Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 644 Killing Machine

"Terminator, look around, these are policemen and security guards, you don't want to see them die because of you, right?"

In the open courtyard of Arkham Asylum, the atmosphere suddenly became tense.

The gangsters stood not far away, holding their weapons tightly in their hands, with a sly smile on their faces.

They were frightened by the Terminator's ruthless killing methods. They no longer tried to fight with force, but turned to a more sinister method - hostage threat.

This problem is undoubtedly a huge challenge for the Terminator.

He stood in the middle of the open field, his eyes swept coldly over the shivering policemen, security guards and doctors and nurses of Arkham Asylum. Their faces were haggard, and it was obvious that the changes of this night had exhausted them.

Batman, who followed, quietly hid in the dark, watching the development of the situation with a sharp eye.

He was looking for an opportunity to save the hostages. Batman would not put his hope on the Terminator's choice. No matter what the Terminator's choice was, Batman would only put saving and protecting the hostages first.

This is Batman!

Deathstroke was also keeping an eye on the situation from a distance, with a hint of playfulness in his eyes. In his opinion, this might be a good opportunity to observe the Terminator's reaction.

After all, as the guardian of Gotham City, the Terminator now shoulders the responsibility of protecting the hostages.

Faced with so many hostages, what choice will the Terminator make?

Over the sky of Arkham Asylum, the helicopter of the TV station was hovering, and the camera lens was tightly locked on this scene. The eyes of the entire Gotham City were focused here, waiting for the next move of the Terminator.

"Hurry up and put down your weapons and surrender!"

The criminals shouted triumphantly, they believed that their strategy had worked.

After all, in this society full of moral constraints, it is impossible for a hero to watch hostages being hurt.

They seemed to see the weakness of the Terminator. In their opinion, as long as there were hostages in their hands, they could make this superhero helpless.

However, the Terminator did not lay down his weapons as they wished. He stood there with a firm look, as if thinking about something. He knew that every move he made would affect these innocent lives.

However, he also knew that if he surrendered now, these criminals and lunatics would continue to do evil and bring more disasters to Gotham City.

Batman silently observed the Terminator's reaction in the dark, and his heart was full of contradictions. He knew that the Terminator was now in a dilemma. As the guardian of Gotham City, he could not easily intervene.

Deathstroke had an expression of watching a good show. He did not care about the life and death of these hostages. He just wanted to know how the Terminator would deal with this situation.

The helicopter of the TV station hovered over Gotham City, like a huge eye, watching everything in the city. The camera lens locked tightly on the confrontation scene that was happening, and every detail was clearly transmitted to every viewer.

The citizens of Gotham City stopped what they were doing and looked up at the sky, full of expectations and tension. They knew that the result of this confrontation would determine the fate of many people and would also affect the future of the entire city.

At this moment, the Terminator suddenly moved.

He slowly raised the gun in his hand and pointed it at the criminals and lunatics. Every detail revealed the Terminator's firm determination.

However, although the Terminator's eyes were cold and firm, his eyes never left the trembling hostages.

Their faces were full of fear and helplessness, as if they had become the only concern in the Terminator's heart.

"Do you think you can threaten me with hostages?"

The Terminator said coldly, revealing an unquestionable majesty in his voice.

"I'm not the kind of hero you think I am. I won't be soft because of your threats."

His voice echoed in the air, like a cold wind, blowing away the fluke in the hearts of the criminals.

The criminals realized that something was wrong and they began to panic.

One of them shouted loudly: "Quick, kill a few hostages to deter him!"

They wanted to threaten the Terminator with more cruel means so that he would not dare to act rashly.

However, at the moment when they were about to pull the trigger, the Terminator suddenly moved.

His movements were as fast as lightning, and it was almost impossible to see his figure.

A series of gunshots rang out, dense and rapid like a rainstorm.

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang————"

He pulled the trigger, and a series of gunshots rang out in the air, like an exciting symphony.

Each bullet hit the target accurately, and the criminals fell to the ground almost at the same time, their heads exploded as if they were hit by a heavy hammer, and blood splattered.

Gun smoke filled the air, and the pungent smell made people frown.

However, in this chaos and gun smoke, the hostages were unharmed.

They stared at the scene in front of them blankly, as if they couldn't believe their eyes, and their frightened eyes gradually revealed a light of surprise and relief.

They couldn't believe that the Terminator could kill all the criminals one by one in such a short time, and didn't hurt them at all.

The Terminator was so fast that it could get rid of all the criminals in such a short time.

Batman also saw this scene, and his heart was filled with shock.

He always thought that he was an excellent warrior and hero, but at this moment, he deeply felt his own shortcomings.

He wanted to help the hostages block the bullet, but his speed was not as fast as the bullet.

More importantly, he saw that all the criminals' heads exploded almost at the same time, and this speed and accuracy were beyond his imagination.

Batman knew that someone could use a revolver to fire two shots in 0.0175 seconds and blow up two balloons at a certain distance at close range.

That was an amazing record in the firearms industry, requiring extremely high skills and concentration.

However, the speed and accuracy shown by the Terminator in front of him far exceeded that record. He used an automatic pistol, and the firing rate and accuracy of an automatic pistol were much lower than that of a revolver.

More importantly, the Terminator did not seem to use any special skills or aiming. He simply raised the gun and pulled the trigger.

This speed and accuracy were as perfect as a machine.

Batman couldn't help but have a question in his mind: What kind of person is this Terminator? Why does he have such amazing abilities?

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