Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 631 Confused Passer-by Dachao

The smugglers didn't know they were being targeted. They were still busy moving the smuggled goods. However, they didn't know that the god of death had quietly arrived.

Luther moved, his movements were as swift and graceful as a cheetah. He walked through the dark corridor, avoiding the surveillance cameras one by one, and quietly approached the smugglers.

Every step he took seemed to be precisely calculated, without any hesitation or delay.

Finally, he came in front of the smugglers. His appearance was like a flash of lightning that cut through the darkness, shocking everyone.

They tried to resist, but Luther was faster than them. He easily snatched the gun in his hand, and then smashed a smuggler's body with one punch.

The flesh and blood body seemed so fragile and vulnerable in front of Luther. He seemed to be a death god from hell, harvesting these sinful lives.

The smugglers fled in panic, but Luther did not let them go.

He hovered in the air like a falcon, looking for the next target. Each of his moves was precise and deadly, making everyone feel desperate and terrified.

When the last smuggler fell, Luther stopped.

He stood there, overlooking the corpses and messy goods on the ground. There was no mercy or sympathy in his eyes, only disgust and hatred for sin.

Clark looked at the Terminator's devastating massacre in disbelief.

He felt as if he was not seeing a superhero, but the god of death, the killer.

Clark witnessed the whole process from a high-rise building.

He saw the Terminator rushing into the enemy group like a tiger descending from the mountain, and his figure looked extremely tall under the light. He walked towards the enemy's leader step by step, facing the enemy's gun bullets.

Those bullets hit him, as if they hit a copper wall and iron wall, and could not cause any harm to him at all.

When the Terminator walked in front of the leader, he punched hard.

That punch seemed to contain the power of artillery shells and explosives, directly blowing up the leader's body.

Blood and minced meat splattered everywhere, and the scene was extremely tragic.

The power of the Terminator has surpassed the limits of human beings. His body seems to be made of steel and concrete, indestructible.

His eyes are full of complex emotions.

He looked at the Terminator, his heart full of doubts and uneasiness.

This is completely different from the scene he imagined. He originally thought he would see a heroic battle and a messenger of justice, but the reality gave him a heavy blow.


At this moment, Luther looked up at Clark. His eyes were as sharp as a knife, as if he could penetrate all hypocrisy and lies. Clark's heart tightened, he knew he was discovered. He was a little panicked, not knowing whether he should get close, but the next moment, he saw Luther rushing towards him.

Luther's speed was very fast, and his figure quickly enlarged in Clark's sight. Clark could clearly see the firmness and coldness on Luther's face, as if nothing could stop him.

Clark's heartbeat accelerated, and he felt an unprecedented pressure.

The speed was very fast, and it only took one second to cover a hundred meters. However, it was still very slow in Clark's eyes. He could clearly catch the figure of the other party. In just a few breaths, Luther appeared in front of Clark.


Clark looked closely at this tall and strong man with a dark golden circuit board pattern in a black tights.

Luther was a little curious about who he was, but when he saw Clark, he was even more surprised.


How could Superman appear in Gotham City?

Luther then saw through Clark's inner thoughts and knew that he wanted to come to Gotham City to find him.

He was attracted by himself.

So that's it, Superman who was in a confused period, traveling around the world, and working in the polar oil field.

Luther didn't expect that he could lead the plot to such a degree.

Wasn't he just having a blast in Gotham City? Why did Superman come?

"Who are you?"

Luther pretended not to know Clark.

Clark Kent stood opposite him, wearing ordinary casual clothes, but his deep eyes revealed a light beyond ordinary people. He tried to stay calm, but his heart was full of tension and expectation.

He raised his head, met Luther's eyes, and said: "My name is Clark Kent, and I'm a traveler."

He wanted to ask Luther if he was his kind, that is, an alien, but he felt that it was too rude and unlikely.

"What are you doing here?"

Luther continued to ask.

Clark paused, then said: "I... I was attracted."


Luther frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Clark took a deep breath, then said: "I don't know how to explain, but your power... I think you are very special, so I want to come and see."

There was a hint of uncertainty and confusion in his words.

"Are you... the same as me?"

Clark asked suddenly, with a hint of trembling and expectation in his voice.

"I don't know what you are talking about. If you are a tourist, then welcome to Gotham, but don't go out too late."

Luther said calmly.

There was a hint of warning in his words, as if telling Clark that this place was not as safe as he thought.

Clark couldn't help but feel a little disappointed after hearing Luther's words.

He continued with some reluctance: "I, I have the same power as you."

There was a hint of eagerness and desire in his words, as if he wanted to prove his identity.

As he spoke, Clark broke off the iron railing next to him. The steel in his hands was no different than a soft one wrapped around his fingers. It was like mud for him to play with, making a creepy metal friction sound.


Luther felt stung.

Clark seemed to realize his gaffe. He quickly put away his strength and looked at Luther with some embarrassment.

"Sorry, I...I just wanted to prove it to you."

He whispered, a hint of apology and uneasiness in his voice.

Luther was silent for a while, and then said: "I don't know who you are or your purpose. But if you really have power, you should learn how to control it instead of showing it at will."

"It's my natural talent."

Clark paused, and then continued: "You know, I have always felt that I am a monster because I have this power. I dare not tell others, and I dare not show it easily. But now, I meet you, I Finally no longer alone.”

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