Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 630 An unexpected event

"This is what superheroes are..."

Clark Kent whispered to himself, his eyes locked on the newspaper in his hand.

On the front page of the newspaper was the magnificent figure of Gotham City's superhero, the Terminator.

His body is burly and muscular, like a towering mountain, giving people an indestructible feeling.

The headline of the newspaper clearly read: "The guardian of Gotham City, the Light Knight Terminator once again repels the forces of darkness!"

Clark felt an indescribable excitement in his heart.

He has lived in a world where supernatural powers have always been the stuff of comic book fantasy.

In this DC world where there have been no superheroes and only Marvel Comics, it can be said that the Terminator and Batman are the first generation superheroes.

After all, Wonder Woman Diana only became active during World War II and went into hiding not long after.

Of course the world doesn't know about her, and as for Green Lantern, even fewer people know about it.

The young man wore a white mask on his face and a hat on his head, covering his face tightly.

Clark Kent!

This is not a Superman who incarnates justice, but a Superman with a delicate mind who is still in a period of confusion and hesitation.

He has a "divine" side, selfless and fearless, but at the same time he also has a human side. He is confused and has human love and hate. He does not look at things from a god's perspective like Dr. Manhattan, but from an ordinary perspective. Think from a human perspective.

He has always been confused about his own existence. He faces the past and the future, and is questioned by humans.

His father Jonathan told him before he died.

"People are afraid of things they don't understand, that you're going to break their minds, and they're not ready for a miracle like this."

But now, Clark sees a god emerging in Gotham City.

The god on earth is also a god, and Gotham City praises him, praising him as the guardian of Gotham City, the Knight of Light.

One man reduced the crime rate in Gotham City to unprecedented levels.

And he, Clark Kent, an alien with superhuman abilities, has been hiding his true identity. He often feels confused and helpless, not knowing what the meaning and value of his existence are.

He raised his head and looked at the sky outside the window, feeling an indescribable excitement in his heart.

Clark has always felt that he is special. He has superhuman strength, can fly in the sky, and has a nearly invincible body.

However, he has always hidden his identity and lived an ordinary life. He is afraid that his presence will cause panic and that he will be regarded as a monster.

Now, however, he saw the Terminator.

This superhero not only has powerful power, but more importantly, he uses his power to protect the city and guard people's peace. His appearance allowed Clark to see the meaning and value of his existence.

"Can I protect the world like him?"

A strong desire surged in Clark's heart.

He imagined that he was like the Terminator, wearing a battle armor, flying over the city, and fighting evil forces. He imagined himself using his own power to protect people's smiles and happiness.

However, he is an alien, not an earthling.

This often left him feeling lonely and isolated. He fears that his true identity will be revealed and that he will be ostracized and isolated.

Clark took off his hat and mask, revealing a handsome and resolute face. There was a firm light in his eyes, as if he had made up his mind.

A strong impulse surged in his heart. He wants to find this Terminator, wants to get answers from him, and wants to know the meaning and value of his existence.

Clark embarks on a journey to Gotham City. He crossed the vast fields and mountains, and flew over the boundless ocean and sky. His heart was full of anticipation and excitement, as if a brand new world was about to be revealed.

Finally, he arrived in Gotham City.

Gotham City, a city full of darkness and sin, now has an existence known as the "God on Earth" - the Terminator.

Like a bolt of lightning, he pierced the night sky of Gotham City, frightening those once unscrupulous criminals. His appearance has reduced the crime rate in Gotham City to unprecedented levels, and also made people full of expectations and hope for the future.

Clark stood on the street, looking at the innocent smiles of the children, and listening to them praising the heroic deeds of the Terminator, he couldn't help but feel a surge of complicated emotions in his heart. He understood that the Terminator used his power to guard the city and bring peace and happiness to people.

Clark stood on the top of a tall building, overlooking the entire Gotham City.

He began to search for traces of the Terminator in Gotham City.

He traveled to every corner of the city, asking everyone who might know the whereabouts of the Terminator.

However, the Terminator seems to be a mysterious existence, and his whereabouts are always erratic and elusive.

Although Clark has superhuman perception, he has never been able to capture the exact location of the Terminator.

As night falls slowly, the neon lights of Gotham City begin to light up one by one, like stars falling from the sky into the mortal world. Every lamp tells a story that belongs to the city, whether happy or sad, bright or dark.

Clark stood quietly on the top of a tall building, his eyes piercing through the dark night, overlooking the entire city. Every corner of the city seemed to become clear in his sight.

He was looking for the figure called the Terminator.

The Terminator, a terrifying name, an existence that keeps criminals in Gotham City awake at night. He is like a clear stream in the city, constantly washing away the filth of sin.

However, the Terminator is not omnipotent. Although he can easily resist the invasion of bullets and can smash the enemy's body with one punch, he also has his own limitations.

He cannot take care of all the sins at the same time.

Smuggling, drug trafficking, human trafficking... These crimes are still growing in the dark of Gotham City.

Tonight, the Terminator's eyes are fixed on the scene of a smuggling activity.

Smuggling, this seemingly insignificant crime, hides endless sins and darkness. Smuggled items are often not just simple goods, but also the interests of countless people behind them.

He stood in the shadow of an abandoned warehouse, his eyes like a torch. He was tall and strong, standing like a mountain.

His face was expressionless, like a sculpture, with only his deep eyes flashing a firm light in the darkness.

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