence.

The stories presented by these numerous villains and classic works have made Gotham, the crime capital, and Batman.

Unlike other superheroes, he does not walk on the bright side of the world to enforce justice, but merges with the darkness and punishes criminals in his own way.

As he said, "To overcome fear, you must become fear." In the first few years of his becoming Batman, the Gotham Police Department thought that his behavior crossed the line more than once, but in fact, no one knows better than Batman what the bottom line is.

At this moment, Batman is standing quietly on the roof, staring at the distant sky with a torch-like gaze.

In the night, a dazzling fire broke through the sky, accompanied by a huge explosion, the Terminator's Decepticon aircraft swayed in the air, and finally fell heavily, raising a cloud of dust.

Batman frowned, and a rare serious expression appeared on his face.

He whispered to himself: "Violence... is it always unavoidable?" There was a bit of helplessness and sadness in his voice.

At this moment, Batman turned over, his body jumped up like a light swallow, and followed closely, chasing in the direction of the Decepticon aircraft falling.

His figure quickly disappeared on the roof, leaving only a faint moonlight sprinkled on the place where he had just stood.

Soon, the smoke and dust gradually dissipated at the place where the Decepticon aircraft crashed, revealing a huge pit.

Luther strode out of his Decepticon.

"Your wings are gone, God of the World."

In the dim twilight, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him. The figure was like a beast lurking in the dark, suddenly leaping out, ready to give the prey a fatal blow.

The figure was wearing orange armor, which was covered with scratches and traces of battle, showing the extraordinary experience of its owner.

The mask covered most of his face, revealing only a fierce eye, like a hungry beast, staring at the prey, ready to pounce at any time.

He was sturdy and muscular, standing there like a hill. The two samurai swords behind him flashed cold light in the sun, and the blades seemed to contain endless power, which made people shudder.

Luther looked up.

He recognized this man - Slade Wilson, codenamed Deathstroke, a legendary figure with a great reputation in the mercenary world.

His existence is like an insurmountable nightmare, which makes countless enemies terrified.

If Batman is DC's biological father, then Deathstroke is DC's uncle.

Slade Joseph Wilson has various enhanced abilities, ten times the physical fitness of ordinary people, and a brain development rate of up to 90%, which makes him a tactical genius and good at analyzing the enemy. Such abilities are attributed to his years of military and combat operations against various heroes.

Slade Joseph Wilson's blood has a healing factor, which makes his healing speed for physical injuries much faster than a normal person, but there are still certain limitations, such as his lost right eye and limbs cannot regenerate.

If you are fatally injured, although you can recover, it will make you crazy and bestial for a short time.

The most outrageous record is in the N52 comics, where he defeated Wonder Woman in a hand-to-hand fight. That's Wonder Woman!

And even without kryptonite, he can escape from Superman.

"Today's death knell will toll for you."

The voice of the death knell was low and cold, as if it came from the depths of hell. He slowly pulled out the samurai sword behind him, and the blade drew a perfect arc in the air, exuding a cold murderous aura.

"You broke my aircraft, so take your money to pay off the debt, mercenary."

Luther sneered and said, his figure suddenly flashed.

The pupils of the death knell shrank, and he immediately noticed Luther's movements.

However, Luther's speed was far beyond his imagination, and he rushed towards him like a flash of lightning.

"You broke my aircraft, so take your money to pay off the debt, mercenary."

Before Luther finished speaking, his figure had already rushed towards the death knell like lightning.

The pupils of the death knell shrank, and he could not catch Luther's disappearing figure at all.

At the moment when Luther rushed over, the death knell slightly turned his body to try to avoid this fierce attack.

However, Luther's movements were a few points faster than he expected. He only felt a huge force coming, and the whole person lost his balance.


Luther's fist, with the sound of a sonic boom and tiger roar, smashed into the abdomen of the bell. The fist seemed to contain a thousand pounds of force, and the air trembled wherever it passed. The pupils of the bell suddenly contracted, and he could feel the horror of that force.

However, at this moment, he had no way to avoid it. He could only grit his teeth and take the blow.


A dull sound rang out, and the abdomen of the bell was hit hard by Luther's fist. At that moment, he seemed to hear the sound of his internal organs shattering. His abdomen instantly sank, and blood and internal organs splashed out.

The severe pain spread throughout his body, and the bell felt that his internal organs seemed to be shattered. His body lost balance in the air and flew backwards like a fallen leaf.

"Cough!" The bell spit out a mouthful of blood, staining his mask red. His body rolled in the air, and every roll brought an unbearable pain. He felt as if his internal organs were torn apart, and the pain made him almost unable to breathe.

However, the bell did not give up.

He endured the severe pain in his abdomen and ignored the internal organs that splashed out.

He quickly inserted the knife into the ground, using the resistance of the earth to slow down his backward flying speed. His body rolled in the air, but the samurai sword in his hand was always tightly held.

Finally, after flying backwards for dozens of meters, Deathstroke's body came to a stop.

He covered the deep, bloody wound on his abdomen, and blood flowed out through his fingers.

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