Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 632 Dachao as assistant?

"Sorry, my power is not innate, but obtained through my own research."

Luther was talking serious nonsense.

Clark had a look of disappointment on his face when he heard Luther's words.

He originally thought that he had finally found a being like himself, a companion who also had super powers.

However, reality told him that Luther's power was not innate, but acquired through his own hard work.

Clark has felt lonely and confused since he was a child because of his differences. His power is powerful and dangerous, and he can hurt others if he is not careful.

Therefore, he is afraid of contact with people and is afraid of being regarded as a monster. After learning that he was an alien, he even chose to run away from home to escape reality.

However, even though he was wandering in loneliness, Clark still longed to be part of a group and to have friends deep down in his heart.

He longs to be recognized and to live like an ordinary person. However, his strength has become the biggest obstacle to his integration into society.

Clark knew how terrifying his power was, and he didn't dare show it to anyone easily. He is afraid that he will hurt others if he is not careful, so he always carefully hides his power.

He even felt disgusted and afraid of himself deep down, feeling that he was a monster.

But when he met Luther, he saw hope. Luther also has superpowers and doesn't seem to be as bound by his powers as he is.

Clark thought he had finally found someone he could talk to and rely on. However, reality disappointed him again.

Clark didn't give up completely, though.

He thought about it and felt that even if Luther's power was obtained through research, it was still power!

"Can I...can I stay by your side?"

Clark hesitated, then worked up the courage to ask. He knew he might be a little presumptuous, but he really didn't want to go back to a lonely life again.

Luther raised his eyebrows, "What's going on, young man?"

It seems very gay for you to speak like this.

Luther did have his own unique insights into the selection of assistants.

He prefers those beautiful young ladies and understanding elder sisters as his assistants. It seems that such a combination can bring him a different kind of pleasure.

Whenever he thinks of those smart, capable and considerate female assistants, a smile will always appear on his lips unconsciously.

However, when his thoughts drifted back to reality, he couldn't help but start to imagine what it would be like if Superman Clark could become his assistant?

Imagine that in the future, Batman's assistants are heroic warriors such as Robin, and his assistant is Clark, the superman who has invincible power and can fly and escape! Such a combination is undoubtedly very shocking.

However, Luther had a clear understanding of Clark's character and beliefs. He knew that Clark was a kind and kind person, which was incompatible with his ruthless behavior.

"Are you sure? I don't need that kind-hearted trash, that will only hurt more people."

Luther looked at Clark, his eyes were firm and cold, and his tone was full of no doubt.

Clark was shocked by Luther's words. He hesitated, not knowing how to respond.

He recalled the scene when he saw Luther going on a killing spree, and he was really shocked by the ruthless and cruel style. This was completely contrary to the education he had received since childhood and made him feel at a loss.

"Clark, you have to remember, kill one person to save a hundred people."

Luther said calmly.

"They all deserve to die. Our laws cannot judge them. Although the law is fair, the people who enforce it are not fair. Therefore, the best way is to send them to hell and let the devil judge them!"

These words made Clark think deeply.

He had never killed anyone or even thought about killing anyone.

The education he received since childhood was kindness, mercy and justice. He believed that everyone should be treated fairly and not be deprived of life at will.

However, he also understood that what Luther said was not entirely unreasonable. In this world full of sin and injustice, sometimes someone really needs to stand up and uphold justice in a more direct and decisive way.

He never imagined that he would kill someone, let alone imagined what it would be like to kill someone. If he really did this, he didn't know whether he could sleep peacefully at night or whether he would have nightmares.

However, Luther seemed not to give Clark much time to think.

He turned and walked away, leaving Clark alone in a daze. Clark looked at Luther's retreating back, feeling filled with confusion and confusion.

In the days that followed, Clark began to try to understand Luther's ideas and actions.

He tried hard to think about whether those so-called "dead" people really deserved to die and whether they really could not get a fair trial through the law.

He tried to see things from Luther's perspective, to understand the idea of ​​sacrificing individuals for the sake of greater justice.

The kind of method that uses violence to fight violence and killing to stop killing.

Luther was not idle either. Although Deadshot was a waste, his head was picked up by Batman and sent to prison.

But Deathstroke and Batman are not done yet.

The two tactical masters began to make plans based on Luther's situation.

Deathstroke, a tactical master known for his ruthlessness, proposed a bold idea.

He planned to try to use larger caliber weapons to test whether the Terminator really had an indestructible, invulnerable steel body as rumored.

He firmly believed that no carbon-based creature could withstand the fierce attack of thermal weapons. This proposal immediately aroused Batman's opposition.

Although the use of large-caliber weapons may cause certain damage to the Terminator, it will also bring great risks to innocent citizens.

Therefore, he firmly opposed Deathstroke's proposal and believed that a method must be found to deal with the Terminator and protect the citizens to the greatest extent.

At Batman's insistence, the two began to explore other possibilities in depth. In the end, Batman decided to create a new set of armor-anti-Terminator armor.

He knew that in order to defeat the powerful Terminator, he must rely on advanced scientific and technological forces.

Now Deathstroke is a tester of the "anti-Terminator armor".

Iron Man Tony Stark's armor can resist anyone he fights against, but Batman is different. His armor can really resist anyone he says he will resist.

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