Kryptonian: Man of Steel

Chapter 653 Female Ninja and Wild Cat

Talia's heart beat a little faster, and every beat seemed to remind her of her current situation. Although she had reached a cooperation agreement with Luther, she knew that she could not rush to reveal the true face of the Terminator. She had to remain calm, wait patiently, and find the best time.

She looked at Luther's back as he left, and a complex emotion surged in her heart. The cooperation between them was both a combination of interests and the beginning of mutual use. She couldn't let Luther see her true purpose, otherwise all her plans would come to nothing. Her heartbeat echoed in the empty room, as if telling of her inner tension and expectation.

With her injured body, Talia staggered back to her carefully prepared hiding place. This warehouse is located on the edge of Gotham City, sparsely populated, and has complex terrain and building structures, which is very suitable for hiding and avoiding tracking.

She used the debris and obstacles in the warehouse to cleverly build a hidden hiding space. Although the space is not large, it is enough to accommodate her body and necessities. She placed some necessary daily necessities and weapons and equipment here in case of emergency.

Talia carefully checked every corner to make sure there were no omissions. She knew very well that the Terminator was cunning and powerful, and any negligence could lead to fatal consequences. Therefore, she must be fully prepared to avoid any accidents.

After confirming that everything was safe, Talia began to disconnect all contact with the Assassin's League. She deleted all communication records and destroyed evidence that might expose her identity. She knew that she had to be careful and not leave any traces. Only in this way could she hide herself better and wait for the best time to come.

Her heart was full of determination and confidence. She knew that this battle would be extremely difficult and dangerous, but she was fully prepared. She silently thought in her heart: "Terminator, you will only be mine!" There was a firm light in her eyes, as if she had seen the moment when she successfully captured the Terminator.

However, what Talia didn't know was that Luther had actually been watching her in secret. He knew Talia's details very well, and even knew about her plans and ideas. He saw where Talia was hiding and all the preparations she had made. He did not interfere or stop her actions directly, but chose to observe silently to see how she would deal with the next challenge.

Luther watched Talia's every move with interest. He felt that Talia was very well prepared, and it was completely in line with the image of a street vigilante who was preparing to be a single-handed vigilante in Gotham City. He noticed that the weapons and equipment prepared by Talia were all common firearms, and the accessories were not complete, and they looked like they were just bought casually.

Only weapons such as shuriken and short swords used by ninja assassins can be considered fine products. Although these weapons are small, they are very powerful and require extremely high skills and accuracy to use.

Talia put these weapons in the most conspicuous position, obviously to show her strength and identity. Such an arrangement is completely in line with the identity of a female ninja she prepared for herself.

It can only be said that Talia was really too attentive.

So, on a dark and windy night, Luther took Catwoman Selina and started their action. According to the plan made in advance, they quietly went to a certain area of ​​Gotham City where criminal gangs often appeared, and they were ready to carry out an unexpected strike.

At this moment, at the agreed time and place, Talia also appeared on time. She changed into a female ninja outfit according to the agreement with Luther.

Her upper body was tight and elastic, which allowed her to move flexibly, while her lower body pants were loose and comfortable, which was convenient for movement. She also wore a sharp ninja sword on her waist, and the blade flashed with cold light, revealing a sharp breath.

The lower half of her face was covered by a black cloth, revealing only a pair of sharp and firm eyes. Her eyes were like two bright stars, shining in the dark, revealing an indomitable spirit.

Her long hair was loose, fluttering gently with her movements, adding a bit of mystery and elegance.

When she appeared in front of Luther and Catwoman, her appearance seemed to add a touch of bright color to the dark night. She nodded slightly, signaled to Luther, and then stood quietly aside, waiting for the next action.

"Terminator, here I come."

Catwoman Selina was immediately stimulated when she saw Talia appear.

She stared at Talia vigilantly like a house cat guarding food, fearing that she would take away her position or mission.

She looked at Talia's female ninja outfit, and a feeling of jealousy surged in her heart. She felt that her position in Luther's heart was threatened, as if a new competitor had appeared.

So, like a wild cat, she showed her sharp claws to Talia.

Her voice was full of hostility and dissatisfaction, and she said: "Terminator, who is she? Why is she here?"

Luther looked at Catwoman, smiled slightly, and replied: "Catwoman, don't be nervous. She is our new comrade-in-arms, and she also wants to eradicate the evil and darkness of Gotham City. Her joining will make our strength stronger."

Hearing Luther's explanation, Catwoman's dissatisfaction subsided a little.

But she still said unwillingly: "But I think the two of us are enough! Didn't we always cooperate well before?"

After listening, Luther shook his head and said, "Catwoman, although we cooperate well, the evil forces in Gotham City are larger and more complex than we imagined. We need more power to fight them. Moreover, the female ninja is a very capable fighter. Her joining will make our plan more perfect."

After listening, Catwoman still felt unwilling, but she didn't say anything. She knew that Luther was a man with his own ideas and would not change his mind easily.

Moreover, she also knew that one more comrade-in-arms would be one more strength. However, she still couldn't completely let go of her vigilance and hostility in her heart.

And Talia remained calm and composed. She was not angry or dissatisfied with Catwoman's hostility, nor did she get carried away by Luther's praise.

She was just a bystander, quietly observing all this.

What's more, Talia's arrangement for Catwoman was to send her to death, so that she would not hinder her relationship with the Terminator.

Naturally, she would not care about a mere wild cat.

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