Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 643: Unstoppable

At the same time, deep in Arkham Asylum, Deathstroke was also secretly observing all this. He was like a cheetah lurking in the dark, ready to attack at any time.

He was wearing a black leather jacket, which was close to his skin, as if it was his second skin. The leather jacket glowed coldly under the dim light, giving people a mysterious and dangerous feeling.

He had a cold smile on his face, as if he had seen through all the hypocrisy and lies in the world.

Deathstroke sneered at the so-called plans of those gangsters and Arkham Asylum. In his view, the Terminator is an invincible existence, and any power that wants to challenge him is overestimating its own strength.

The power of the Terminator exceeds that of ordinary people, and he is unmatched in both physical strength and skills. He is like a ruthless killing machine, and any obstacle in front of him will be ruthlessly destroyed.

However, Deathstroke also knows that the Terminator is not invincible. If he really encounters a force that can restrain him, then the myth of the Terminator's invincibility may be broken.

Therefore, he was also secretly paying attention to the dynamics of Arkham Asylum, wanting to see if they really prepared any secret weapons.

Luther walked quickly in the corridor, his steps were firm and powerful. His eyes were like torches, and he observed the movements around him vigilantly. He knew that he was in the core area of ​​Arkham Asylum, which was full of danger and madness.

Suddenly, a violent vibration came, as if something was waking up deep underground. Luther immediately raised his head alertly, only to see the wall suddenly burst open, rubble splashed, and smoke and dust filled the air.

Several figures rushed out of the rubble, their bodies were twisted and huge, their skin was covered with blue veins and blood vessels, and they looked extremely hideous.

These were ordinary criminals who were injected with Titan venom. They used to be the dregs of society, but now they have become like this.

Titan venom made them extremely powerful, but also made them lose their minds, become crazy and violent.

They roared and rushed towards Luther, their voices like the roar of wild beasts, shaking the entire corridor. Their eyes were full of madness and violence, as if they wanted to destroy everything in front of them.

However, Luther was not afraid at all. He rushed towards the criminals.

Luther threw a punch, and a powerful force burst out instantly. There was a dull bang in the air, as if something was torn apart. A criminal was punched out by him, smashing the wall, leaving only one leg outside. The leg was still twitching, as if telling the horror it had just encountered.

The remaining criminals were stunned by the situation, and before they could react, Luther had already thrown three punches in an instant. Each punch contained a powerful force, and each punch was like thunder. Those criminals could not resist at all, and were knocked out by Luther one by one. Their bodies drew arcs in the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Luther's movements were swift and smooth, as if they had been tempered by thousands of hammers. Each of his punches was accurate and powerful, and each of his kicks was steady and solid. He was like a sophisticated machine, performing his tasks efficiently and ruthlessly.

Ordinary boxers can jab in seconds, let alone Luther?

The criminals hit by Luther no longer had a human form, only some broken limbs and arms were left scattered on the ground. Their blood dyed the ground red, mixed with gravel and dust, forming a tragic and terrifying picture.

At this time, in a monitoring room in Arkham Asylum, Bane was watching all this through the screen. His face was solemn, his brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

"The power is far beyond Batman and the people injected with Titan venom..."

Bane muttered to himself.

After realizing that the Terminator and Batman were not the same type of enemies, Bane changed the plan in the original plot, because the Terminator would not bother to capture the escaped criminals and mentally ill people...

The Terminator would not be consumed by these criminals at all, he would just ruthlessly destroy them all.

It is impossible to consume the Terminator's physical strength and spirit in this way, so Bane intends to use this crazy Arkham night to find out the Terminator's intelligence.

Bane realized that he needed to re-evaluate this enemy. The Terminator is not an opponent like Batman who can be dealt with through wisdom and skills. His strength and speed are far beyond ordinary people and can hardly be dealt with by conventional methods.

Bane began to think about a new plan. He knew that in order to defeat the Terminator, he must find his weaknesses. However, the Terminator does not seem to have obvious weaknesses. His body is indestructible and his power is endless.

However, Bane did not give up. He believed that as long as he observed and analyzed carefully, he would be able to find the Terminator's flaws. After all, no matter how powerful the enemy is, there will be weaknesses. It just takes time and patience to find them.

So, Bane continued to observe the situation on the monitoring screen, while also thinking about new countermeasures. He knew that this battle had just begun, and the real contest was still to come.

A huge bat suddenly swooped down on Luther from the darkness, and its wingspan was so large that it almost occupied the width of the entire aisle. Luther was startled. He almost thought that Batman was attacking him, but he immediately rejected this idea.

Although Batman is also symbolized by the bat, he would never attack him at this time.

This huge bat is the human-bat Kurt Langston.

Kurt was originally an outstanding zoologist who had in-depth research on the hearing ability of bats.

He wanted to cure his deafness, so he developed a drug containing bat DNA serum and injected it into his body without hesitation.

However, he did not expect that the drug would have such strong side effects. Although Kurt successfully cured his deafness, he also turned into a half-man, half-bat monster.

Kurt the human-bat roared and rushed towards Luther, his voice was sharp and piercing, as if it could pierce a person's eardrum.

Luther grabbed Kurt's two claws, and then suddenly exerted force to tear Kurt the human-bat in half.

Blood and minced meat splattered, and the whole corridor was filled with a disgusting smell of blood.

Then Luther threw a fire bomb to burn Kurt the human-bat's body to prevent him from regenerating.

Although Luther didn't know whether he could regenerate like this.

But killing people must be finished!

Luther waited for a while until the thermite completely turned Kurt the human-bat into ashes before moving on.

Then he encountered his first problem.

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